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Togi-chan, notable 4chan /b/ whore in general.
Togi-chan, notable 4chan /b/ whore in general.
MemoryandDream, employing the classic techniques of high contrast and boobs.
MemoryandDream, employing the classic techniques of high contrast and boobs.

A variety of attention whore, typically a young woman (though occasionally a twink), who will do anything on a webcam in exchange for attention, money, items from online wishlists, or just to be generally slutty.

Camwhores typically suffer from internet disease and engage in constant shameless self promotion. Often camwhores will remove their clothing if given enough of their preferred currency.


[edit] Determining Status

Many camwhores participate in rating communities such as the My Darkness cam portal and others, vying to get rankings and rate higher on the portal. This is not only a source of exposure, but also allows a simple way for the camwhore hierarchy to easily be built. This also proves that they truly are whores.

[edit] Wishlists

Wishlists on Amazon and other services are really where the whore in camwhore comes from. They allow a camwhore to choose gifts and put them on an internet site where they can easily be purchased, often with one click. Therefore, e-sexual favors are often traded for wishlist gifts or attention and posting of fan signs from a camwhore's fans.

[edit] The Camwhore Without Sexy Angles

You have been warned.


[edit] Evolution of the term

Camwhore is no longer a derogatory epithet
Camwhore is no longer a derogatory epithet

Typically any term ending in the suffix whore is deemed negative, but much like the terms attention whore and drama whore, the term camwhore has been appropriated into comical and friendly usage. No longer a derogatory epithet, the term is descriptive at worst and friendly or complimentary at best.

[edit] Where to find them

before the webcam there was the window
before the webcam there was the window

4chan's /b/ is a camwhore motherload. Since the palm-fucking inhabitants of the section still have yet to see a female in the internets, /b/ has become the ruling sauce of female camwhores because they will be showered with the attention they need for living. The first page most likely contains at least two camwhores with "SUP /b/!!111" written on their hands. There are too many to list but Sugar Tits is the camwhore du jour.

Also, "The Internet CamWhore Database" is where most of them are being collected. All the nasty fucking perverts online will gather up folders full of these images and post them to the database for all to see and surf through.

T Norton pretending to imitate a camwhore. Notice she is a he.
T Norton pretending to imitate a camwhore. Notice she is a he.

Additionally, if you are of the faggot orientation, you can find other fags willing to remove their clothing on such sites as Gay.com, Gaydarguys, Yahoo chat and MSN.

However, if you are gay, you did not need this article to tell you that, as every gay boy on earth starts "c2c" right after his twelfth birthday. Charlie The Faggot is one of the most popular gay cam whores on teh internets

Codi lets her members watch her 24/7 on a webcam, does two photo sets and two videos a week, and a chat. [1]

MySpace is a good place to search for potential camwhores. Vanity Is Perfection is a good place to start.

Because gelatin (ground up baby cow hooves) is used to hold silver halide crystals in an emulsion in virtually all photographic films and photographic papers (there is no substitute), it may be possible to convince an overly political vegan that it is her political duty to purchase a digital camera and become a camwhore, in order to encourage the rest of the internets not to use technology that was obsolete 100 years ago.

[edit] The present state of camwhoredom

I remember a time when cam whores took their clothes off for attention



CATS, fapping to Geriatric1927

The new generation of camwhores are now known as YouTubers, and rather than being young and nubile girls, they are fat, toothless hillbillies, and thankfully keep their clothes on. This new generation has spawned so fast, that old e-people have become despondent.

There simply aren't any words for this level of faggotry:

Oh dear sweet merciful baby Christ in heaven why?

[edit] Notable Camwhores

[edit] Female Camwhores

[edit] 'Male' Camwhores

[edit] Gallery

Gallery of Camwhores


[edit] Links

Camwhore is part of a series on Whores.

Camwhore is part of a series on the cancer that is killing /b/.

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