
Review: Mobile Suit Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam

What came out of the Clover factory in 1979 was a long faced, ill proportioned Chogokin style Gundam that bore no resemblance to the sleek Mobile Suit armor that made up the Gundam of what we know today.

Review: Robotech Dana Sterling

I like this figure for one reason and one reason only: That it is an accessory to one of Matchbox's coolest toys that they accidentally got right in a way: The Spartas/ Veritech Hover Tank.

Review: Power Rangers Deluxe Jungle Master Megazord

Whereas the Deluxe Jungle Pride Megazord was agile and thin, the Jungle Master Megazord places emphasis on power and strength.

Video review included!

Review: Bootleg Dangard Ace

My Jumbo Dangard Ace obsession reaches new heights!

Or should that be depths?

Review: Revoltech Enkidu

Enkidu is the Gunmen piloted by one of the main protagonists in the anime Gurren Lagann. Need more info?.......

Review: Revoltech Pierre

Pierre is another Revoltech from the Japanese video game Doko Demo Issyo. There are five different characters from this line. A dog, frog, cat, bunny, and a robot?......

Review: Saint Cloth Myth Leo Aiolia

I've been quiet on the Saint Seiya front here at CDX for a bit but fear not, there is tons of cool stuff coming over the next few months so to get things going again I have a review of Gold Saint Leo Aiolia and his Appendix release. Spoilers exist for those who have not finished watching the series. This is the only warning you get...

Review: 30th Anniversary Collection Sith Infiltrator

The bad to the bone Grand Daddy to the TIE Fighter.......

Video inside!!

Review: G.I. Joe Snake Eyes - Commando

It interesting to note that I begin my first review about the Hasbro’s 1982-1994 GI Joe: A Real American Hero series of figures in the month after Mervyn’s Department Store announced they are going out of business. For it was Mervyn’s Toy department that I saw my first GI Joe Figures for sale and where my parents purchased a bulk of my GI Joe collection from.

Review: Star Wars Luke's T-16 Skyhopper

Remember Luke Skywalker playing with the spaceship model in Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope?......

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