The Nation.





  • Rebels

    William Greider : Democratic Party

    With persistence and strong convictions, insurgents can change a political party. Galvanized by the war and disgusted with weak-spined party leaders, rank-and-file Democrats may at last be ready to bite back. Subscribe

  • Arnold Show: Canceled

    Marc Cooper : Unions

    Buoyed by their defeat of Schwarzeneggar's "referendum revolution," Democrats and organized labor are now energized to defeat the governor's re-election bid next year. Subscribe

  • Yes, Virginia...

    John Nichols : Electoral Reform

    Democratic gubernatorial wins in Virginia and New Jersey gave the lie to the GOP contention that "conservatism is on the march." But infighting among Dems doomed electoral reform in Ohio, gay marriage is still illegal in Texas and there's a long way to go to mid-year elections. Subscribe

  • Bringing Down the Bully

    Robert Scheer : California

    The lesson of the defeat in California of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's referendum revolution is this: The American people will not forever be fooled. The negative message of the Republican right has lost its power to terrorize voters.

  • This Time, Rove's Tactics Failed

    David Corn : Democratic Party

    Democrats celebrate electoral victories in Virginia, New Jersey and California, they shouldn't waste time gloating. They need to find effective candidates like Tim Kaine and Jon Corzine who will build momentum. Subscribe


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» The Beat

The Anti-Republican Republican Who Is Really a Republican | McCain distances himself from Bush rhetorically, but not ideologically or practically.
John Nichols

» The Notion

McCain's "Worst Speech" Panned by Pundits | John McCain's "shockingly bad" speech draws pundit fire.
Ari Melber

» Campaign 08

Obama Defends Community Organizing | "Why would that kind of work be ridiculous? Who are they fighting for? Who are they advocating for?"
John Nichols

» Capitolism

Community Organizers Fight Back | These people are not particularly practiced in taking things lying down.
Christopher Hayes

» The Dreyfuss Report

Cheney Blusters Through the Caucasus | Looking for oil. Unfortunately for Dick, Russia's in charge now.
Robert Dreyfuss

» Editor's Cut

The Sarah Palin Smokescreen | In order to win this election, the GOP needs voters to lose sight of where we are as a nation and how their leadership got us there.
Katrina vanden Heuvel

» ActNow!

Power Vote | New effort to build a green youth voter bloc of one million is growing.
Peter Rothberg

» And Another Thing

Sarah Palin, Wrong Woman for the Job | Seriously, people! Life is not a Lifetime movie.
Katha Pollitt