Ryan Dunn

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Ryan Dunn
Born June 11, 1977 (1977-06-11) (age 31)
Medina, Ohio, USA
Other name(s) Random Hero, Dunn, Plugs, Prima Dunna
Official website

Ryan Matthew Dunn (born June 11, 1977 in Medina, Ohio) is an American reality television personality best known for his appearances on Jackass, MTV's Viva La Bam, and Homewrecker. A member of the CKY Crew, Dunn played the main character in Bam Margera's film Haggard, which was based on a failed relationship Ryan had experienced. He is a close friend of Bam, as shown in Viva La Bam.


[edit] Television and movies

Dunn is known for wrecking cars; he once flipped a car 8 times into oncoming traffic with Bam Margera, Jess Margera (who suffered a cracked wrist), and Chris Raab in the car. Years later, Ryan was driving a golf cart with Johnny Knoxville while filming a skit for Jackass: The Movie. The idea was that he would launch the golf cart over a sandtrap and into a plastic statue of a giant pig, and the statue would simply be crushed. However, the statue did not crush but instead forced the golf cart into the air and it landed upside down. Ryan was thrown from the cart, but Johnny landed on his neck and the cart landed on top of him. He was knocked out for a while but was not seriously injured. They stopped filming the skit at that point. In the commentary for the movie, Bam Margera noted Dunn's bad driving.

It is also revealed that in Viva La Bam, Ryan Dunn owns a Pet Python.

Another skit in Jackass: The Movie featured Ryan Dunn placing a toy car up his rectum. The car was placed inside a condom and covered in lubricant. He then visited a doctor and complained of a pain in his tail bone, only for the doctor to take x-rays and discover that a small car was lodged in his body. Steve-O was the original talent for the piece but ultimately refused to do it, stating that his dad would "disown him" if he did it. The x-ray showing the car inside Dunn can be seen on the menu page inside the DVD case of the film. Dunn was also featured in Jackass Number Two.

In 2005 MTV gave Dunn a show of his own entitled Home Wrecker. The show featured Dunn helping people get their own back on friends who had victimized them by "wrecking" their homes.

Dunn also went on a tour with Don Vito called The Dunn and Don Vito Rock tour and the DVD was released on March 20, 2007.[1]

Ryan Dunn also is in a partnership for a record label called Fractured Transmitter, which is owned by former Mushroomhead vocalist, Jason Popson.

[edit] Filmography

Year Title Role
2002 Jackass: The Movie Himself
2003 Haggard: The Movie Ryan Dunn AKA Ry
2005 A Halfway House Christmas Buzz lightyear the movie
2006 Jackass: Number Two Himself
2007 Jackass 2.5 Himself
2008 Minghags: The Movie Tucker

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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