Web Services API

What is the Coghead API?

Coghead provides an published REST API that enables you to consume and publish data to your Coghead applications programatically. The REST interfaces are automatically generated for you without any additional work. Using the REST interface, you can use your Coghead applications to power rich, dynamic websites and even integrate into other applications. Pretty much anything you can do in Coghead's UI can also be done via the API. Version 1.0 focuses on supporting the essential runtime features, which include:

  • Listing Accounts, Applications, Collections, and Records
  • Searching for Records, paging through results
  • Retrieving, creating, updating and deleting Records
  • Executing custom actions

Who can use the API?

The REST API is available to all Coghead accounts -- paid and free. The REST API can be invoked using both regular Coghead users and access points / limited users. The limited users is an economical way to grant a large number of users access to a small portion of your application. For more information on access points and limited users, refer to our Limited User pricing.

How do I access the API?

The Coghead REST API is published and publicly available for you to begin coding to. You can access the API documentation. You can also check out a video overview below.

Click to view video

Take a look at a run through of the API to see for yourself how easy it is to start using it, and an example at work.

What are people saying about the Coghead API?

"No way! The API doco is *HOT*!!! I'm waist deep in REST API documentation, drooling over all the bad-a$$ sh*t I can do with it. Suh-WEET!!!"

- Doug Wilson, Cygnus Solutions, Inc.