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Judah Freed

Political Issues Examiner
Judah Freed is a seasoned journalist, radio talk show host, and the award-winning author of Global Sense, inspired by Thomas Paine's Common Sense. He believes informed people can govern themselves wisely in any democracy.


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Showing entries for Category: democratic-national-convention

Beyond Convention: Speaking truth to power in new documentary on the DNC

October 13, 5:06 PM

Click image above to see the documentary (Warning: explicit language)
Unless you were here in Denver for the Democratic National Convention in August, you probably did not see much or any news coverage of the protests. Now you can see what you missed in the just-released documentary, "Beyond Convention: Speaking Truth to Power," produced by Ardent Entertainment.

You do not need to agree with the protesters to be educated by this half-hour documentary. Look for a wide range of viewpoints from the left and the right, from the Progressive Democrats of America to the Minutemen.

The video of the confrontations between protesters and the police are especially insightful. More meaningful may be the speakers at the well-attended events that were ignored by mainstream media.

The documentary is not always kind to either the Democratic Party nor Barack Obama, yet it is an honest portrayal of those who came to Denver from across the country to let their voices be heard. You may agree with them or not, as you wish, yet I believe we need to listen to what our fellow Americans are saying.

No matter whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, or independent, no matter how you plan to vote in November, please take a half hour to view this important documentary on American affairs.

Warning: The video contains occasional explicit language for adults only.

For alternative views of the DNC. please see my earlier columns:
Lessons of Peace and Spirituality from the DNC
Protesters and Cops at the Democratic National Convention

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Topics: democratic national convention , politics , police , Barak Obama , 2008 Election , John McCain , civil liberties , security , terrorism , protests , george w. bush , homeland security , torture , society , government , Republicans , Democrats , elections 2008 , Denver , Colorado
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