The Nation.

Editor's Cut

Thank you, Katie Couric

posted by Katrina vanden Heuvel on 09/29/2008 @ 11:33pm

It took a woman to expose Palin.

CBS News' Katie Couric's empathetic interviewing style and smart (but not tough) questioning fully and finally exposed that vice-presidential nominee Governor Sarah Palin is not qualified to be vice-president.

Couric's interview led Newsweek International's editor Fareed Zakaria, a truly bipartisan commentator, to put it somewhat more forthrightly: "Can we now admit the obvious? Sarah Palin is utterly unqualified to be vice president."

Palin may have a spunky frontier spirit and a life story ready-made for Alaska's first reality show but she is as, as conservative columnist Kathleen Parker (also citing Couric's interviews) pointed out last week, " Clearly Out of Her League."

Couric's well-paced interviewer's pauses --leaving Palin to hang herself --revealed a politician who is not only inexperienced but also Bush-level incurious. It was clear by the end of the CBS interviews that Palin has no record of interest in foreign policy, let alone judgment about what to do in a geopolitical or economic crisis. She may be able to field dress a moose, and all power to her, but as The Economist has observed, "the moose in the room, of course, is her lack of experience."

Today the Dow sank nearly 800 points. Two million Americans face foreclosures on their homes by the end of next year. Global markets are on the precipice. But today McCain and Palin took time out to blame "gotcha journalism" for the widening concern about Palin's role on the ticket. Sitting side-by--side for an on-the-campaign trail interview with Couric, they blamed a (tame) media for getting Palin wrong. The media resentment strategy has been a GOP staple ever since Joe McCarthy, Nixon/Agnew, Lee Atwater and Karl Rove. It is a tougher sell in these bleak days. What's not as tough a sell: John McCain's selection of Palin shows he couldn't give a damn about America's stature in the world or the ability of the next vice-president to step into the role of President/commander in chief.

As Zakaria explains: " In these times, for John McCain to have chosen this person to be his running mate is fundamentally irresponsible. McCain says that he always puts country first. In this important case, it is simply not true."

Comments (107)

  1. KvH: "It took a woman to expose Palin."

    My very first reaction: It will take a black to expose Obama. And one did, the Rev. Wright....but, not the story the MSM wanted to delve into even though, Magic was literally a son to the Rev.......vs. just an interview with what's her name!

    We're of course, left with the impression that somehow, while Magic was in the IL state senate, he was a foreign policy `brain'. His being anti-Iraq War was almost solely a standard Liberal position and one championed by his buddy, Bill Ayers!

    Posted by SooHAPPY at 09/29/2008 @ 11:43pm

  2. I think it's worth mentioning, by the way, that the stock market fall was largely because the bailout failed. Literally, as people were tracking the stock market, it fluctuated with the direction the vote was taking. Maybe that should be a signal of something...

    Posted by Thrawn at 09/29/2008 @ 11:47pm

  3. I am still of the personal opinion that Johm McCain selected Sarah Palin on qualifications that had nothing to do with either her political acumen or her extensive personal knowledge. There has been much made of how Grandpa looks at her, but the really telling story is watch Cindy. I swear daggers shoot out her eyes whenever the two of them are together. And that is a sure sign of a woman who feels threatened.

    Posted by yutsano at 09/29/2008 @ 11:48pm

  4. Posted by SooHAPPY at 09/29/2008 @ 11:43pm

    Non-sequitur Happy, thanks for playing though.

    Posted by yutsano at 09/29/2008 @ 11:48pm

  5. Happy-Do you have anything to post about the subject or is repeating Wright's name all that you have?

    Posted by i'm nobody at 09/29/2008 @ 11:49pm

  6. Relax, latest tracking polls show McC's chance of winning now down to 17%. So Obama at 83%.

    Thursday night's debate will be little more than bizarre pathetic entertainment for political junkies like us.

    Posted by sloper at 09/29/2008 @ 11:50pm

  7. Also, with regard to Palin....Oh. Dear. God. I mean, I'm willing to forgive her for the initial "Russia is near Alaska" remark, because all politicians say stupid things every now and again...but she's continually defended it! *sigh*

    Posted by Thrawn at 09/29/2008 @ 11:50pm

  8. Posted by SooHAPPY at 09/29/2008 @ 11:43pm

    Give it up Happy. No matter how much of a racist you are-and yeah, I guess I am pretty much convinced that and not his qualifications is your problem with Obama-Sarah Palin is a pretty little piece of fluff, a large fish in a very small pond. It is time to throw her back.

    If McCain must pander to women to whom a stand on abortion is more important than intellect by all means let him throw Snow, Collins et al under the bus.

    Cripes I would feel safer with Condi Rice at the nuclear trigger-she's smart and black. If she hadn't spent the past eight years kissing Bush patootie McCain could have had a two-fer.

    Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 12:11am

  9. *Cripes I would feel safer with Condi Rice at the nuclear trigger-she's smart and black. If she hadn't spent the past eight years kissing Bush patootie McCain could have had a two-fer.

    Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 12:11am*

    Condi would have been an absolute stroke of genius by Grandpa. Intelligent, well-spoken, more experienced in world affairs than just about any other candidate out there, and most of all a nice dark sepia. But I really thinkd she wasn't good-looking enough for the old fighter jock. Honestly, if I'm a Republican woman right now, I'd want to wring Grandpa's neck.

    Posted by yutsano at 09/30/2008 @ 12:25am

  10. Happy. No matter how much of a racist you are-and yeah, I guess I am pretty much convincedand not his qualifications is your problem with Obama ...

    Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 12:11am

    You're free to hold the view I'm a "racist", and no, I won't ask Missouri AGs' to hunt you down to silence you!

    But I positivley swear on all my ancestor's graves, your Messiah is NOT qualified to be POTUS in the eyes of this 50-something HAPPY man!

    So, at a minimum, give credit to my view that he's unqualified....and I'm not all that alone! Who knows? there may in fact be more "racist" than those attuned to small matters like QUALIFICATION!

    Obama isn't stupid, but he is far from being a heavy weight...IMO! There are several people on this board I'd wager have higher intelligence than he!

    Posted by SooHAPPY at 09/30/2008 @ 12:28am

  11. I don't know if anyone agrees, but Palin seems to give off bad energy. Her lack of basic knowledge of political and economic fundamentals and issues is frightening for someone who could be a heartbeat away from being president.

    And I think she really does have a apocalyptic world view from her 30+ years at the Assembly of God Pentecostal church, and could act out End Time scenarios if she had the power. It is one thing to be influenced through your religion to be a better person or better pubic servant, but quite another to believe you are on some apocalyptic mission from God. The former is positive and constructive, whereas the latter is dark and unsettling in that catastrophic events could occur as a result of her world view.

    Posted by Metteyya at 09/30/2008 @ 12:31am

  12. Cripes I would feel safer with Condi Rice at the nuclear trigger-she's smart and black. If she hadn't spent the past eight years kissing Bush patootie McCain could have had a two-fer.

    Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 12:11am

    Except that Condi made it painfully clear that she would not accept if asked.

    She wishes to be the next NFL commissioner. And probably will be.

    No, I'm not making it up.

    Posted by Benchrest at 09/30/2008 @ 12:34am

  13. But I positivley swear on all my ancestor's graves, your Messiah is NOT qualified to be POTUS in the eyes of this 50-something HAPPY man!

    I am a 50 something woman, Happy. I am willing to bet that if life experience were the sole qualification in a political contest I could mop the floor with you so don't talk to me like I'm twelve.

    I don't know why you call someone with vision and imagination-something both Palin and McCain sorely lack-a Messiah unless you actually think he is one. Even I don't think THAT highly of Obama. Also, it seems a little disrespectful to Palin and her religious beliefs at the very least since in her world there is only one true Messiah. You know, the one protecting her from witches and demons.

    I would love to give poor little Sarah a break but she is unfit to lead the country if the old man kicks it. It's one thing to argue that Obama isn't qualified, but how on earth can a man who claims to be intelligent turn around and argue that she is? The woman is as shallow as a creek in August.

    Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 12:44am

  14. Wouldn't ya love to see Sarah interviewed by Tony Soprano's shrink?

    That would million $ a minute ad time.

    Posted by sloper at 09/30/2008 @ 12:49am

  15. That would score million $ a minute ad time.

    Posted by sloper at 09/30/2008 @ 12:51am

  16. ...The woman is as shallow as a creek in August.

    Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 12:44am

    I'm absolutely certain if Palin is a man AND a bit light on foreign policy and even broad econ matters, but is a sitting governor, he would not have been attacked nearly as much! Funny that a woman can't see that......especially one in her 50s'!

    Everybody knows I don't like HRC and voted for Magic in the Texas Primary....but I'll give her credit for recognizing sexism...since she has obviously lost due to exactly that!

    Adjusted for the weightiness of their respective positions, a potential POTUS and a potential VPOTUS, Magic's `gap' is simply much wider! A mayor and a governor outweighs a 1/3-term Senator and 8 years as a Chicago pol!

    Posted by SooHAPPY at 09/30/2008 @ 12:58am

  17. Actually I would have liked to have seen her on Oprah. I heard rumor the campaign was angry that she hadn't been invited-though I find that almost impossible to believe.

    I can't imagine what "She Who Must Be Obeyed" would do to Palin. Probably hand her her liver and then make her write a thank you note for it.

    BTW I adore Oprah so no need to post angry defenses.

    Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 01:02am

  18. What is the world going to do for laughs when Obama wins the election?

    I'm really going to miss Sarah Palin. I hope she sticks around public life because she's unique. I have never observed any in public affairs like her. I've watched that youtube over and over again and I never stop cracking up.

    Como dice mi papa en su espanol-judio: "La boba esa es ejemplo perfecto de la gringa super-trayf!"

    (As my father says in his Spanish-Yiddish: that moron is the perfect example of the "unclean" White America to the max!)

    Posted by DexterManley at 09/30/2008 @ 01:05am

  19. You know Happ there is nothing I like better than being lectured about sexism by an old guy.

    However, you just described George Bush-a man, a governor, a lightweight and never properly vetted by the populace or the press. So I suppose that makes your case. Congrats.

    Still doesn't change the fact that Caribou Barbie is an intellectual lightweight. For that matter, John McCain graduated at the bottom of his class. If you haven't had your fill a dim, go for it. Vote your little heart out.

    Me, I want someone with a big giant freakin' brain who can wrap it around large, far-ranging subjects, who can think in the future tense, who CAN learn on the job.

    Hillary did have my vote-brains and experience. Once she was eliminated I was left with Obama-brains and will grow with experience.

    GWB never grew into the presidency. Neither would Miss Sarah. People don't suddenly develop intellectual curiousity at forty something. By that age either they have it or they don't. (Though I will give a slight nod to the fact that GWB, having spent 2/3rds of his adult life under the influence still could be catching up. Late bloomer maybe?)

    Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 01:17am

  20. Fear votes republican. This is Cheney's genius, end with a double parting gift, site the mega white elite rich club gazillions, and the neocons another fear-based October surprise.

    Posted by winyahn at 09/30/2008 @ 01:26am

  21. She might not be the swiftest horse on the track or the brightest bulb in the marquee, but she might just end up with the sharpest tool in the shed.

    Posted by A_Pax_On_Your_Houses at 09/30/2008 @ 01:26am

  22. It's 'My Fair Lady' all over again...

    Palin would have been better off with her rugged outdoor persona than this coquettish polibabe makeover...

    At least Ann Coulter is smart and incisive...!

    I couldn't bare to watch much of the interview but I read some of the juicy bits... she's not intellectually well composed at all in an interview format... and her ambition overstates her case. Thus far, she has succeeded in making Bush seem worldly and informed... which I view as an act of kindness...;^)

    I agree... it took a woman to fully capture Palin's ingenuinuity.

    I do think that she may become a formidable politician... but first she'll have to find out what politicians do... and when she does a lot of that... you know... like... who doesn't want to do a great job of ruling the world... with all those unusual (but interesting) foriegn leaders and stuff...?

    Really though... I don't think it is fair to her for McCain to put her through this... I don't think she had enough political savvy to just say "no, thank you."

    However, if Bush had been a popular president...

    ...Naw... if that was the case, they would never have picked her.

    Posted by ttr at 09/30/2008 @ 01:33am

  23. Cheney is a genius and-obviously-an Athiest. He is too smart to think that if there is a God he won't send him straight to hell the instant his heart stops.

    And to A_Pax_On_Your_Houses What in the heck does that mean? Whose tool? What tool? Are you referring to the"First Dude" of Alaska or winning the White House?

    Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 01:34am

  24. Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 01:34am

    The big one. The one the little red button deploys.

    Posted by A_Pax_On_Your_Houses at 09/30/2008 @ 01:38am

  25. So, at a minimum, give credit to my view that he's unqualified....and I'm not all that alone! Who knows? there may in fact be more "racist" than those attuned to small matters like QUALIFICATION!

    Obama isn't stupid, but he is far from being a heavy weight...IMO! There are several people on this board I'd wager have higher intelligence than he!

    Posted by SooHAPPY at 09/30/2008 @ 12:28am

    And definitely you are not even a candidate to that recognition.

    It happens that he is much more qualified than the sum of the last six or so Republican Presidents: a "resourceful" and cheating lawyer, a very limited lawyer, a mediocre actor, an oil businessman and his second and deteriorated version: his son.

    Posted by Frank42 at 09/30/2008 @ 01:42am

  26. The big one. The one the little red button deploys.

    Posted by A_Pax_On_Your_Houses at 09/30/2008 @ 01:38am | warn this person

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    Now I won't sleep at all! :) Night!

    Posted by Pogge at 09/30/2008 @ 01:47am

  27. To get into serious matters, it had to be a woman. If it had been a man, surely all the conservative media would be crying out loud how can a man treat that harshly a woman. And if it had been an "ellite member", how come a New Yorker or so cannot understand a woman out of the country? But it was Katie Couric, a quite centered and not prone to intellectual excesses woman, who did it. Cheers!

    Posted by Frank42 at 09/30/2008 @ 01:48am

  28. Palin is being ridiculed because she played up the persona of a hockey mom- moose huntress-small town mayor who was a no-nonsense establishment fighting hellcat who is tenacious and capable... Yet appeared in interviews to be a buffoon.

    Obama is better educated and a more seasoned politician. He is knocked for his lack of foreign policy experience.


    What foreign policy experience did Dubya have when he became Junta?

    What about Ronald Reagan? What foreign policy experience did he have? I'm sorry, maybe he played the emporer of chimpland in a movie, I don't know...

    Posted by koroviev at 09/30/2008 @ 02:07am

  29. Is Palin really a woman?

    * Her policies, where she has them, are anti-women. (No choice, pay for your own rape kit, etc.); * Her familiarity with weapons and hunting is something we associate with men; * She stands for the Party of the Good Ol' Boys. * Her 'feminine' moments have a campy, drag-queenish quality that one might expect from a man playing a woman.

    Palin is a MAN. She is a Bush-barbie, the GOP with lipstick on. Come on, Americans, nobody would accept a man for VP, and very possibly President who was as ignorant, unprepared, parochial etc. as this monster from Alaska! Attack her like you'd attack a man!

    Posted by mikecope at 09/30/2008 @ 02:21am

  30. @ Posted by koroviev at 09/30/2008 @ 02:07am

    Chimpy had no experience plus he had a hideous team in Powell, Rice, Cheney, Perle, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld (who in the end was just a dope who went along with everything and then took the fall).

    Reagan, once Haig was gone, had a pretty sharp foreign policy crew in GWHB, Baker III, Shultz, Regan, and Nitze. Weinberger was kind of greedy but not in the same league of sadism as Chimpy or McCain's team is.

    As for Palin...Tina Fey plays her with more courtesy and dignity than Palin actually has.

    Posted by DexterManley at 09/30/2008 @ 02:38am

  31. SooHAPPY

    Turn around is fair play about religious ideas.

    Palin doesn't know anything about the constitution other than the second amendment (the one about guns). She wants bible science in our schools, creationism, despite repeated federal court cases preventing the inclusion of that religious idea in our science classes (which she apparently doesn't know about.)

    Both Democratic candidates have taught constitutional law at law schools.

    Palin doesn't even know that there is a first amendment with the separation of church and state, as President Jefferson called it. She thinks this has been a Christian Country, not a constitutional democracy.

    Spare us your snid comments about Rev Wright. Palin's speaking-tongues, what's-good-about-my-religion-is-good-for-everyone religion is no comfort to people who still think the Constitution is worth defending and upholding. Obama rejects Wright's ideas. Palin revels in her anti-constitutional religious shove-it-down-your-throat religion.

    Oh, did I step on your toes, SooHAPPY? I'm not sorry.


    Posted by bmkmd at 09/30/2008 @ 04:27am

  32. SooHAPPY

    Turn around is fair play about religious ideas.

    Palin doesn't know anything about the constitution other than the second amendment (the one about guns). She wants bible science in our schools, creationism, despite repeated federal court cases preventing the inclusion of that religious idea in our science classes (which she apparently doesn't know about.)

    Both Democratic candidates have taught constitutional law at law schools.

    Palin doesn't even know that there is a first amendment with the separation of church and state, as President Jefferson called it. She thinks this has been a Christian Country, not a constitutional democracy.

    Spare us your snid comments about Rev Wright. Palin's speaking-tongues, what's-good-about-my-religion-is-good-for-everyone religion is no comfort to people who still think the Constitution is worth defending and upholding. Obama rejects Wright's ideas. Palin revels in her anti-constitutional religious shove-it-down-your-throat religion.

    Oh, did I step on your toes, SooHAPPY? I'm not sorry.


    Posted by bmkmd at 09/30/2008 @ 04:28am

  33. Don't worry about soohappy, he/she are just an angry product of busing.

    Couric's interview has even the National Review beginning to understand. Parker's article regarding Palin was right on and gives us some hope that the neo-cons are not without a little conscience.

    Now we wait for the debate. I suspect that Palin will do ok ... unless she actually has to ad-lib.

    I'm going to hold out further comments on Palin until after the debate and then "I'll get back to ya!"

    Posted by Hoot at 09/30/2008 @ 06:32am

  34. I'm absolutely certain if Palin is a man AND a bit light on foreign policy and even broad econ matters, but is a sitting governor, he would not have been attacked nearly as much!----Posted by SooHAPPY at 09/30/2008 @ 12:58am

    HAPP seems to ("oddly") forget Dan Quayle.

    Or was the Media against "blonde men"???

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 07:15am

  35. No, KATRINA, she's not out of her league. She's a very intelligent go getter whose success was achieved by being everything Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi are not.

    Thank God.

    Lots of people know nothing when they first start out: And the people know she knows nothing. They'd be alright with that as long as they knew she was busting her butt to come up to speed, which she was. Thats character, and Americans place stock in that.

    What she DID do wrong was let a stumblebum like Couric, who has trouble keeping her own job, screw her all up. She tried to bull her way through it, and came out looking bad.

    Apparently politicians, even smart ones, still don't have the courage to just say "I don't know, this is what I'm doing to find out, when I DO know I'll get back to you." They don't understand how WELL that would go over with the people.

    Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 07:47am

  36. Oh boy! Us Republicans are in trouble. I hear they are having a tough time keeping the drool off of Palin's chin. An McCain's request to force the debate moderator to not use any words longer than two sylables has been rejected as well.

    If that isn't bad enough, during debate prep, she keeps forgetting the names of her kids.

    Oh no, Republicans are doomed.

    Posted by Darin_the_Troll at 09/30/2008 @ 08:01am

  37. Palin is so stupid, she keeps putting white-out on the teleprompter.

    Posted by Darin_the_Troll at 09/30/2008 @ 08:03am

  38. Katie Couric, did Sarah Palin ever "get back to ya"?

    Posted by Balrog at 09/30/2008 @ 08:47am

  39. Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 07:47am does a "very intelligent go-getter" get "screwed up" by a "stumblebum"?!?!??!!?

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 08:53am

  40. Lots of people know nothing when they first start out: And the people know she knows nothing. They'd be alright with that as long as they knew she was busting her butt to come up to speed, which she was. Thats character, and Americans place stock in that.

    Chip, What the hell do you now about Palin? So far, she stumbled all over herself. What exactly are her great qualifications to be chosen for VP of the United States? She claims to have foreign experience because Alaska is next to Russia, but hasn't even talked with any Russian diplmoats let alone Putin. She has no experience in federal matters....kind of a catch if you plan on being the number two person in the federal government wouldn't you think.

    If you want to look at pretty girls, there are ones all over the place that are younger, prettier etc. than Palin. This isn't about someone looking good as VP damn it. This is about having a president and vice president who have at least a clue about what their job entails. Palin couldn't even mention any supreme court cases aside from Roe versus Wade?!

    Posted by Wolfgang1 at 09/30/2008 @ 09:05am

  41. Hey, I can see Canada on a clear day across the lake. Does that make me an expert on foreign policy? Apparently John McCain thinks so. He made a TRULY selfish decision in his pick of Palin. If people cannot see this then you are a partisan politician that does not care for your country. I understand that Obama doesn't have alot of experience either but at least he is surrounding himself with people that are strong on areas he is weak in (aka Biden). That tells me that he will surround himself with quality people when in Washington. This is something that Bush and McCain have failed to do.

    Posted by throwin at 09/30/2008 @ 09:11am

  42. One thing I've learned in 2008...

    Women are second class citizens.

    Hillary, Sarah, and the rest.

    "Chill, biotch, and toss me another DVD-R."

    Posted by bleedingheart at 09/30/2008 @ 09:39am

  43. Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 07:47am My take was that SP had a kind of controlled explosion at the end when she realized KC was actually somewhat adversarial and that her "I'll try to get back to ya" was more of an "I'll definitely get you for this." I think KVH got under KC's skin at the repcon. Kudos to both women.

    Posted by A_Pax_On_Your_Houses at 09/30/2008 @ 09:52am

  44. One thing I've learned in 2008...

    Women are second class citizens.

    Hillary, Sarah, and the rest.

    "Chill, biotch, and toss me another DVD-R."

    Posted by bleedingheart at 09/30/2008 @ 09:39am

    I don't buy that. Hillary wanted to throw mud instead of run a legitimate campaign. She was a good candidate and possibly could have won had she not burned herself with her own venom.

    Sarah Palin doesn't even belong in the equation.

    As I've pointed out before, if McIdiot really wanted a woman VP candidate, Olympia Snow would have been a far wiser choice.

    This is like hiring someone for any job. The first thing you look for are the person's qualifications, work history, work ethic etc. McCain didn't get past her butt, boobs, legs or whatever before actually looking at her real qualifications! If he were Hugh Heffner he'd may have made a good choice, but the White House ain't playboy mansion West.

    Posted by Wolfgang1 at 09/30/2008 @ 10:27am

  45. I listened to portions of the KC/SP interview on NPR and it frightened me. I watched portions of the Amy Poehler as KC/Tina Fey as SP interview and realized they were borrowing almost completely from the interview transcript and it frightened me more.

    No, SP has no place being at this level of governing. I think we should have learned our lesson with GWB...twice...but it seems the GOP hasn't read the memo, or continues to lose it.

    Posted by javaman222 at 09/30/2008 @ 10:33am

  46. Palin is a perfect example of cowboy McCain's shoot from the hip style of decision making. It may also indicate a certain dark side of McCain in that he did not select from any of the Republcian primary candidates. They all trashed him and left him for dead on the side of the road during the primary election season. Is McCain really showing his resentful nature by stating 'I'll show you Mitt and Rudy, I'll pick someone who did not shoot at me during the primaries, no matter how dense she is'.

    Posted by jlenahan at 09/30/2008 @ 10:38am

  47. The idea that the press is being hard on Sarah because she is a woman is ludicrous. Dan Quayle is the standard low bar example of Vice President. Sarah is not even coming close to meeting that standard. The reality is clear, without a teleprompter scrolling a someone else's words, Sarah Palin has no idea what is going on outside of Alaska.

    Posted by bPoint at 09/30/2008 @ 10:39am

  48. McCain didn't get past her butt, boobs, legs or whatever before actually looking at her real qualifications!----Posted by Wolfgang1 at 09/30/2008 @ 10:27am

    Again LITERALLY his introduction of Palin in Dayton a month ago on YouTube.

    He is CLEARLY staring at her breasts.

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 10:41am

  49. Palin must be kicking herself. She won't ever be elected again -- for anything -- now that she's been so thoroughly exposed. Poor thing, she'll have to go home to Wasilla and help her newly unemployed (because of the recession) husband find work pumping gas.

    But she will make someone a good part-time admin assistant.

    There, I said it.

    Posted by barnesgene at 09/30/2008 @ 10:53am

  50. No person with an ounce of self respect or any dignity would ever sit for questions from an airhead like Couric. This is my only issue. Sarah soiled herself by being in the same room with that POS.

    Posted by GupDog at 09/30/2008 @ 10:56am

  51. Since our military is bogged down in two current wars, and we don't have the current ability to put any boots on the ground, we are left with bombing the crap out out of them as our only military option. Palin may not need alot of foreign policy experience as her Pentagon handlers would be calling the shots, but it will be clear that diplomacy and compromise and a more nuanced foreign policy than the "big stick" will be required as America internalizes and tries to deal with its monumental troubles here at home. Clearly, Palin is out of her league here. She would be an easily manipulated figurehead......very similar to Bush and the NeoCons.

    Posted by OneVote at 09/30/2008 @ 10:57am

  52. hee hee ha ha! after that couric interview...


    cant wait to see her speak more..

    Posted by dexter666 at 09/30/2008 @ 11:03am

  53. Posted by OneVote at 09/30/2008 @ 10:57am idea for play - woman hears voices from god, speaks in tongues, believes in witchcraft, satan and the armageddon end times stuff and surrounds herself with the merchants, tapped by Machiavellian political forces suddenly finds herself in a position to consolidate all power, repudiates and destroys the allies who installed her and ends the world as we knew it. The end.

    Posted by A_Pax_On_Your_Houses at 09/30/2008 @ 11:05am

  54. I've always thought Katie Couric was a very canny interviewer. She is never hostile and her apparent sympathy for the interviewee actually lays a trap that many fall into. She leads them along and they never see the cliff coming. A more combative interviewer puts the interviewee on notice and she or he can then turn the session on its head by redirecting the perceived hostility back against the journalist.

    Posted by cinder at 09/30/2008 @ 11:05am

  55. Posted by A_Pax_On_Your_Houses at 09/30/2008 @ 11:05am | ignore this person | warn this person

    I can see it now. Gregori Rasputin III would be her closet

    Posted by OneVote at 09/30/2008 @ 11:12am

  56. Well WOLFGANG, I guess I know at least as much about her as you do, and much more than the writers on here who issued a fusilade of attacks on her, based on nothing but their own dislike of her and long before she ever opened her mouth.

    Did I not say she was inexperienced? You're going on as if I compared her to Lincoln, both Roosevelts, Kennedy and Reagan all rolled into one. Give me a break already.

    And to answer your question, she made the mistake of trying to answer a question she was unsure of asked by a slick journalist trying to look good who just knows how to ask questions, but thats about all. Christ, her own people don't even regard her that highly

    Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 11:15am

  57. Posted by cinder at 09/30/2008 @ 11:05am | ignore this person | warn this person

    Katie's persistence was uncharacteristic but welcomed. It would be great if our media actually forced pols to answer the question once in awhile. McCain campaign has exhausted alot of media goodwill through lies....except perhaps for the likes of a Sean Hannity....yuck.

    Posted by OneVote at 09/30/2008 @ 11:16am

  58. Sorry, WOLF the question was MASK'S, so he can read it if he sees it. Frankly I don't feel like typing it over again

    Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 11:17am

  59. mccain's erratic behavior in the past few weeks is unsettling and i am sure that many in his party are worried. palin's lack of insight into how much she really does not know is delusional and aggressively moronic. but the most disturbing factor is that there are so many people in this country who do not see this for what it is.

    Posted by ywinchell at 09/30/2008 @ 11:42am

  60. but the most disturbing factor is that there are so many people in this country who do not see this for what it is.

    Quite simply put, they have their partisan blinders on. You could put a cardboard cutout of Jessica Simpson in the VP seat and these people would defend it. Partisanship has torn this country in two. Quite honestly, Conservatives AND Liberals agree on Capitalism of some sorts. It's other non-governmental issues like abortion and gay marriage that get in the way. SO SAD

    Posted by throwin at 09/30/2008 @ 11:57am

  61. And to answer your question, she made the mistake of trying to answer a question she was unsure of asked by a slick journalist trying to look good who just knows how to ask questions, but thats about all. Christ, her own people don't even regard her that highly----Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 11:15am

    So is Katie Couric a "stumblebum" or "slick"?!?!?!?!?

    And I assume that last line about "her own people don't regard her that highly" is aimed at Palin?.....LOL

    BTW, CHIP, ask my question to you...

    If McCain loses, would you support Sarah Palin for the GOP Presidential nomination in 2012?

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 11:58am

  62. I liken these people that support Palin til the end to Lawyers who represent a guilty person in court.

    Posted by throwin at 09/30/2008 @ 12:03pm

  63. MASK

    Stumblebum or Slick?

    Let the choice be yours

    Perhaps "Slick Stumblebum"

    By "her own people" I meant Couric's employers- Its common knowledge they've been unhappy with her for many months and on at least one occasion planned to get rid of her.

    If Mccain loses, Palin won't run, but if it came to that, I honestly don't know. Both Obama and Mccain appeal to me because they are new generation: You know my feelings about the incompetency of the Baby Boomers. I was only half joking once when I said I wished for an Obama/Palin ticket (yes in that order)

    Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 12:06pm

  64. If you want to look at pretty girls, there are ones all over the place that are younger, prettier etc. than Palin. This isn't about someone looking good as VP damn it. This is about having a president and vice president who have at least a clue about what their job entails. Palin couldn't even mention any supreme court cases aside from Roe versus Wade?!

    Posted by Wolfgang1 at 09/30/2008 @ 09:05am | warn this person

    With McCain as President, you can bet that impeachment would be off the table....guaranteed...If God forbid VP Palin would become President, I can just hear Pelosi now...."impeachment is off the table." Remember, Dems would be too busy running for 2012 and wanting to use the complete and utter destruction of this Country by McPalin as ammo for their campaigns. Remember the Dems threw out the Constitution and impeachment in 2006.

    Posted by OneVote at 09/30/2008 @ 12:13pm

  65. i seriously doubt she is going to quit. too much baggage there and would give the impression of incompetance, weakness, and bullshittiness...

    no - they will continue working with pygmalion and try to program her to make it through the rest of the coming out ball known as the campaign...

    and i say HUZZAH! give the woman a chance, folks!!!!!


    Posted by dexter666 at 09/30/2008 @ 12:13pm

  66. And to answer your question, she made the mistake of trying to answer a question she was unsure of asked by a slick journalist trying to look good who just knows how to ask questions... Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 11:15am

    Mr Chip, First of all, I wouldn't call Katie Couric a slick journalist. She asked some legitimate questions that Palin should have been able to answer. If Palin couldn't or wasn't ready to answer those types of question she shouldn't have agreed to the interview. But, Palin damn well should be able to answer those questions. Your average person on a college campus could answer most of those questions. Remmeber, there's a possibility that Palin could end up being the POTUS.

    Any question regarding the economy, foreign relations, Iraq, Afghanistan, health care, the job market, the global economy etc. are questions she should be able to answer and damn well better be able to answer if she ends up in office. Would you prefer a blithering fool picking other blithering fools to run the nation? That's right, the GOP evidently does prefer that.

    Posted by Wolfgang1 at 09/30/2008 @ 12:18pm

  67. If McCain loses, would you support Sarah Palin for the GOP Presidential nomination in 2012?

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 11:58am | warn this person

    hahahahahahah. Mask...thats unfair!

    Like you said before, keep Palin talking....Even Repubs won't are rebelling.

    Posted by OneVote at 09/30/2008 @ 12:19pm

  68. Remember the Dems threw out the Constitution and impeachment in 2006.

    Posted by OneVote at 09/30/2008 @ 12:13pm

    I can't forget it. Unlike Mask, I thought they should have had evidence supporting and defending Bush's assault on the constitution and then put it to a vote on whether or not he should be impeached.

    The dems didn't have enough people to impeach W, but it sure as hell would have sent a message that Congress would do it's job. With what happened, Congress decorated some chairs for two years and let the rethugs drag everything to a stand still, but managed to pass all of the legislation W wanted on top of throwing billions of dollars into the kitty of the Iraq war at the request of W and Cheney.

    So, now here we sit with our economy in the toilet, but by God impeachment was off the table.

    Posted by Wolfgang1 at 09/30/2008 @ 12:24pm

  69. So, now here we sit with our economy in the toilet, but by God impeachment was off the table.

    Posted by Wolfgang1 at 09/30/2008 @ 12:24pm | ignore this person | warn this person

    Yep. Hard to have alot of confidence in a Dem controlled Congress and a Dem Prez considering their post 2006 performance. Recent Dem performance on the bailout and attaching a $25 billion bailout to the auto companies sure doesn't look like the pay as go party of fiscal responsibility.

    A decent conservative to balance the Dem majority in Congress would have made sense, but alas, it is not to be.

    Posted by OneVote at 09/30/2008 @ 12:38pm

  70. WOLFGANG: When I came to my company, it was as an Inventory Manager with a background in Purchasing. The guy here asked if I wanted to take the Billing Mgr job from the retiring mgr. I said yes. I didn't know jack shit about accounting, and they knew it, and I would have admitted it. (Not trying to boast here, there's a point coming I promise)

    You're probably right to say Palin shouldn't have agreed to the interview. At best she should have begged off the question. I've learned though that the initiative to learn the answers is almost as important as knowing the answers. In short, I don't care that Palin doesn't know any other court decisions beside Roe vs Wade, as long as I know she's busting her ass to find out. I'll take a smart rookie with drive over the experienced complacent old guard any day

    Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 1:00pm

  71. Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 12:06pm

    Well, you're trying AWFULLY hard, CHIP....for a guy who would like to see Obama at the top of a ticket, to build up McCain/Palin's ticket.

    BTW, you're not as much a die-hard Palinite as some here....who WON'T be answering that question.

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 1:01pm

  72. chip=A smart rookie would be better,but Palin isn't smart as is obvious whenever she speaks.

    Posted by i'm nobody at 09/30/2008 @ 1:18pm

  73. Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 11:15am

    So first, you call her a fuck up who can barely keep her job...

    Then she's a slick, opportunistic journalist willing to attack Palin for political reasons....

    So which one is it? Before you make yourself look any dumber...

    Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 1:25pm

  74. "Her" is referring to Couric by the way.

    Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 1:36pm

  75. Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 1:25pm

    Plus, CHIP is saying Couric is both a stupid "stumblebum".....and smarter than Palin by tricking her with "gotcha questions" like "What do you know of Senator McCain's record in the Senate?"

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 1:47pm

  76. I don't care that Palin doesn't know any other court decisions beside Roe vs Wade, as long as I know she's busting her ass to find out. I'll take a smart rookie with drive over the experienced complacent old guard any day

    Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 1:00pm

    And do you know this? Exactly? Are you a friend of the family? Did Ms. Palin send you an e-mail telling you how hard she's working? Or are you just making it up as you go along?

    She certainly doesn't seem to be trying very hard, seeing as every time she appears in public, she makes statements that make her sound like a "special needs" baby.

    But keep up the constant's pretty funny.

    Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 1:50pm

  77. Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 1:47pm


    How dare she ask such a harsh question!

    It's amazing...Palin can't even answer the "gimme" questions, like her future boss's senate record!

    Katie Couric was lobbing softballs and MooseHunter couldn't even hit a single, let alone a home run. How embarrassing.

    Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 1:55pm

  78. Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 1:55pm

    Why do you think she needed "Dad" to come along for the next interview?

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 2:03pm

  79. Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 2:03pm


    Is it because she has a mysterious compulsion to be stared at and objectified by an older man?

    Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 2:20pm

  80. Correction, a LECHEROUS older man.

    Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 2:21pm

  81. Katie Couric was lobbing softballs and MooseHunter couldn't even hit a single, let alone a home run. How embarrassing.

    Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 1:55pm

    Yep, the questions Katie was asking her woud be the equivalent of minor league ball at best and the Mighty Palin never took the bat off her shoulders for three straigth strikes down the pipe.

    Posted by Wolfgang1 at 09/30/2008 @ 3:12pm

  82. Why do you think she needed "Dad" to come along for the next interview?

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 2:03pm

    Evidently she felt the need to have an old man stare at her chest on national television.

    Posted by Wolfgang1 at 09/30/2008 @ 3:13pm

  83. Posted by Wolfgang1 at 09/30/2008 @ 3:13pm

    I love when I point that out (here and other blogs) how the Right-wingers (who vehemently complained of "sexism again Sarah") go "Well? So? She's a hot babe? You libs jealous?" or "So? Proves McCain still spry and kicking!"

    So it's sexist to attack her lack of smarts....but it's "okay" for McCain (and them) to oogle her ta-tas?!?!!??

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 3:47pm

  84. It seems to me that Katie Couric is more intimidating to Sarah Palin precisiely because she is a woman. Palin was effectively stripped of her ability to "flirt" her way through the interviews as she was able to so with Charlie Gibson and Sean Hannity (and in her meetings with Henry Kissinger and Pakistan's president Zardari). My guess is that she will be equally terrified when facing questions by Gwen Ifill in this Thursday's debate.

    I can understand (or at least mentally process) why John McCain chose her from a tactical standpoint. Yes, it's sad and cynical and shows he will do anything to win, but there was a political strategy in there somewhere. But for the life of me, I can't understand how Sarah Palin had the nerve to accept the nomination. Surely she knows she is in no way prepared to be President of The United States should 72-year-old John McCain drop dead.

    It's truly hard to figure out who is the more tragic figure.

    Posted by eric72 at 09/30/2008 @ 3:52pm

  85. Yutsano,

    It's quite possible Grandpa is lusting after Palin's body, what little there is of it. And it would make a great story for the National Enquirer were he and Sarah the Killer of Wolves to be caught in the act.

    But I don't think Johnny would be willing to risk the wrath of the First Dude upon discovering the old guy making whoopie with his veep. President or not, Johnny would be run over repeatedly with a snow machine driven by First Dude. And grandpa would not survive that kind of torture.

    Upon the old guy's passing, Miz Sarah would become the World's Most Feckless Leader while the First Dude would be put on Death Row for assassinating the president.

    Man, it might be worth electing Miz Sarah and Methuselah if a scenario like this had any chance of playing out. It would be even better than the Bill and Monica Show.

    Posted by elcomputo at 09/30/2008 @ 4:00pm

  86. I'll take a smart rookie with drive over the experienced complacent old guard any day

    Posted by CHIP THORNTON at 09/30/2008 @ 1:00pm

    A smart rookie? Please tell me you are kidding Chippy. You would actually vote for a ticket to the highest office in the land and perhaps the world that included a cancer riddled old man and an airhead ex beauty queen in need of on the job training?

    I simply can't believe that anyone would do that just for the sake of their twisted ideology.

    But wait a minute, you probably voted for Bush in the last two elections. Nevermind..

    Posted by chaoszen at 09/30/2008 @ 4:04pm

  87. A couple of weeks back, The Nation's editor, vanden Heuvel, kvetched like hell about the lack of substance in our political discourse, pointing to all the attention being given to aspects of McCain selection of Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate. Ever since, vanden Heuvel's blogs have done nothing but draw attention to Palin, one instance being the very thread in question here. As a matter of fact, three of eight blog topics here at the moment concern Palin. Now vanden Heuvel's going to rationalize her own insubstantiality by explaining that in her case it's all very different, of course, that she's asking serious questions, see. But there's a name for that for that kind of thing, isn't there? It starts with a "B" and it ends with a "T". But apart from the strain vanden Heuvel places on her own credibity on these blogs, there's the derisive, hate-filled content she permits in The Nation's Poll today. I mean does Pallin so frighten gender-deficient people like Kate Pollitt and Katrina vanden Heuvel that they can't resist attempts to belittle Pallin's religious beliefs. One wonders if similar derisive remarks were made about vanden Heuvel's Jewish faith if they'd be similarly encouraged. Whatever else may be true or false about Sarah Palin, she does not deserve to have her faith ridiculed by KKK sound alikes here, and by vanden Heuvel especially. A campaign of noxious bigotry just won't compensate for the insubstantiality so obviously regnant here, Katrina.

    Posted by john lowell at 09/30/2008 @ 4:07pm

  88. Posted by john lowell at 09/30/2008 @ 4:07pm

    lowell, I thought you didn't want ANYBODY to vote for McCain/Palin....just Nader and Chuck Baldwin?

    So why do you care???

    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 4:25pm

  89. they can't resist attempts to belittle Pallin's religious beliefs. Posted by john lowell at 09/30/2008 @ 4:07pm

    Have you seen the video where a Kenyan witch-hunter (Thomas Muthee) and two congregation members holding her hands are calling for witches and other Palin enemies to be defeated?

    They mutter "In the name of Jesus, In the name of Jesus, every form of witchcraft is what you rebuke. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, father make away now." "Come on, talk to God about this woman. We declare, save her from Satan." And then Muthee starts calling the likes of Buddha and Mohammed purveyors of witchcraft and sorcery.

    I think it is fair to call into question the religious beliefs of a candidate that may one day be president, and who believes in the threat of witchcraft and sorcery.

    Posted by chaoszen at 09/30/2008 @ 4:34pm

  90. Posted by chaoszen at 09/30/2008 @ 4:34pm

    Chaos, if you don't believe in witchcraft, you obviously hate God and Christians!


    Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 4:50pm

  91. Chaos, if you don't believe in witchcraft, you obviously hate God and Christians! Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 4:50pm

    Actually just between you and me I have an Ebay store that sells Hoodoo and Witchcraft supplies. Mums the word..

    Posted by chaoszen at 09/30/2008 @ 4:58pm

  92. Posted by chaoszen at 09/30/2008 @ 4:34pm

    "I think it is fair to call into question the religious beliefs of a candidate that may one day be president, and who believes in the threat of witchcraft and sorcery."

    It's one thing to question whether a politician's religious beliefs - or the lack of them - may impact the decisions they make when in office and quite another to set out consciously to belittle or denigrate someone's religious beliefs no matter what they are, chief, and Palins beliefs were being belittled in the Poll. We can even get just the slightest whiff of the same stench in what you have to say here, I'm afraid. That Palin may believe in a spiritual adversary and that you don't gives you no right to belittle her for her differences with you on this point. I'm sure it would be just as much a concern to her that you don't see things her way, but I haven't seen her display condescending or derisive posts at this blog about chaoszen's faith or the lack of it. Do me a favor. Raise your stench about fairness when you see the next Christian belittled here. Somehow, I don't think you'll rise to the occasion.

    Posted by john lowell at 09/30/2008 @ 5:31pm

  93. I don't think Sarah Palin was their first choice. Nobody else wanted the job.

    Posted by Freewheelin_Franklin at 09/30/2008 @ 5:40pm

  94. Posted by Maskdelta at 09/30/2008 @ 4:25pm

    Now you know very well that one thing I care a lot about is breath odour, Maskedcrotch. Might you trouble to cross your legs.

    Posted by john lowell at 09/30/2008 @ 5:45pm

  95. There are way too many concessions in public portraits yet, a covering up for the celebrity candidate at the expense of the perfectly obvious. So we read that Palin is "inexperienced" or "incurious." She is dumb as a sack of rocks, and it shows every time she's lured away from a teleprompter.

    And they swarm to Katy Couric because she makes the underhanded deal so common in the media business. I will go ever so easy on you if you will spark my ratings. So Magoo dumps Letterman for Katy. Larry King would be unheard of were he not such a marshmallow. Remember the Couric interview with Magoo featured a re-editing of the tape afterwards so the ignorant lie of an answer would sound more reasonable. This is not journalism by any measure I ever heard.

    I ain't marchin' in no Katy Couric parade.

    Posted by Tremonius at 09/30/2008 @ 5:49pm

  96. Posted by john lowell at 09/30/2008 @ 5:31pm

    So you don't have a problem with evangelical christians (or for that matter, fundamentalist muslims, orthodox jews, etc.), particularly ones hell bent on imposing their outdated and overall unpopular beliefs on the entire country in order to please their (MINORITY!) constituency?

    Well...I'm afraid that's a bit unsettling.

    Who exactly was belittling her beliefs? I've yet to see anything that I wouldn't call tame compared to the treatment she SHOULD be getting...

    She's a religious fanatic. That's not belittling anything, that's a fact. The fact that she's dealing with witch hunting shamans and speaking in tongues, is scary.

    Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 6:47pm

  97. Sarah Palin has done something very positive for me. She's made me laugh so hard that every time I watch that Katie Couric youtube, all of my Yanqui-phobia and self-righteousness goes away.

    I used to gall me that a country like the USA has an excellent Democratic nominee, Barack Obama, a bright, careful, knowledgeable, curious and gracious guy who is actually in favor of the death penalty, putting children in prison with adults, keeping political prisoners at Guantanamo, and commingling church and state. And he's the good guy in the race!

    Yet, America still lectures the rest of the world about "freedom" and "democracy".

    That doesn't bother me in the slightest now. Any country that could come up with a Sarah Palin as a major party VP nominee has to have some basic core sense of the absurd. I almost believe presenting Sarah Palin to the rest of us was kind of an "I'm Sorry" gift to the rest of the world for the last 7+ years.

    And McCain, too. There are guys I know who can take two white-cloth dinner napkins, tie them together, wrap them around their faces so as to create a look of John McCain with the white pancake make-up and disfigured face and do the funniest impressions of him, getting his vocal register perfect even though these guys speak no English at all! Remarkable.

    Posted by DexterManley at 09/30/2008 @ 7:18pm

  98. The goofball statements about Alaska being close to Russia are so utterly nonsensical. . . I think it is more frightening that she doesn't back away from that ludicrous crap than that she ever uttered such nonsense in the first place.

    With her light, adorable banter, it seems she would easily be able to come up with adorably coy disavowals, like Scarlett O'Hara or some other famous flirt.

    She could just say "Oh, gosh, did I say that? Gee, I don't really have foreign policy experience but I have a good mind, excellent critical thinking ability, good judgement. When I am in office, I will surround myself with good advisors and I am smart enough to glen through the advice and make good decisions. This is what I have done as governor. Good ability is what this country needs."

    She could easily dance away from the Russia-close-to-Alska nonsense.

    it is so scary that she persists with it.

    Did anyone else read her claim, yesterday, that she's been hearing about Biden's good speechifying since she was, GULP (incredulous gulp from me) in the second grade? Criminy! When she was in the second grade, anyone in Alaska was talking about senators from Delaware?

    This seems preposterous. It is so hard to believe that a seven-year-old was hearing about senators from Delaware up there in Alaska.

    Why does she come up with such nonsense? She probably wanted to remind voters that Biden is old. And. . . so what?

    I never watched political debates on television but I'll be watching this one. Maybe they'll give her a microphone in her ear? Remember when Bush had one of those? And they can tell her what to say.

    Posted by Tree_Fitz at 09/30/2008 @ 10:08pm

  99. Posted by madlib at 09/30/2008 @ 6:47pm

    When did the religion hating arise, madlib, when you discovered that you were gay or did it have some other genesis, that perhaps you were always the kind of noxious insect that you are right now, for example?

    Now here's something that's a bit unsettling to me, slug: That bigotted filth like you are permitted to spew poison on public blogs like this without first being required to register as something akin to a child molester. Take your ravings about impositions, and your unmistakable suggestions of Palin deserving persecution and stick 'em where the moon don't shine.

    Posted by john lowell at 09/30/2008 @ 10:57pm

  100. Posted by DexterManley at 09/30/2008 @ 7:18pm

    i hope i live to be 72........

    Posted by frosty zoom at 09/30/2008 @ 11:36pm

  101. Maybe they'll give her a microphone in her ear?

    Posted by Tree_Fitz at 09/30/2008 @ 10:08pm

    well, a direct line to her brain will spare her mouth the agony of uttering her wisdom......

    Posted by frosty zoom at 09/30/2008 @ 11:38pm

  102. Both women are critically flawed. K-K-K-Katie got rich by playing front woman on the dumbed down network TV "news" regurgitating the propaganda of her corporate/Establishment paymasters. And Sarah is mouthing the talking points of the warmongering neocons.

    Posted by MysticMaverick at 10/01/2008 @ 12:56am

  103. Raise your stench about fairness when you see the next Christian belittled here. Somehow, I don't think you'll rise to the occasion.

    Posted by john lowell at 09/30/2008 @ 5:31pm

    John, Why don't you do us a favor while you are at it. Next time you someone calling themselves a Christian "follower of Christ" rambling on about how we needed to nuke China until it glowed, or how we need to kick ass and take names in Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia (against the Russians) and elsewhere, you defend these so called Christians.

    Oh, and I almost forgot, screw the poor. Jesus said that if you are poor, you deserve to be poor, and he said that the poor need to do as Nancy Reagan would have said...."just get a job". The homeless should, "just buy a house", and apply "just ....." to any cliche and you've solved all of the world's problems. Of course Jesus never really said least according to the bible, but that never stopped the neocons from going that extra mile in the name of Jazus.

    Posted by Wolfgang1 at 10/01/2008 @ 08:23am

  104. Posted by Wolfgang1 at 10/01/2008 @ 08:23am


    What planet have you been living on? Over the years I have routinely criticized the support those Evangelicals - and others who have made an ideology of their faith - have given to the war and to their callous disregard of such practices as torture. I have called these people "ReichsChurch" and will continue to do so. Unlike you, who in his self-righteousness would seem to paint with a very broad brush, I'm precise in my criticisms and will defend religious people who are given over to derisive treatment and persecuted by hate-filled "liberals", no small number of which have taken up residence here, any and every time I witness it. Lets hope we can't count you in that group, St. Wolfgang.

    Posted by john lowell at 10/01/2008 @ 10:45am

  105. A sad day, indeed as I never thought I would thank Katie Couric of all people for anything!

    Posted by gillian at 10/01/2008 @ 12:19pm

  106. john lowell uses lots of big words and tries to come across as highly educated, but just can't see the forest through the trees on SP . how can anyone of even minimal intelligence try to defend this freak show.

    Posted by leftnut at 10/02/2008 @ 01:20am

  107. Sara Palin proves that McCain's mantra, "Country First", is now DOA.

    Posted by hpi2000 at 10/02/2008 @ 6:23pm

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