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ERC Disciplinary News
Viliami Vaki red card Viliami Vaki red card
11 Apr, 15:36
An independent Disciplinary Committee convened in Dublin today (Friday, 11 April) to consider the sanction following the sending off of Viliami Vaki, the Perpignan back row forward (No 6)...
Alexandre Audebert appeal decision Alexandre Audebert appeal decision
6 Feb, 16:52
An independent Appeal Committee convened in Dublin today (Wednesday, 6 February) to hear the appeal lodged by Alexandre Audebert, the ASM Clermont Auvergne flanker...
Flannery Appeal Decision Flannery Appeal Decision
6 Feb, 15:45
An independent Appeal Committee convened in Dublin today to hear the appeal lodged by Jerry Flannery, the Munster hooker (No 2), against the decision of an independent Disciplinary Committee.
Date Set for Alexandre Audebert and Jerry Flannery Appeals Date Set for Alexandre Audebert and Jerry Flannery Appeals
1 Feb, 15:08
Two independent Appeal Committees will convene in Dublin on Wednesday, 6 February to hear appeals from Audebert and Flannery.
Bob Casey Citing Decision Bob Casey Citing Decision
31 Jan, 16:56
Bob Casey, the London Irish lock (No 5), appeared before an independent Disciplinary Committee in Dublin today (Thursday, 31 January).
ERC Disciplinary Hearings
Here you can download PDF's of recent decisions by Independent Disciplinary Committees with regard to ERC games. Click on the name of hearing to download.

2007/08 SEASON

11 April 2008 Viliami Vaki Independant Disciplinary Decision

6 February 2008

Alexandre Audebert Independent Appeal Committee Decision

30 January 2008

Dan Murphy Independent Disciplinary Committee

30 January 2008

Bob Casey Independent Disciplinary Committee

30 January 2008

Declan Danaher Independent Disciplinary Committee

24 January 2008

Jerry Flannery Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision

24 January 2008

Alexandre Audebert Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision

24 January 2008

Rafael Ibanez Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision

7 January 2008

Jamie Cudmore Independent Disciplinary Committe Decision

20 December 2007

Marcus Horan Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
19 December 2007 Perry Freshwater Independent Disciplinary Committe Decision
19 December 2007 Phil Vickery Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision

19 December 2007

Mamouka Magrakvelidz Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision

19 December 2007

Arnaud Mela Independent Disciplinary Committe Decision

2006/07 SEASON

Date Decision
8 June 2007 Daniel Grewcock Independent Appeal Committee Decision
1 June 2007 Trevor Brennan Independent Appeal Committee Decision
16 March 2007 Trevor Brennan Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
7 February 2007 David Couzinet IndependentDisciplinary Committee Decision
7 February 2007 Daniel Larrechea Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
1 February 2007 Gareth Thomas Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
10 January 2007 Alan Quinlan Independent Appeal Committee Decision
20 December 2006 Ben Gissing Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
20 December 2006 Alan Quinlan Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
8 November 2006 Owen Finegan Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
8 November 2006 Ross Ford Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
6 November 2006 Salvatore Perugini Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
31 October 2006 Brent Cockbain Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision

2005/06 SEASON

Date Decision
6 February 2006 Epi Taione Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
10 January 2006 Gavin Henson Independent Appeal Committee Decision
23 December 2005 Ian Evans Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision
23 December 2005 Gavin Henson Independent Disciplinary Committee Decision

ERC Disciplinary Procedures:

(i) Citing Commissioner
a) a Citing Commissioner will be appointed by ERC for all Heineken Cup matches and shall be entitled to cite a Player for any act or acts of Foul Play that in the Citing Commissioner's opinion warranted a citing.
b) Clubs will not have the power to cite a player but may refer incidents to the Citing Commissioner within 24 hours of the conclusion of the match.
c) The Citing Commissioner will have 50 hours from the start of the game to make a citing and the determination of the Citing Commissioner will be final and binding. In exceptional circumstances this deadline maybe extended.
d) Should the Citing Commissioner decide there is a case to answer he will notify the Disciplinary Officer and the Disciplinary Officer will then bring a charge against the cited player.
e) This case will then proceed to a disciplinary hearing.

(ii) Citing Officer
a) for European Challenge Cup games which are not on live television, where a player is cited by either of the clubs competing in the match, his case shall be immediately referred to the Citing Officer.
b) The citing must be submitted in writing and received by the Citing Officer within 50 hours of the start of the match. The Citing Officer will consider the citing and decide whether the player cited has a case to answer.
c) After this review, if the Citing Officer determines there is no case to answer, no further action will be taken. The determination of the Citing Officer will be final and binding.
d) Should the Citing Officer decide there is a case to answer he will notify the Disciplinary Officer and the Disciplinary Officer will then bring a charge against the cited player.
e) This case will then proceed to a Disciplinary Hearing.

(iii) Independent Disciplinary Committee
a) Citings / Misconduct complaints will be heard by an independent Disciplinary Committee as soon as is practicable. Until the hearing a cited player is eligible to play in ERC tournaments
b) The independent Disciplinary Committee is chosen by the Chairman of the independent Disciplinary Panel, Professor Lorne Crerar.
c) The ERC Disciplinary Officer, Roger O'Connor, presents the case against any cited player

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