Chogokin SDX Gundam Knight

Remember that SXD Gundam reported last week? Thats a gokin.

SD Gokin Gundam. Damn. Might have to get this.

Due 01/09 4,935 yen.

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Sanjeev's picture
Submitted by Sanjeev on 6 October, 2008 - 10:39.

Yeah...might have to get this...if it weren't in some weird European knight motif! I'll take my SD chogokin Gundam in UC, please.


kidnicky's picture
Submitted by kidnicky on 6 October, 2008 - 11:35.

I don't understand why Bandai feels the need to do ones like the knight,the samurai,etc. It's not like there aren't 500 different official Gundams to make figures out of. There's even variations of them,like say the original Gundam looks different in the prequel manga than it does in the show.
This kind of stuff is greedy,like that "Let's Go Fishin' Spidey" that was clogging KB shelves around 6 or 7 years ago.

MajorZero's picture
Submitted by MajorZero on 6 October, 2008 - 19:34.

Marketing LOL but to be serious though, some of the designs aren't half bad. I got the SD Ryubi Gundam, from the Sangokuden line and it's a pretty fantastic kit. And for 8 bucks a kit you can't go wrong.

The Knight looks decent enough, but then I saw the word "Chogokin" this thing is gonna be crazy expensive, isn't it?

TimF's picture
Submitted by TimF on 7 October, 2008 - 01:10.

It seems that it will cost a little under $50. That's not cheap, certainly, and it's more than I'd be willing to pay. Still, it isn't entirely unreasonable, either. If I were more of a Gundam (or SD) fan I might be temped.

As it is, I'll let this one pass by.