Fifth column

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A fifth column is a group of people who clandestinely undermine a larger group to which it is expected to be loyal, such as a nation.


[edit] Origin

The term originated with a 1936 radio address by Emilio Mola, a nationalist general during the 1936–39 Spanish Civil War. As his army approached Madrid, he broadcast a message that the four columns of his forces outside the city would be supported by a "fifth column" of his supporters inside the city, intent on undermining the Republican government from within (see Siege of Madrid).[1]

In fact, this supposed "fifth column" did not prove very effective, as evidenced by the fact that Madrid held out until 1939 despite very heavy fighting. Nevertheless, the term caught on and was used extensively, especially by those fighting the Fascists and Nazis. It was especially in wide use in Britain in the early stages of the Second World War. There, fear of the "fifth Column" was used as justification for the mass internment of German nationals resident in the country on the Isle of Man.

[edit] Usage

The term also refers to a subpopulation assumed to have loyalties to countries other than the one in which they reside, or who support some other nation in war efforts against the country they live in, the result of dual loyalty.

With the grain requisition crises, forced starvation of millions of Ukranians, famines, troubled economic conditions and international destabilization in the 1930s, the Soviet Union became increasingly worried about the possible disloyalty of diaspora ethnic groups with cross-border ties (especially Finns, Germans and Poles), residing along its western borders, which eventually led to the start of Stalin's repressive policies towards them, most notably to the national operations of the NKVD and forced population transfer.[2]

During World War II, the Japanese American internment and the Japanese Canadian internment proceeded respectively in the United States and Canada for similar reasons.

German minority organizations in Poland and Czechoslovakia formed the Selbstschutz, which actively helped the Third Reich in conquering those nations and engaged in atrocities. After 1945, this was cited as justification for the wholesale expulsion of ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia, Poland and the Soviet Union, including outright annexation of former German territories to these countries.

[edit] Modern usage

  • Today the term "Fifth column" has a pejorative connotation, whereas partisan can be considered either a positive or negative term. Resistance movements (when the government they live under is clearly an authoritarian dictatorship) are looked upon more favorably than fifth columnists, but it can be argued that there is an overlap between the two. For example, from the point of view of the German occupiers and the Vichy regime, the French Resistance could have been considered "a Fifth column", whereas the members of the resistance itself considered the Vichy collaborators to be in that role.
  • During wartime, citizens of enemy countries are often held or watched because of concerns that they might be a fifth column. During World War II, enemy aliens and citizens descended of immigrants from enemy countries were interned throughout Allied and Axis countries, from Japan and Japanese-occupied territories such as the Philippines, to India, Canada and Latin America. This was the justification for the Japanese American internment along the West Coast of the United States and the Japanese Canadian internment in British Columbia, Canada. Thousands of German and other enemy nationals were also held by various US authorities.
  • Some concerned Israelis, including politicians,[4] [5] rabbis,[6] journalists [7] and historians [8] have referred to the 20% of Arabs now residing in Israel as being a "fifth column" inside the State of Israel, a minority state among 22 Arab states. [9] [10] [11]
  • Some firing squads,[12] Arab governments[13] and civilian organizations[14] have respectively shot dead or ostracized fellow Arabs who seek peace and normalization or cooperate with Israel to root out violent terrorist groups. The individuals are branded "collaborators" with "the enemy" and have been called the Arab or Muslim Fifth Column. [15]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • "The German Fifth Column in Poland" London: Polish Ministry of Info, 1941
  • "Fifth Column at Work" by Bohumil Bilek, description of German minority in Czechoslovakia, London, Trinity, 1945.
  • "The German Fifth Column in the Second World War" Jong, Louis de New York Fertig, 1973
  • "The Fifth Column, and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War" New York Scribner, 1969
  • Dr. Seuss Goes to War: The World War II Editorial Cartoons of Theodor Seuss Geisel, a selection with commentary by Richard Minnear (New Press, 2001; ISBN 1-56584-704-0).

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ fifth column. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved January 14, 2008, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
  2. ^ Martin, Terry (1998). The Origins of Soviet Ethnic Cleansing. The Journal of Modern History 70 (4), 813-861.
  3. ^ "North Koreans in Japan have long been vilified as a communist fifth column" (Hans Greimel, "Test sparks N. Korea Backlash in Japan", Associated Press dispach, October 24, 2006 [1])
  4. ^ "... a fifth column, a league of traitors" (Evelyn Gordon, "No longer the political fringe", Jerusalem Post Sep 14, 2006)
  5. ^ "[Avigdor Lieberman] compared Arab MKs to collaborators with Nazis and expressed the hope that they would be executed." (Uzi Benziman, "For want of stability", Ha'aretz undated)
  6. ^ "We were shocked to hear of the intentions of enemies from the inside..." (Ronny Sofer, "Yesha rabbis: Majadele is like a fifth column", Ynetnews October 19, 2007)
  7. ^ "[George Galloway] looks like a moderate next to Israeli fifth columnists like Bishara." (David Bedein, "Israel's Unrepentant Fifth Columnist", Israel Insider April 13, 2007)
  8. ^ "The Israeli Arabs are a time bomb." (Ari Shavit, "Survival of the fittest", Ha'aretz September 1, 2004)
  9. ^ "... many Israeli Jews view Israeli Arabs as a security and demographic threat." (Evelyn Gordon, "'Kassaming' coexistence", Jerusalem Post May 23, 2007)
  10. ^ "Why is Arab criticism always labeled as conspiracy to destroy Israel?" (Abir Kopty, "Fifth column forever?", Ynetnews April 7, 2007)
  11. ^ "... they hurl accusations against us, like that we are a 'fifth column.'" (Roee Nahmias, "Arab MK: Israel committing 'genocide' of Shiites", Ynetnews August 2, 2006)
  12. ^ "[2]", International Herald Tribune, July 15, 2008, Palestinian court sentences collaborators to death by firing squad)
  13. ^ "[3]", YNet News, May 1, 2006, Egyptian peace activist Ali Salem expelled from Egyptian Writers Union and prevented from visiting Israel)
  14. ^ "[4]", Irshad Manji 2002; We shall eliminate you and silence you forever. Aziz Shehadeh disbarred by Palestinian lawyers union and murdered)
  15. ^ "[5]" JVL, see multiple sources, Arab Palestinian 'Collaborators' Killed, Injured, or Detained by Arabs)
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