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Judah Freed

Political Issues Examiner
Judah Freed is a seasoned journalist, radio talk show host, and the award-winning author of Global Sense, inspired by Thomas Paine's Common Sense. He believes informed people can govern themselves wisely in any democracy.


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My best Examiner columns on John McCain

November 3, 7:58 AM
John McCain
John McCain
Admitting freely that I've been skeptical of John McCain as a presidential candidate, you may find gain fresh insights from reviewing the seven best columns I've published about John McCain since August. I've presented the columns in a logical order that I hope will be useful to you as a voter.

Fighting Words from John McCain
During his nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, John Mccain spoke of fighting 25 times. I explored the implications of his fighting words.

McCain's Threat to Boycott Debate Proves His Poor Judgement in a Crisis
When McCain suspended his campaign and threatened to boycott the second debate, his choice further eroded my confidence in his decisions-making abilities. Please see if you agree with my reasoning.

McCain beset by ironies in the bank bailout and the presidential debate
When McCain reversed himself and attended the second debate without a Congressional action on the banking crisis, I examined the irony that conservative Republicans threatened to derail the bailout plan of conservative Republican President George W. Bush on the grounds that the plan was too socialist for them.

McCain's anger lost the debate for him
I was not the only commentator to remark on McCain's irritated emotional mood during the third debate, yet you may agree that I brought some fresh insights to the analysis.

The Real McCain: An original video inquiry into anger management issues
I created this video composit of still images from the third debate, which has enjoyed more than 40,000 viewings on YouTube. See if you agree whether the attention was deserved. Creatively, this video is one of my favorite Examiner postings. 

McCain ruined the life of Joe the Plumber; McCain owes him more than an apology
Since this column, curiously, "Joe the Plumber" has appeared with John McCain at campign rallies. I have to wonder if the McCain camp is financially compensating the disbarred plumber to make the amends suggested in this column

John Sydney McCain exposed as secret agent for Australia and the Wizard of Oz
Here is my satirical response to the attempts by McCain surrogates to make "Barack Hussein Obama" seems subsversive and alien because of his ancestry. The essay start with established facts as the basis for  fantasy. You can tell I had fun writing this playful piece.

Please read these related columns
My best Examiner columns on the 2008 Election
My best Examiner columns on Barack Obama
My best Examiner columns on John McCain
My best Examiner columns on Sarah Palin


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Topics: politics , 2008 Election , campaign speeches , John McCain , fight , george w. bush , economic crisis , conservatives , Republicans , presidential debates , elections , Australia , elections 2008 , anger management , Joe the Plumber , video
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