1/6 Scale Michael Jackson doll from Hot Toys

With Halloween coming up, I suppose its only fitting that Hot Toys put out a toy of the freakshow that is Michael Jackson.

Granted, this version is before all the REALLY weird stuff started happening, but still....

Michael Jackson "BILLIE JEAN" HISTORY TOUR version, 300mm, from Hot Toys, 19,800 yen, due 2/09

One can hope we'll see a neverland ranch version, a sleepover version, a court appearance version, a dangling baby over the ledge version...

Disturbing on so many levels. Break Out the Jesus Juice.

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Berserk's picture
Submitted by Berserk on 25 September, 2008 - 18:48.

I think the nose materials for this figure and for Michael himself is from the same materials. Boy, Hottoys body must be that good eh, the pose seems... natural... in it's own definition...