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Narcissistic personality disorder

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Narcissism, DOUBLE NIGGER style!
Narcissism, DOUBLE NIGGER style!

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is the medical term slapped on twincest fapping perverts with such enormous cases of unwarranted self importance they are head over heels in love with themselves. If given the chance these loonies would gladly fuck themselves at full force in the ass, or any other available hole for that matter. The NPD sufferer believes that he or she is the hottest, sexiest, most fuckable sex-machine ever to grace the world and that they're under obligation from a higher power to enlighten us ugly, untalented, friendless losers.

It is important to remember, however, that resembling an ape and/or having an IQ lower than one's shoe size does not deter the true NPD sufferer in the slightest. Any professional who wishes to observe NPD sufferers in their natural habitat should head over to any LiveJournal rating community. These weirdos love to plaster pictures and videos of themselves all over the internets sharing their incredible beauty and unprecedented wisdom with all us lowly peasants.


[edit] Symptoms

The most obvious symptom of NPD is huge unwarranted self importance where the sufferer believes they are a super dynamic ALL-STAR! If you don't proceed to get on your knees and kiss their feet they will do everything in their power to destroy you. If you dare to be better than them in anything they ever do they will hate you and explain that they could do better but don't want to.

NPD suffering parents are the worst kind of controlling assholes a child can have in their lives. If you fail or disappoint them they will ridicule you and possibly even beat the shit out of you for bringing shame on them.

[edit] Causes

The most common cause of NPD is being an over-sensitive fuck who can't take criticism so reacts to criticism by accusing the big mean jerk who gave it of being a jealous fucking retard. There is also a rarer cause of NPD known as actually being great, but so few people fit this profile it hasn't been properly researched.

[edit] Treatment

Narcissism is considered by most e-psychologists to be an ingrained personality trait and not really treatable. Though many have tried to cure them in the past NPD sufferers generally consider themselves so perfect that they could not possibly improve one little bit.

[edit] Narcissism in Action

It can be a beautiful thing.

Gallery of Self Love

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

Narcissistic personality disorder is part of a series on Whores.

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