
Gerald W. Brown

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Exposing inadequate safety in nuclear reactor components.

Brown blew the whistle in the Thermo-Lag 330-1 scandal. Thermo-Lag was used to provide circuit integrity to wiring running between nuclear reactors and control rooms within the power stations. The purpose was to ensure that in the event of a fire, the wiring remained operable, so that operators could shut down the reactors to prevent a nuclear meltdown. Brown discovered and disclosed to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that the fire testing used to qualify Thermo-Lag was not adequate. The NRC confirmed in fire testing that the installed configurations did not provide the mandated minimum level of protection and promptly communicated this fact to its licensees, who were subsequently required to remedy the situation. The NRC fined Thermal Science Inc. $900,000 but wound up settling out of court for $300,000. Brown also highlighted issues with the use of unbounded silicone foam firestops in the United States as well as Canada. He founded the Fire Protection Defense League, a front for whistleblowers concerned with fire protection issues.

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