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Get Involved

If you would like to take a part in helping to run the Society, you will be very welcome; there is never a shortage of things to do. - Besides the Committee, which is elected at the AGM, there is a larger body known as the Plenum consisting of people such as the Editor of Eureka, the Bookshop Manager, and others, without whom the Society runs much less smoothly. There are often positions vacant during the year.

We have just elected a new Committee, and are now looking for a new Plenum, details of some of which are given below, the rest of the Plenum roles are given here. These are a great way to get involved, and generally less time–consuming than Committee roles.

Details of all the positions are available below. For the formal job descriptions, see the Constitution and the Standing Orders. If you have any particular queries, feel free to ask the President ( or the person currently holding the position you are interested in.

The Plenum

Publications Subcommittee

Editor of QARCH

This post involves editing our Problems Journal
Currently: <Vacant> (


Computer Officer

Webmaster, responsible for maintenance of the webpage and supporting the Publicity Officer. Requires knowledge of HTML, PHP and MySQL.
Currently:<Vacant> (

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