As the humble computer mouse turns 40, is it finally heading for the exit door?


Big step forward: How the beat of our feet can create electricity

Power harvesting technology is already being tested on the floors of discos

The beat of our feet could become a valuable source of electricity as scientists develop new ways of generating power.

150 whales battered to death against rocks in mass stranding off Australian coast


Heartbroken wildlife officials, mourning the death of 150 small whales when they were smashed against rocks in Tasmania, admit there will probably be other mass strandings in the weeks to come.

Born to run? U.S. parents offered $150 test to predict their child's athletic niche

Sports gene

American parents obsessed with having their children play and excel in sport can now access a test that predicts their child's natural athletic strengths.

Fruit 'n' veg power: How I charged my iPod using an onion soaked in Lucozade

Owen Louis

A student claimed he can turn vegetables soaked in Lucozade into a homemade battery and recharge his iPod. Could that really be true? We put his bizarre claims to the test.

How do you like your pancakes? Robot cooks breakfast at exhibit

robotic companies

Fancy breakfast in bed? Robots could soon be taking over kitchens up and down the country if the impressive Motoman is anything to go by.

Ice breaker! Scientists predict when ice bergs will crack off Antarctic shelves

Ice berg

Scientists have figured out a way to predict when an ice shelf is likely to break off and form an ice berg. The events, called calfing, are a critical step in the process that decides how much sea levels will rise as global temperature increases.

Plague of the parakeets: Exotic birds trouble British farmers as numbers hit 20,000 high


Record numbers of ring-necked parakeets are brightening up Britain's dreary winter skies. But the exotic birds are proving a pest for seasonal traders, costing up to an extra £5,000 a year in damage to fruit.

Pictured: Spectacular images of deep space caught by an amateur astronomer - from his back garden

Professor Parker image

An amateur astronomer has caught the dazzling light shows of space with just a telescope and digital camera in his back garden.

YouTube sees the bigger picture and goes widescreen


YouTube users can now have a cinematic experience after the video-sharing website went widescreen overnight.

Dogs have wet noses 'to enhance their sense of smell'


Dog lovers have long said that their 'best friend's wet nose is a sign of their health. But the slimy surface of a canine nose is actually behind their sophisticated sense of smell, scientists now reveal.

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Jetpack daredevil flies across canyon... without a parachute

Eric Scott

A daredevil pilot has taken to the skies strapped to a jetpack in a record-breaking flight across Colorado's Royal Gorge.

Historic Spanish ship that carried African slaves found off Caribbean island

Spanish slave ship Trouvadore

Marine archaeologists have stumbled upon the wreck of a Spanish ship that once carried an illegal cargo of African slaves believed to be the ancestors of many of today's inhabitants of the British colonies of Turks and Caicos.

Snaps in seconds: Digital camera with built-in printer launches


The first ever digital camera with a built-in printer has been launched in Japan. The device allows photographers to see their snaps in seconds.

Minority Report comes to Britain: The CCTV that spots crimes BEFORE they happen


A Minority Report style CCTV system which helps predict crimes before they actually happen has been installed for the first time in a UK city.

The zero-gravity cup: Endeavour astronaut invents novel way to drink coffee in space

Don Pettit

A self-confessed coffee lover, astronaut Don Pettit became so fed up with drinking his daily brew through a straw, that he invented a zero gravity cup on his day off at the International Space Station.

A great Endeavour: Stunning images as astronauts complete DIY repairs on space station 225 miles above Earth

Steve Bowen

Captured against the stunning backdrop of infinite space, an astronaut floats precariously 225 miles above Earth as he tinkers with a greasy gummed-up joint.

Astronomers discover 'missing link' in galaxy evolution


Astronomers have uncovered a type of galaxy that represents a 'missing link' in our understanding of the Universe.

Why scientists believe 'heavy water' could be the real elixir of life

Young woman drinking glass of water

For centuries mankind has sought the secret of a long and healthy life.And for centuries it seems we were looking in the wrong place.

Scientists solve evolutionary puzzle on how the turtle got its shell


Scientists believe they have cracked a long-standing mystery of evolution - how the turtle got its shell.