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Lent 2006


Speaker Meeting
Colin Wright (The Mathematical Juggler)
"Juggling: Theory and Practice"

Thursday 26th January, 7.30, CMS MR2

"In this talk the speaker demonstrates a selection of the patterns and skills of juggling while at the same time developing a simple method of describing and annotating a class of juggling patterns. By using elementary mathematics these patterns can be classified, leading to a simple way to describe those patterns that are known already, and a technique for discovering new ones."
This opportunity to get a grip on juggling is just too good to throw away!

Speaker Meeting
Prof Turok, Prof Hyland, Prof Leader (DAMTP/DPMMS)
"Three Mathematical Problems"

Saturday 4th March 2006, 4.30pm to 6pm,
Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College

Three half hour talks from three of our favourite lecturers, on three fascinating mathematical problems. [More Info]


Puzzles and Games Ring
Every Saturday (from 21st January), 2pm
Room S5, King's main

Come along to play any of a variety of games, including various card games, Othello, Backgammon, Tripples, Mensa, Chess, Draughts, Fibonacci, Cirrondo, The Viking Game, Go, Risk and Icehouse games; or bring your own!

"Deal or No Deal" Cocktails
Friday 17th February, 8pm
Butler House Party Room, Burrell's Field, Trinity College

With prizes ranging from a takeaway from Gardies to a meal for 2 at Chez Gerard; from cinema tickets to a rubber chicken; presented by Mr Blobby's sidekick, Tom "If I had a beard, you'd mistake me for Noel Edmonds"s Whyntie.

You can register as a contestant (email scients-booking [AT], or just come and enjoy the atmosphere, with a chance to win any prizes left in a raffle later in the evening. More prizes and full details of the event will be released later this week. If you've never heard of the game before, you can view Channel 4's rules [new window].

From SciEnts, the creators of the MathSci RS dinner.

Problems Drive
Sunday 5th March, 2pm
CMS Cafe

Our annual competition, this year against Oxford and Warwick Maths Societies, as well as several Faculty members. [More Info]

Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 8th March, 1.30pm
CMS Cafe

We'll be reporting back to our members on the past year, and electing a new Committee. Come along and get involved! [Details of Committee positions]

You can also see what we got up to in Michaelmas or last year.

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