Veracruz, Veracruz

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Veracruz from space, July 1997
Veracruz from space, July 1997

The city of Veracruz is a major port city and municipality on the Gulf of Mexico in the Mexican state of Veracruz. The metropolitan area is Mexico's First largest City on the Gulf coast (after Veracruz Tampico and Ciudad del Carmen)[clarify] and an important port on Mexico's east coast. It is located 105 km (65 mi) along Federal Highway 140 from the state capital Xalapa, and is the state's most populous city, with a population of 444,438 in the city and 512,310 in the municipality, according to the 2005 census.[1] The municipality has an area of 241 km2 (93 sq mi) and includes such outlying communities as Valente Díaz and Las Amapolas. The metropolitan area, which includes the municipalities of Boca del Río and Alvarado, had a total population of 702,394, compared to metro Tampico's total of 803,196.

It is often referred to as Puerto de Veracruz to distinguish it from the state. The people of Veracruz are known as Jarochos. It is also referred as the Four Times Heroic City after resisting various invasions, two from France (the Pastry War and the French intervention in Mexico) and two from the USA, (the Siege of Veracruz and the 1914 US occupation).


[edit] History

Old Spanish fort on Veracruz's waterfront, taken from the malecón (boardwalk)
Old Spanish fort on Veracruz's waterfront, taken from the malecón (boardwalk)
View of central Veracruz, taken from the far end of the city's boardwalk (malecón). The cathedral can be seen in the far background.
View of central Veracruz, taken from the far end of the city's boardwalk (malecón). The cathedral can be seen in the far background.

The seaport was founded by Hernán Cortés, who first landed there in 1519 at the start of his quest to conquer Mexico for Spain. It was named La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz ("The Rich Town of the True Cross"; the name is also occasionally given as La Rica Villa de la Vera Cruz).

It was New Spain's main port, where silver and wares from the Manila Galleons transported overland from Acapulco were loaded onto the Spanish treasure fleets for shipment to Spain. The port was harassed by hostile powers and by pirates, who succeeded in pillaging the city in 1653 and in 1712. In response to such dangers the large fortress of San Juan de Ulúa was built on an island in the harbour, beginning in 1565 and substantially expanded several times later.

A natural harbour, Veracruz has been fought over throughout its history, and boasts the title "Four Times Heroic" in reference to the expulsion of the Spanish in 1815, the 1838 occupation of the French Navy in the Pastry War, and resistance, but later surrender, to the United States's occupations of 1847 and 1914 (see: Siege of Veracruz and U.S. occupation of Veracruz, 1914).

During the Mexican-American War, US forces led by Gen. Winfield Scott took the city on March 29, 1847 after a siege. It was captured by France in 1838 and again in 1861. In 1914 it was occupied by the United States for seven months because of the Tampico Affair, this time under Major General Frederick Funston.

The railroad connecting Veracruz to Mexico City, 425 kilometres (264 mi) inland over mountain ranges, was constructed during the administration of Benito Juárez and inaugurated in 1873.

[edit] Demographics

As of the census of 2000, there were 500,000 people living in Veracruz City.

The racial makeup of the city was 60% Mestizo, 15% Black/Afro-Mexican, 15% Indian, 9% Mixed, the remaining 1% is composed by many immigrants, especially Middle-Easterns and Italians.

[edit] Culture

New housing developements in the city.
New housing developements in the city.
The plaza in the center of the city of Veracruz
The plaza in the center of the city of Veracruz

The city is known for its rich traditions of music, including marimba bands, danzón and comparsa. A special kind of music called son jarocho, a mix of Mexican folk music and Cuban son, was developed in southern Veracruz state, in and around Veracruz, Veracruz. La Bamba is the most famous example of son jarocho. An equally rich dance tradition parallels Veracruz's unique musical styles.

In downtown Veracruz, a large marble-tiled zócalo, called the Plaza de Armas or Plaza Lerdo, is the heart of the city's lively nightlife. It is lined with arcades that house bars and cafes. On a nearly nightly basis large groups of people sit outside in the plaza enjoying food, drinks and cigars, while they watch musicians and dancers that perform in the square. Veracruz's 18th century cathedral and 17th century Palacio Municipal are also located on the plaza.

The yearly Carnaval festival in Veracruz, a nine-day party in February or March, is the most spectacular festival of its kind, and it's also the oldest organized Carnaval in Mexico. The city also celebrates a yearly Afrocaribeño festival in July. These festivities illustrate the fact that the city is in many ways more connected to Caribbean culture than that of inland Mexico.

The "Malecón" harborfront walk along the docks draws many tourists, more from within Mexico than foreigners. The city has several beaches as well, like Villa del Mar and Mocambo.

[edit] Nearby beaches

[edit] Transportation

The city is served by General Heriberto Jara International Airport, located outskirts of the city.

The city also serves as Mexico's second largest port, after Manzanillo. The port handled 16.5 million tons of cargo in 2007.[2]

The city also has railroad connections with the city of Xalapa, Veracruz and to Mexico City.

[edit] Trivia

As a bustling port city, Veracruz was the site of some of the most vicious pirate raids in the Gulf of Mexico. In 1683, the 5,000 citizens of Veracruz were trapped in the city, when the pirates Laurens de Graff and Michel de Grammont held it under siege. Together their crew of 600 looted the city and terrorized the inhabitants and left unscathed several days later.

Secret tunnels are said to exist under the city. Local lore has it that they were built during the colonial era by a countess who used them to engage affairs with men in different locations in the city while her husband was away.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] References

  1. ^ INEGI. II Conteo de Población y Vivienda 2005. Tabulados Básicos.
  2. ^ "Informe Estadistico Mensual". Coordinacion General de Puertos y Marina Mercante (December 2007).

[edit] External links

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