Uncovered: The pterosaur with a wingspan as long as a car


Jonathan the 176-year-old tortoise revealed as world's oldest animal in Boer War photo


At 176, Jonathan the tortoise is knocking on a bit. In fact, he's said to be one of the world's oldest living animals. A photograph of him with a Boar War prisoner has been found which backs up this claim.

Has climate change killed off Australia's white possum?

Australian possum

Australia's white possum could be the first creature to die out purely due to climate change. The rare and timid animals have not been seen for three years despite intensive searches.

Global swarming: The super ants ready to invade your garden... 100million at a time

Crawling menace: Experts believe it is only a matter of time before the Lasius neglectus ants arrive in Britain

It lives in super colonies of more than 100million and thrives in the cold. Its name is Lasius neglectus - and it is heading for Britain.

Climate change forecasters 'overselling risk of global warming', top physicist claims

Global warming could see sea-levels rise and species threatened on a massive scale - but is the risk being overstated?

Climate change forecasters should admit that they cannot predict how global warming will affect individual countries, a top physicist has said.

Conspiracy theorists can't see the wood for the trees as they spot 'timber plank' on Mars


An image sent back from the Red Planet has revealed an object bearing an uncanny resemblance to a wooden log. It was captured by the Mars Rover near the Endurance Crater.

Oldest prehistoric 'dragonfly' imprint made 312million years ago discovered

Insect imprint

Scientists have discovered what appears to be the oldest imprint of a prehistoric insect, made while the dragonfly-like creature was still alive. The rare impression was made around 312million years ago.

Sat-nav for dogs - why you need never lose the scent of your wild rover again

Sat-nav for dogs

If your dog goes off wandering instead of walkies, help could be at hand. Just switch on their doggy sat-nav and you can track their every move.

Is this the iPhone killer? Nokia launches £450 handset billed as 'world's most advanced mobile computer'

Nokia N97

Nokia today unveiled the mobile phone it hopes will take on the iPhone and the BlackBerry. The N97 is being billed as 'world's most advanced mobile computer'.

How I found romance with a man I met on the bizarre internet fantasy world Second Life

mandy appleyard a.jpg

Attractive and single, women's magazine editor Mandy Appleyard was the last person you'd expect to find looking for romance in a bizarre internet fantasy world. But she did - with extraordinary results.

Space tourism race takes off as rocket company offers half price tickets


The space tourism race has gathered pace as a second company offered suborbital tickets at half the price of Virgin Galactic. Aerospace company Xcor is selling rides aboard its Lynx spaceship for just £64,000.

Scientists use a shop dummy to 'fool' people into having an out-of-body experience

'body-swap' illusion

With a couple of cameras and a shop dummy, scientists have been able to show how easy it is to fool the brain.

Gadget that turns your iPod into a breathalyser goes on sale in UK


iPods are already used to listen to music, play games and watch videos, but now they will even keep drivers safe on the roads, thanks to a new add-on gadget.

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Otzi the prehistoric iceman 'used primitive first aid to heal wounds'


A 5,300-year-old deep frozen hunter used moss as a primitive form of first aid, scientists have discovered. Otzi the Neolithic iceman had six different types of the plant in his stomach when he died.

'I'm on the train': Commuters can use mobiles underground thanks to new phone network


It is news that will make many a commuter's heart sink... from today thousands of passengers will be able to make mobile phone calls underground.

New strain of arthritis in Australian cane toads could make them croak

cane toad

A super-army of cane toads marching across Northern Australia are growing so quickly that the strain on their bodies has resulted in large numbers developing arthritis - much to the relief of farmers.

At the grand age of 127 (that's 27 in human years), is Mischief the world's oldest cat?


Maybe he's not very curious. Or perhaps he had more than nine lives.
Whatever the reason, at the age of 27, Mischief is one old cat and a whisker away from officially entering the record books.

The 'flat-pack' Christmas tree that can go up with lights, tinsel and baubles in seconds

Christmas tree

It is one of the treasured rituals of Christmas: Finding your favourite baubles, untangling the tinsel and rescuing that wonky angel are all part of dressing the tree. But for those who dread it, help is at hand.

Animal magnetism: How salmon find their way home up river

Atlantic Salmon

One of nature's greatest mysteries could be about to be solved after scientists revealed a new theory on how salmon find their way home. Salmon and some species of sea turtle migrate vast distances.

I am the Walrus... and I play the sax: Sara the jazz musician wows her audience

Sara and her Russian trainer Sergiy play a merry tune at the newly-opened Istanbul Dolphinarium in Istanbul, Turkey

She's not too fond of scales. Except the kind that are on her midday meal of fish. But Sara the walrus still does her music practice every day, under the watchful eye of her Russian trainer Sergiy.

Britney tops the charts... as she clinches number one spot on internet search list

Britney Spears

It's been a rocky year for pop starlet Britney Spears, with a very public custody battle for her two sons, a long spell in rehab followed by a triumphant comeback album. But Britney is back on top - this time as
the most searched internet term for 2008.

Long Blondes guitarist hopes revolutionary 'bionic' hand will help him play again after stroke

Dorian Cox

The 27-year-old guitarist who toured the U.S. with indie rock band The Long Blondes has vowed to play again after suffering a stroke - with the help of revolutionary technology.