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Pitch Black
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Pitch Black (2000)

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User Rating: 6.9/10 (40,415 votes)
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David Twohy
Writers (WGA):
Jim Wheat (story) &
Ken Wheat (story) ...
Release Date:
18 February 2000 (USA) more view trailer
Fight Evil With Evil more
A group of marooned space travelers struggle for survival on a seemingly lifeless sun-scorched world. full summary | full synopsis
2 wins & 4 nominations more
(24 articles)
Will Babylon A.D. Cancel Vin Diesel’s Comeback? (From Screen Rant. 29 August 2008, 7:58 AM, PDT)
Int: Vin Diesel (From JoBlo. 29 August 2008, 1:43 AM, PDT)
User Comments:
Relentless and gorgeous sci-fi action film more


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Additional Details

Also Known As:
Nightfall (USA) (working title)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Pitch Black (USA) (DVD box title)
Rated R for sci-fi violence and gore, and for language.
110 min | Argentina:100 min | USA:112 min (unrated version)
Australia | USA
Aspect Ratio:
2.35 : 1 more
South Korea:18 | Iceland:14 | Iceland:16 (video rating) | Argentina:16 | Australia:M | Canada:13+ (Quebec) | Canada:14A (Alberta/British Columbia/Manitoba/Ontario) | Canada:14 (Nova Scotia) | Canada:18 (Nova Scotia) (director's cut) | Finland:K-16 | France:U | Germany:16 (w) | Hong Kong:IIB | Ireland:15 | Netherlands:16 | New Zealand:M | Norway:15 | Singapore:M18 | Singapore:PG (cut) | Spain:13 | Sweden:15 | UK:15 | USA:R | USA:Unrated (director's cut) | Philippines:PG-13
Filming Locations:
Queensland, Australia more
MOVIEmeter: ?
^ 61% since last week why?

Fun Stuff

Desert scenes filmed in the same location used for Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) more
Factual errors: During the ground crash sequence, objects within the ship should be thrown forward due to decelerating inertia, not pulled backwards as though the ship was accelerating. more
[first lines]
Riddick: [voiceover] They say most of your brain shuts down in cryo-sleep. All but the primitive side, the animal side. No wonder I'm still awake. Transporting me with civilians. Sounded like 40, 40-plus. Heard an Arab voice. Some hoodoo holy man, probably on his way to New Mecca. But what route? What route? I smelt a woman. Sweat, boots, tool belt, leather. Prospector type. Free settlers. And they only take the back roads. And here's my real problem. Mr. Johns...
Movie Connections:
Featured in The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) more


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13 out of 14 people found the following comment useful:-
Relentless and gorgeous sci-fi action film, 10 September 2006
Author: mstomaso from Vulcan

Let me waste a moment of your time to explain how I approached this film. 1st I dismissed the trailers out of hand because the film appeared to be an uncredited remake of Aliens, which I consider to be one of the weakest films in the Alien series. Stupidly continuing to dismiss the film after I heard positive things about it from people whose opinions I trust, I missed the theatrical run completely. I then became hooked on Farscape, in its 3rd or 4th season at the time, and found Pitch Black on cable one night around bed time - so I said "oh why not, at least it has Claudia Black in it." Soon, I recognized Keith David, and began to realize that Vin Diesel, Radha Mitchell and Cole Hauser could all act (why this should surprise me, I do not know). I was captivated. I have now remained captivated for four years. I just watched the film for the 3rd or 4th time, and I still love it.

This is not an art film, not an independent, and its not entirely original, but where it fails to break a lot of new ground, it utterly succeeds in providing interesting, realistic characters, hard-driving action in the medium of a compelling but simple plot, and non-stop entertainment; an absolutely beautiful environment with tastefully rendered special effects. Sound to good to be true? Don't take my word for it... see it for yourself.

The film also highlighted the charisma of the now somewhat iconoclastic Vin Diesel, introducing the character of Richard Riddick. Diesel would go on to star in the somewhat Riddick-ulous Chronicles thereof (which I also enjoyed, though recognizing its rather huge flaws) and is now something of a legend. Diesel is so charismatic, so big, and so interesting to watch that it is easy to ignore the fact that he is not only a talented actor, but a smart one too. Checking out the DVD version of Pitch Black, with the audio comments on might just blow you away.

The film is about the crew of an inter-system transport ship stranded on an unknown planet after a crash-landing in which their captain was killed. The new commander is inexperienced but bright and heroic (Mitchell), but she is caught between two dominant and dangerous personalities - a bounty hunter with secrets (Hauser) and a dangerous criminal who has been surgically altered to see in the dark (Diesel). Is that all? Of course not - the planet is inhabited, and the inhabitants are hungry.

As unoriginal and improbable as some of this may be, Pitch Black is beautifully filmed, well told, and very nicely performed. Don't expect to learn anything, and don't expect to have to think a whole lot, but do expect to have fun with this modern sci-fi action classic.

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