Destroy All Podcasts DX Episode 72 Side A - Macross Frontier

Hosts: Andrew, Daryl from Anime World Order, Jeremy

This is the first part of a two part podcast series on Macross Frontier.

It's about dueling idols, EVERYTHING turning into a robot, space bugs, and vocational schools that specialize in both jet pilot training and training singers. Imagine a combination of Top Gun and Fame!

Click [HERE] to transform a 40 foot porn star into a six year old girl.

DAPDX-072A.mp352.89 MB
..NXS..'s picture
Submitted by ..NXS.. on 6 October, 2008 - 14:58.

I am downloading now... wanna hear what you guys have to say about Macross F... it's the firts show I've been able to folloe 'live', as it was airing in Japan... and I really liked it.

Has Andrew preordered the Bandai 1/60 Messiah already? I bet he has.

Cheers to the DAPDX team! Keep it coming!


Destroy All Podcasts DX's picture
Submitted by Destroy All Pod... on 6 October, 2008 - 20:06.

I'm gonna wait on the pre-order until Ozma with Armored Pack is confirmed. That's my favorite.


Destroy All Podcasts DX's picture
Submitted by Destroy All Pod... on 6 October, 2008 - 15:35.

How little you know of Andrew! He is a connoisseur of the Yamato product line!


..NXS..'s picture
Submitted by ..NXS.. on 6 October, 2008 - 16:03.

I mean.... Welcome to the frustration club....

I had to order replacement arms for my self destructive VF-0A two days ago, so right now I'm biased.

I love Yamatoes, I just have to resist the impulse of moving any articulation.....

On a more on-topic comment, they should have a 10 seconds rehash ending, were Ranka falls into Klan's cleavage (from that platform at the SMS hangar where every human talks to her while in Zentran size) and explodes in a spray of blood, and Klan, completely raged and desperate (don't forget the two bitches get close at the end of the series....) ravages the hangar with a gunpod, Stallone style, and then points it to her head and shoots.

A little gorish, but would do the trick for me. MUV LUV style ending.


Ian's picture
Submitted by Ian on 6 October, 2008 - 16:54.

A two parter nice. You guys are starting off sweeps strong.

wielder's picture
Submitted by wielder on 6 October, 2008 - 18:54.

But I guess that's one way to bring in the money, isn't it? Unless the movie turns out to be little more than an altered recap, but I'm honestly hoping that's not the case, and that mostly new material comes along.

Good show overall, waiting for side B then.

To go off on a slight tangent, because it was mentioned on the podcast...meh, for how messy the second season of Code Geass was (time slot change -ironically CG S1 aired in the same one Macross Frontier eventually used-, unnecessary executive meddling, too much fanservice / pandering, pacing issues, whatever else), the ending itself was rather well-done (something I couldn't honestly say about GSD, for example). Btw, Code Geass never really had good ratings though, at all, but its DVD sales were crazy high. R2 was probably Sunrise's attempt to make it into a high rating show, which clearly backfired.

Viokni's picture
Submitted by Viokni on 7 October, 2008 - 00:33.

Awesome to see another Macross podcast! You guys are always a blast with Macross involved.

Viokni's picture
Submitted by Viokni on 7 October, 2008 - 01:17.

Ranka= Lynn Minmay+Kaifun+Tex Avery
Sheryl= Basara+Mylene (This alone should say how much I love Sheryl)
Michel= Focker+Max Jenius-life
Alto= Hikaru+sky lust+competence
Klan Klein= Millia. Loli form=Millia-9 years+extreme hyperness
Shota kid= huh? Random shota kid.
Ozma= Focker+life

That about covers most of the characters.

Of all the episodes I would say 17 was my favorite. Just so many nods, pineapples, and some of the lines. God, just so much trolling. Oh and plenty of Fire Bomber in that episode. I enjoyed seeing all the VF-17 modifications, but hated seeing them die constantly.

Kinda wish one of the random Ranka episodes was instead Ozma going to see a Fire Bomber concert and dragging his squad along.