
Member for: 2 years 37 weeks
Country: United States of America
City or State: Puget Sound region, Washington State
EVA_Unit_4A's picture

EVA_Unit_4A's Collection

My Favorite Toy:

Deluxe Ninja Megazord, Deluxe Astro Megazord, DX Majuu Gattai Gao Hunter Evil, DX Bakuryuu Gattai BakurenOh, DX Majin Gattai MagiKing

About Me :

I grew up on Japanese mecha & anime because my father had several Japanese magazines and unmade models in a closet. LEGOs certainly contributed to that in a big way too!

I was too young to know about "Transformers" until around when "Beast Wars" aired in '96. I very-much enjoyed the [first] live-action film that was released in 2007, and I am now watching & enjoying the American-made "Transformers: Animated" (2008).

After "Power Rangers" began in '93, I was instantly hooked on them. Then in 2002, I got wise and realized what a rip-off "PR" was, and so I became a Sentai-snob and switched to the original Super Sentai saga instead.

I've also become interested in the Kamen Rider saga since I finished TV-Nihon's subbed third-generation/35th Anniversary "Kamen Rider Kabuto" (TheBee Zecter was my favorite!), and I thoroughly enjoyed the lighter-toned "...Den-O" (2007). I've also caught up on on "...Blade" (2004) (which is probably as far back as I'll go). And I'm watching the current vampire-themed "...Kiva" (2008).

To this day, "Neon Genesis Evangelion" remains one of my all-time favorite anime series (where do you think I got my username from?), but I haven't seen a stitch of any "Gundam" ever!

Of course, the diagnosis of high-functioning autism- specifically Asperger's Syndrome- in 2002 finally explained my strong compulsion for such things throughout my life and even into today...!

My reviews on CollectionDX: (updated on September 15th, 2008)

---[What's NEW!]---

--[in progress]--

Until better is set-up, here are the collected links to all of the reviews I have made for CDX:

--Super Sentai--

--Kamen Rider--

--Power Rangers--

--"Beetleborgs Metalix"--

--LEGO "Exo-Force"--


--"Neon Genesis Evangelion"--


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