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Los Angeles, CA

OCT 05, 2008 09:08 PM

The idea of ethnic food has always been confusing to me. Isn't all food ethnic food? Or is no food ethnic food? My answer: shut up and eat.

One could argue, and by one I mean me, that all food is just that, food. One man's fried chicken and collard greens are another man's live baby squid in broth, both seemingly exotic and normal to the respective cultures at the same time. So what the hell? What is ethnic? I understand the definition of the word and I understand the cultural histories of food and why people eat what they eat, and where that food comes, from but I don't understand why the dominant culture of a country gets to label all other foods different from their own as ethnic. I call bullshit. I'm pulling the racial card. Get Al Sharpton on the phone! Revolt!! Viva La Revolucion!!!

When you think of good'ol American down-home cookin' what do you think of? Hamburgers, hot dogs, fried chicken, and apple pie probably come to mind, yes? Let's take a closer look at these American (and by American I mean white) foods.

The hamburger comes from Hamburg, Germany where it was a form of pounded beef that eventually made its way to the states during the massive immigration from Europe in the late 1800's. It took on the form that we all know and love as a piece of meat between two pieces of bread on our shores but without the original from Germany, no golden arches.

The hot dog, a.k.a. Frankfurter or Wiener, is far older than the hamburger, and it's not from America. Squanto wasn't eating a Dodger Dog ™ when he met the Pilgrims. The hot dog dates back hundreds of years to those never met an animal they wouldn't eat Germans who named the sausage after their city of Frankfurt where they say it originated. The Austrians lay claim to the hot dog as well having named it after Wien, which is the German name for Vienna. You know what else the Austrians gave us? Hitler. They try to lay claim to everything.

Fried chicken. Yes, even southern fried chicken (which most Americans consider to be an ethnic food already) is from somewhere else. Whether it came from the West Africans that were brought here as slaves or the Scottish (who fry everything) that settled in the south, it wasn't here before them.

And lastly the mother of all American dishes, apple pie is of course, not American at all. The English and Dutch have been baking these delicious fuckers for hundreds of years, and the French and Germans had their own versions as well (tarte tatin and strudel).

So my friends, what is ethnic food? Everything you knew as non-ethnic is ethnic. Here's my closing argument. Feel free to use this in court.

Unless you live on the Pocahontas diet of buffalo, fish, maize, fruit etc, everything you eat is ethnic food. It's OK, don't worry, it's safe. There's nothing to fear. Differences are to be celebrated! You can come down from your ivory tower or out of your trailer and try something new. Get a little crazy and eat some Ethiopian food with your fingers, or really go nuts and have some sashimi. Indian food is really good too, and throw away your 'I don't know why I hate them I just do prejudice' of the French and eat like the kings of old.

Shut up and eat.



P.S. Something else I have to include here, even though it's a bit of a tangent, is a pet-peeve of mine regarding ethnic food. I hate it when I hear people say that they would never feed their babies ethnic cuisines. "I wouldn't feed my baby Chinese/Japanese/Indian/Italian food, ewww." What do Chinese babies eat, etc, etc…? I can only hope Chinese moms say they would never feed their babies a hamburger. Oh wait that's German.

Scott Ian is Suicide Girls' monthly Food Coma columnist. Click HERE for more of his musing on sustenance and libations. He plays guitar for revolutionary metal band Anthrax and also for Pearl.



February 2004

OCT 06, 2008 06:20 AM

Not being american maybe I haven't got the chance to ponder from this angle the whole ethnic food concept, but from my travelling experience I can see it having a meaning for the USA as much as it has, for example in Italy or Germany. Yes we all know that the United States have been formed by european colonies and most of the cultural heritage comes from there too but it is also true that all these influences have become interlocked through the decades becoming something entirely different. That includes food since, despite the ingredients come from specific european traditions, the recipes are born out of experimentation and the use of local resources unknown to the european contintent. Like the mentioned Hot Dog, sure the sausage is of german origin, but the whole concept is purely american and you won't find the classic New York Hot Dog in any german classic recipe book, you won't even get close to it. So I guess the term Ethnic Food for the US can be applied to all those cuisines of foreign origin that have appeared much later and therefor haven't been assimilated in the north american culinary culture, and that can include for example asian food. That's just my impression about the term, but I agree with your shut up and eat statement. In the end it's all food and if it's good for you, fuck tags!



Portland, OR
October 2004

OCT 06, 2008 06:33 AM

Shut your pie hole you pinko commie.

Next you'll be telling me Jesus wasn't an American.



Brooklyn, NY
July 2008

OCT 06, 2008 07:04 AM

Don't forget the North American cold water lobster ! ARRR!!!



Tacoma, WA
April 2006

OCT 06, 2008 07:26 AM

This is a country founded by immigrants. Everything is "ethnic."




Goleta, CA

OCT 06, 2008 09:10 AM

that was coherent. and i couldnt agree more.

i think you have nailed down those people in the United States particularly, who expect everyone to conform to an "Anglo-normative" and demand Anglo-conformity.




Chula Vista, CA
May 2004

OCT 06, 2008 10:02 AM

Awsome. This is full of win!!!



United Kingdom
January 2006

OCT 06, 2008 10:31 AM

Once again, I fucking LOVE these articles, and concur completely.

Shut up and eat! Food is good, and good food is even better. biggrin



United Kingdom
November 2003

OCT 06, 2008 12:58 PM

I'm pretty sure "ethnic food" is anything you wouldn't find on a North Eastern WASP family's dinner table. So pretty much whatever you like except white bread and slsiced turkey.



I'm lost
January 2007

OCT 06, 2008 01:02 PM

What the fuck are Twinkies then?





OCT 06, 2008 01:04 PM

I don't care which country my dish of choice originally comes from. I love everything from Ethiopian (eating with your hands is great and it tastes amazing) to Thai to Indian to Mexican to Japanese to French to German to Egyptian to Greek to Moroccan to even dutch wink.

The only food I actually don;t like are the Americanized foods, like American Pizza, taco-bell puke , soggy white breads with wieners, and fucking Macdoodles!

Nice article!



Red Bank, NJ
November 2006

OCT 06, 2008 01:17 PM

shiro wot is not only one of my favorite foods... it also happens to be ethiopian, fun to eat and just plain delicious. and yet when i have made it for people they have just out right refused to eat it.




Los Angeles, CA

OCT 06, 2008 01:17 PM

scott_ian said:
The hamburger comes from Hamburg, Germany where it was a form of pounded beef that eventually made its way to the states during the massive immigration from Europe in the late 1800's. It took on the form that we all know and love as a piece of meat between two pieces of bread on our shores but without the original from Germany, no golden arches.

And the Hamburg steak came from the Russian "steak tartare" which came from Kublai Khan who got it from Genghis Khan where it existed as raw meat stuck under the saddle and tenderized from riding.



Anchorage, AK
November 2004

OCT 06, 2008 01:29 PM

bean said:

scott_ian said:
The hamburger comes from Hamburg, Germany where it was a form of pounded beef that eventually made its way to the states during the massive immigration from Europe in the late 1800's. It took on the form that we all know and love as a piece of meat between two pieces of bread on our shores but without the original from Germany, no golden arches.

And the Hamburg steak came from the Russian "steak tartare" which came from Kublai Khan who got it from Genghis Khan where it existed as raw meat stuck under the saddle and tenderized from riding.

so what you're saying is that were i do go to McDonald's or Burger King, what i'd actually be ordering is Mongolian ass meat sandwich?

ok, yeah, i can see that.



July 2005

OCT 06, 2008 02:11 PM

As far as I can tell, ethnic food = anything you didn't grow up eating.

Which pretty much allows for, well, anything.