Rocío Guirao Díaz

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Rocio Guirao Diaz

Born June 27, 1984 (1984-06-27) (age 24)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Occupation Fashion model

Rocío Guirao Díaz (born June 27, 1984, in Buenos Aires), is an Argentine fashion model. She is a model from Multitalent agency. In 2007, Rocío danced in the successful TV program Bailando por un sueño (the Argentine version of Dancing with the Stars) and hosted a TV program of cars called "The Garage".

As a model Rocio works for high fashion brands Everlast, Prestige, Tabatha, Sigry, Naffta, Fes Jeans, VOV Jeans.

She's cousin of actor and model Rodrigo Guirao Diaz

Rocio and her cousin on a John Foos fashion show
Rocio and her cousin on a John Foos fashion show

[edit] TV Appearances

[edit] External links

  • R-G-D - unofficial site of Rocio with news, photos and downloads
  • Blog - blog with pictures and videos of Rocio
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