Fernando Collor de Mello

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Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello
Fernando Collor de Mello

In office
March 15, 1990 – December 29, 1992
Vice President Itamar Franco
Preceded by José Sarney
Succeeded by Itamar Franco

Born August 12, 1949 (1949-08-12) (age 59)
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Nationality Brazilian
Political party National Renewal Alliance Party (1979-82), Democratic Social Party (1982-86), Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (1986-89), National Reconstruction Party (1989-93), Brazilian Labour Renewal Party (2000-2007), Brazilian Labour Party (current)
Spouse Rosane Collor de Mello

Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello, pron. IPA[feʁ.'nɐ̃.dʊ a.'fõ.sʊ 'kɔ.lɔʁ di 'mɛ.lʊ], (born August 12, 1949) was president of Brazil from 1990 to 1992, when he resigned to avoid being impeached. He confiscated money from bank accounts from the people and froze their savings accounts. This was viewed by many Brazilians as violation of their civil rights. He was elected a Senator of the republic in the 2006 general elections and began his term in February 2007. The son of Arnon Afonso de Farias Melo and Leda Collor de Mello, Collor was born in a political family, led by his father, a journalist and former governor of Alagoas.


[edit] Early career

He became the president of Brazilian football club Centro Sportivo Alagoano (CSA) in 1976. Backed by his good looks and popularity, he entered politics, successively mayor of Alagoas' capital Maceió in 1979 (National Renewal Alliance Party (ARENA)), a federal deputy (Democratic Social Party (PDS)) in 1982, and eventually governor of the small eastern state of Alagoas (Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB)) in 1986.

During his term as governor he attracted a lot of publicity by allegedly fighting the payment of super-salaries to public servants, whom he termed maharajas (likening them to the former princes of India who received a stipend from the government as compensation for relinquishing their lands). The efficacy of his policies in reducing public expense is disputed, but it certainly made him popular over the country [1]. This helped boost his political career, with the help of television appearances in nationwide broadcasts (quite unusual for a governor from such a small state).

[edit] Presidency

In 1989 Collor defeated Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in a two-round presidential race and 35 million votes. He won in the state of São Paulo against many prominent political figures [2]. The first democratically elected President of Brazil in 29 years, Collor spent the early years of his government allegedly battling inflation, which at times reached rates of 25% per month.

The very day he took office, Collor launched the Collor Plan, implemented by his finance minister Zélia Cardoso de Mello (not related to Collor). The Plan attempted to reduce the money supply by forcibly converting large portions of consumer bank accounts into non-cashable government bonds, while at the same time increasing the printing of money bills, a contradictory measure to combat hyper-inflation[citation needed].

[edit] Collor's initiatives: free trade, privatization and state reforms

Under Zélia's tenure, Brazil had a period of major changes, featuring what ISTOÉ magazine called an "unprecedented" "revolution" [3] in many levels of public administration: "privatization, opening its market to free trade, encouraging industrial modernization, end of the hyper-inflation and public debt reduction."[4].

In the month before Collor took power, hyperinflation was 84 percent per month and growing. All accounts over 50,000 Cruzeiros (about US$1,300 at that time), were frozen for 18 months. He also proposed freezes in wages and prices, as well as major cuts in government spending. The measures were received unenthusiastically by the people, though many felt that radical measures were necessary to kill the hyperinflation. Within a few months, however, inflation resumed, eventually reaching rates of 25 percent per month.

During the course of his government, Collor was accused of condoning an influence peddling scheme. The accusations weighed on the government and they lead Collor and his team to an institutional crisis leading to a loss of credibility that reached the finance minister, Zélia [3].

This political crisis had negative consequences on his ability to carry out his policies and reforms.[5] The Plano Collor I, under Zélia would be renewed with the implementation of the Plano Collor II; the government's loss of prestige would make that follow-up plan short-lived and largely ineffective.[4]. The failure of Zélia and Plano Collor I led to their substitution by Marcílio Marques Moreira and his Plano Collor II. Moreira's plan tried to correct some aspects of the first plan, but was too late. The Collor government was paralyzed by the fast deterioration of Collor's image, through a succession of corruption accusations.[6]

During the Plano Collor, yearly inflation was at first reduced from 30,000 percent in 1990 (Collor's first year in government) to 400 percent in 1991, then climbing to 1,020 percent in 1992 (when he left office).[7] Inflation continued to rise to 2,294 percent in 1994 (two years after he left office).[8]

Although Zélia acknowledged later that the Plano Collor didn't end inflation, she also stated: "It is also possible to see with clarity that, under very difficult conditions, we promoted the equalization of the national debt --and that, together with the commercial opening, it created the basis for the implementation of the Plano Real"[3].

Part of Collor's neoliberal program was followed by his successors:[9] Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Lula da Silva [10]. Collor's administration privatized 15 different companies (including Acesita, and began the process of privatization for others, such as Embraer, Telebrás and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce.[4]. Some members of Collor's government were also part of the later Cardoso administration in different or similar functions: Pedro Malan, Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL); Antônio Kandir (PSDB-SP); Pratini de Moraes and Celso Lafer; Reinhold Stephanes Armínio Fraga; Pedro Parente.

Bresser Pereira, a minister in the previous Sarney and the following Fernando Henrique Cardoso administrations, stated that "Collor changed the political agenda in the country, because implemented brave and very necessary reforms, and he pursued fiscal adjustments. Although other attempts had been made since 1987, it was during Collor's administration that old statist ideas were confronted and combatted (...) by a brave agenda of economic reforms geared towards free trade and privatization." [11] According to Philippe Faucher, professor of political science at McGill University,[12] the combination of the political crisis and the hyperinflation continued to decrease Collor's credibility and in that political vacuum an impeachment process took place, precipitated by Pedro Collor's (Fernando Collor's brother) accusations and other social and political sectors which thought would be harmed by his policies.[4]

Collor de Mello, recent image
Collor de Mello, recent image

[edit] Self-described Accomplishments[13]

Collor's official website lists the following as some of his accomplishments while in power:

  • Ended the moratorium on Brazil's $ 115 billion dollars foreign debt and began repayment negotiations.
  • Abolished restrictions on nearly 800 specific imports
  • Established a tariff reduction schedule
  • Abolished price and wage indexes
  • Signed the Assunción Treaty with Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina to create Mercosur- a common market for South America.
  • Began privatization of more than 70 government-run companies.
  • Decreased the government payroll
  • Decreased the fiscal deficit
  • Created a monthly budgetary surplus

[edit] Awards

In 1991, UNICEF chose three health programs: Community Agents, Lay Midwives and Eradication of measles as the best in the world. These programs were promoted during Collor's administration. Until 1989, the Brazilian record vaccination, was considered the worst in South America. During Collor's administration, Brazil won an UNO prize, as the best in South America, for its vaccination program. Collor's project Minha Gente (My People) won the UNO award Project Model for the Humanity in 1993. [14].

[edit] Corruption charges and impeachment

In May 1991, Fernando Collor was accused by his brother, Pedro Collor, of rap, by condoning an influence peddling scheme run by his campaign treasurer, Paulo César Farias. The Federal Police and Congress began an investigation soon after. Some months later, with the investigation progressing and under fire, Collor went on national television to ask for the people's support by going out on the street and protesting against "coup" forces. On August 11, 1992, students organized by the National Student Union (União Nacional dos Estudantes - UNE), thousands of students protested on the streets against Collor. Their faces, often painted in a mixture of the colors of the flag and protest-black, lead to them being called "Caras-pintadas" ("Painted Faces").[15]

On August 26, 1992, the final congressional inquiry report was released, where it was proven that Fernando Collor had personal expenses paid for by money raised by Paulo César Farias through his influence peddling scheme. Impeachment proceedings were installed in the lower house of congress on September 29, 1992. Collor was impeached, and subsequently removed from office by a vote of 441 for and 38 votes against.[16] Later, on December 29, 1992, Fernando Collor resigned his term in office just before the Brazilian Senate was to vote for his impeachment. The Senate did so anyway and suspended his political rights for eight years. In 1994, the Supreme Federal Tribunal tried the criminal charges stemming from the incident, and ruled he was not guilty of charges of corruption, but did not reinstate his political rights.[17]. The Supreme Federal Tribunal threw out the charges of corruption on a technicality,[17] citing a lack of evidence linking Collor to Farias' influence peddling scheme. The only piece of evidence, Paulo César Farias' personal computer, was found to have been obtained illegally and thus void as evidence. [18]

[edit] Collor's version of the impeachment

In discussing the events surrounding the corruption charges, Collor's official website states: "After two and half years of the most intense investigation in Brazilian history, the Supreme Court of Brazil declared him innocent of all charges. Today he is the only politician in Brazil to have an officially clear record validated by an investigation by all interests and sectors of the opposition government. Furthermore, President Fernando Collor signed the initial document authorizing the investigation [19]."

[edit] Post-presidency

In December 1994, the Brazilian Supreme Court threw out the corruption charges citing a lack of evidence linking Collor to Farias' influence peddling scheme. The only piece of evidence, Paulo César Farias' personal computer, was found to have been obtained illegally and thus void as evidence.[20]

In 2000, Collor tried to run for mayor of São Paulo. His candidacy was declared invalid by the courts, as his political rights were still suspended by the filing deadline.[21]

In 2002, with political rights restored, he ran for Governor of Alagoas, but lost to incumbent Governor Ronaldo Lessa, who was seeking reelection.[22]

In 2006, Collor was elected to the Brazilian Senate representing his state of Alagoas, with 44.03% of the vote, running again against Lessa [23].

[edit] References

  1. ^ O marketing político e a importância da imagem-marca em campanhas eleitorais majoritárias
  2. ^ Fernando Collor
  3. ^ a b c [1] "Revista Isto é"
  4. ^ a b c d [2]. "Scielo"
  5. ^ Microsoft Word - Artigo.Rangel.doc
  6. ^ [3]
  7. ^ The Hyperinflation in Brazil, 1980-1994
  8. ^ http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field(DOCID+br0009
  9. ^ BBCBrasil.com | Reporter BBC | Lula segue política econômica de FHC, diz diretor do FMI
  11. ^ Silvando da Silva do Nascimento, Rangel. [http://www.unopec.com.br/revistaintellectus/_Arquivos/Jan_Jul_04/PDF/Artigo_Rangel.pdf A POLÍTICA ECONÔMICA EXTERNA DO GOVERNO COLLOR: LIBERALIZAÇÃO COMERCIAL E FINANCEIRA]. Retrieved August 30, 2007.
  12. ^ [4]
  13. ^ Did you know
  14. ^ Did you know
  15. ^ Rezende, Tatiana Matos UNE 70 Anos: "Fora Collor: o grito da juventude cara-pintada" União Nacional dos Estudantes. Retrieved August 17, 2007.
  16. ^ Lattman-Weltman, Fernando. September 29, 1992: Collor's Impeachment(Portuguese) Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Retrieved August 17, 2007.
  17. ^ a b Fernando Collor é eleito senador por Alagoas
  18. ^ Como foi a ação contra Collor
  19. ^ Did You Know?
  20. ^ A volta por cima de Collor
  21. ^ Percival Albano Nogueira Junior, José. Sentença de indeferimento do registro da candidatura de Fernando Collor à Prefeitura de São Paulo Jus Navigandi. August 4, 2000. Retrieved on August 18, 2007.
  22. ^ Simas Filho, Mário.Elle Voltou. IstoÉ Online. September 13, 2006. Retrieved on August 18, 2007.
  23. ^ Após 14 anos de sua renúncia, Collor volta a Brasília como senador Folha Online. October 10, 2006. Retrieved on August 17, 2007

[edit] External links

Preceded by
José de Medeiros Tavares
Governor of Alagoas
1987 – 1989
Succeeded by
Moacir Lopes de Andrade
Preceded by
José Sarney
President of Brazil
March 15, 1990October 2, 1992
Succeeded by
Itamar Franco
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