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Scales of justice
Assassination · Child murder
Consensual homicide
Contract killing · Honour killing
Lust murder · Lynching
Mass murder · Murder-suicide
Proxy murder · Ritual murder
Serial killer · Spree killer
Torture murder · Feticide
in English law
Negligent homicide
Vehicular homicide
Non-criminal homicide
Note: Varies by jurisdiction
Justifiable homicide
Capital punishment
Human sacrifice
Abortion · Feticide
By victim or victims
Familicide · Avunculicide Fratricide / Sororicide
Mariticide / Uxoricide
Genocide / Democide
(Feminicide / Viricide)
Regicide / Tyrannicide
v  d  e

Gendercide is a neologism that refers to the systematic killing of members of a specific sex, either males or females.[1] The term is intended to be sex-neutral, but in mainstream feminism it is mostly used to refer to female victims (feminicide or femicide) and in radical feminism to refer to (hypothetical) male victims.[2][3]


[edit] Femicide

Femicide is the systematic killing of women for various reasons, usually cultural. Femicide is seen as a gender crime. The word is attested from the 1820s.[4]

There have been reports of femicide in Guatemala City, Guatemala, and in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico[5]. The murders in Juarez, also known as las muertas de Juárez ("The dead women of Juárez"), and Guatemala were reportedly not investigated by the local authorities. Most of the women were raped before being murdered and some were mutilated, tortured and dismembered. In Guatemala City about 20% of the over 500 women murdered in 2004 and 2005 were killed in pairs, due to an (lesbian) "intimate relationship," according to Claudia Acevedo of Lesbiradas.[citation needed]

The most widespread form of femicide is in the form of sex-selective infanticide in cultures with strong preferences for male offspring, notably in the mainland of the People's Republic of China, India, and South Korea. These practices may result in demographic imbalance with an excess of males.[citation needed]

[edit] Viricide

Viricide is the systematic killing of men for various reasons, usually cultural. Viricide is seen as a gender crime. Viricide may happen during war to reduce an enemy's potential pool of soldiers.

Perhaps one of the earliest examples of viricide in recorded history occurred some time during the 600s B.C. when Ionian (somewhat misdescribed as Greek) pirates massacred the men of Miletos (commonly known as Miletus), forced the Milesian women into marriage with them, and settled the city of Miletos in the Milesian men's stead. It has been written that forever afterward the Milesian women would neither eat with their husbands nor address them by name. [6]

In 627 AD, the men and boys of the Qurayza were beheaded by Muhammad[7] after the tribe surrendered. They condition of the surrender were they would be tried and passed judgement by Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, a cheif of their allied tribe of Aws. After asking what the punishment for treason was in Jewish law, death for all the males,

More recents examples include the 1988 Anfal campaign against Kurdish men and boys[8][9][10] in Iraq and the Srebrenica massacre of Bosniak men and boys on 12 July 1995.[11][12] During the 1984 Anti-Sikh riots men were targeted overwhelmingly.[13]

According to many sources, a similar event is currently going on in the Darfur genocide, where men and boys are generally targeted for death over women and girls.[citation needed]

[edit] Draft dodgers

Men who refused conscription in the military have been the target of forced labor, mutilation, and massacre in the nations of Angola, Ethiopia and Iraq[14].

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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