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Judah Freed

Political Issues Examiner
Judah Freed is a seasoned journalist, radio talk show host, and the award-winning author of Global Sense, inspired by Thomas Paine's Common Sense. He believes informed people can govern themselves wisely in any democracy.


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Showing entries for Category: conspiracy-theories

Foiled racist 'skinhead' plot to assassinate Obama adds to reasons for electing him

October 27, 3:49 PM
The news report today of a foiled "skinhead" plot to kill Barack Obama and other people of color, in my view, adds to the arguments in favor of electing the senator from Illinois.

If anything dire ever does happen to "President Obama," God forbid, just as if anything dire ever happens to "President McCain," Joe Biden is significantly more prepared than Sarah Palin to be the president of the United States.

As a side note, I wish to praise federal investigators for doing their jobs through good, old-fashioned police work.

Based on the reports I've seen so far, agents from Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms cracked this case without resorting to warrantless wiretapping of all Americans. They did not sneak into homes to grab evidence without a search warrant. They did not torture any suspects to get confessions that could never be used in court.

Indeed, pending information to the contrary, federal investigators have proven in this case that the best way to enforce the law is to uphold the law, that is, to uphold U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

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Topics: politics , police , Barak Obama , 2008 Election , Sarah Palin , John McCain , civil rights , civil liberties , terrorism , government , Republicans , Democrats , Joseph Biden , conspiracy theories , elections 2008 , assassination
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