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John_Ryan's Comments

  • gtaivart.jpg

    Considering Sony has "bought up" developers and made exclusive deals for years, there is no room to say that it is unfair for microsoft to do the same. Platform loyalty should have nothing to do with it. Microsoft paid for a product and they should get it. It is that simple. Gamers bought GTA 4. The didn't buy GTA 4 + DLC. The eventual DLC was incentive. The DLC will eventually come to ps3, just later. I don't think there is any room to complain.

  • Mexican Pirates.jpg

    Keep it up. When I was in mexico, piracy was everywhere and in plan sight for everyone to see. It will take a lot of work, but it really needs to be stopped.

  • Larryhyrb.jpg

    I agree. People need to pay for the games they play. I actually know many people that pirated dreamcast games a while back-- the difference there was that that was after the system died and you couldn't find the games otherwise. If the game is available for purchase, you should pay for it. Those that cheat or steal games should be banned. Especially considering a lot worse could happen to them for piracy, banning is the adequate punishment.

  • xbox_360_upgrade.jpg

    I still think the HDD is too expensive. This is better. I might actually get this. I have 85 dollars credit at gamestop..... so maybe. I'd rather get more games though. I already have the 20 gig, so I don't NEED this, but so much of the new features of NXE like installing games won't be put to use unless I get the bigger HDD.

    So the 20 gig is actually only 13 gig.... What is the actual useable space on the 60 gig?

  • John_Ryan's picture

    There will always be a group of gamers, who usually are the most vocal, that want their games in be challenging. They want bragging rights. They want to be able to say that hardcore mode was easy for them.

    When a feature allows the casual gamer to play through the same game without too much trouble, the aforementioned crowd gets angry and says that the game was dumbed down or made too easy.

    There are so many games that I consider overly hard. I still consider myself a core gamer though. I'm lookin at boards almost every day. I play quite a bit at times. I always assume I am not going to be good at a game so I usually start on easy and gradually bump it up until i like. I beat gears of war 3 times in the first 2 weeks that I had it just because each time I went to a higher difficulty level. Insane required me to do co-op in some parts. So for me, it was too hard for single player, but perfect for co-op because you could revive each other.

    There will always be differing opinions on the difficulty and there will always be someone to say "that game was soooo easy, you're such a noob"

John_Ryan's Recent Blog Entries

  •  I know that everyone says not to judge games based on their demo.... but I just played the Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts demo and....  I can't say I don't like it.... but I am canceling my pre-order.    Even at it's lower price than most other games I think I'd much rather spend my money on something else.  I think that it would be a fun game to play down the road, but right now.. with so many other great games coming out, I need something that wows me.  


    November 1, 2008
  •  So, I get a call today from my sister.  She had, just days before, talked to our good friend Vlatko (President of Bethesda Softworks).  He said he would get me a copy of Fallout 3, have it signed by a bunch of the guys, and then mail it out to me so that I don't have to travel all the way to the East coast.  I very much appreciate it, but still plan on heading to the East coast considering I haven't seen him in about 2 years.  

    October 25, 2008
  •  I have heard numerous grumblings about the avatars on the NXE.  They are compared to the Nintendo Wii Mii's-- This is completely justified.  Then again, who cares?  Those that would be complaining with outright cries of betrayal are those so insecure in their adulthood that they feel need to blame microsoft for trying to ebrace a more casual approach.  I realize that the 360 is home to many adult-oriented games, but that does not make it an adult only system.  Beyond that fact, cartoonie caricatures do not need to be associated with kids.  

    October 21, 2008

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