DX KYOURETSUO from engine sentai Go-Onger

This is a set of 3 Engines from Engine Sentai Go-Onger

Engine 10: KISHAMOSU
Engine 11: TIRAIN
Engine 12: KERAIN

Combined they form DX KYOURETSUO. Due 10/08 for 10,290 yen. Battery powered.

Source: http://www.tokusatsuhero.com/07/4543112515995.html

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Mike's picture
Submitted by Mike on 1 October, 2008 - 11:50.

Regardless of how much I may like train robots, that price seems a little steep for a Go-Onger set.

EVA_Unit_4A's picture
Submitted by EVA_Unit_4A on 1 October, 2008 - 13:17.

I agree- something fishy is going on here.

I most certainly do not wanna F-up and buy another version of the DaiVoyager or Siren Builder [that I've covered for CDX]. It may, however, be nothing more than a motorized rolling action in vehicle mode, and some steam engine pistons move with it when it rolls, that have put the price up there. We don't have to worry about light-&-sound because that's already covered with the expected Engine Soul(s) within.

Again, I'm playing the sit-and-watch game right now with this set. I want to see others' reactions, and I want to see all of the features before I bite as well.
CollectionDX Staff

Sanjeev's picture
Submitted by Sanjeev on 1 October, 2008 - 14:54.

I, too, am a little nuts about train-robots...but I sure hope the combined robot mode looks better in person than in that pic. Looks a bit dumpy there...

Then again, there's pretty much no way I'll be able to resist a train-robo with a dinosaur motif!

The price is a bit daunting, too...I'm hoping the 10k+ yen figure is incorrect. Rolling action with pistons and other mechanical stuff going would be cool, but I could live without it (in favor of a price drop).

Anyway, I'm hoping either to pick a set up directly from my agent in Japan or via some retailer site's preorder. We'll see.

Oh, by the way, here's a shot of the gorgeous train mode:


Vincent Zobel's picture
Submitted by Vincent Zobel on 1 October, 2008 - 14:56.

I used to LOVE Power Rangers/Sentai stuff in the 90's. This decade has been kinda blah in comparison. I loved the Gaoranger/PR Wild Force line, I got the black repaint on Gouraisepuujin (the only actual Japanese sentai toy I have), skipped Abaranger/PR Dinoforce, skipped Dekaranger/PR SPD but did get Titan Megazord from Mystic Force. I stopped there and haven't really cared about anything they've done since then. I'm not sure if it's me changing tastes (where I use to like Sentai, I mostly like 80's mecha and moe now) or just that these designs lack any true originality (granted, Super Sentai is quite possibly one of the most regurgitated franchises ever) but still it's like they're not even trying anymore with this year's line and have the mecha combine in a jumbled mess whereas the the older sentaI robots were able to reuse and hide any unused parts.