Lakshmi Chaudhry

Lakshmi Chaudhry, a Nation contributing writer, is the author, with Robert Scheer and Christopher Scheer, of The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq, published by Akashic Books and Seven Stories Press.


  • Mumbai's 9/11 Meme

    December 3, 2008

    We have much to fear from easy evocations of 9/11, but in India, it is a call to the world to recognize their loss.

  • California Dreaming

    February 7, 2008

    The Golden State's lesson for Clinton and Obama is that they each need to craft a more daring politics of transcendence.


  • Amnesia at the Multiplex

    December 30, 2007

    Two films address US adventures in Afghanistan and Pakistan, with a big dose of historical amnesia, political pandering, moral superiority and outraged innocence.

  • Will the Real Generation Obama Please Stand Up?

    November 15, 2007

    The cranky, quirky and sometimes progressive politics practiced by a generation once considered slackers could be a deciding factor in this presidential election.

  • Latina America Lavishly Comes of Age

    October 16, 2007

    The quinceañera has become a rite of passage for even the poorest Latina teens, another example of our most treasured rites debased at the cash register.

  • The Diana/Whore Complex

    August 9, 2007

    The lovelorn, fragile women the media once revered have given way to skank posses of the skinny, the slutty and the overindulged.

  • Harry Potter and the Half-Baked Epic

    July 26, 2007

    The last book in J.K. Rowling's saga is marked by throwaway references to a post-9/11 world and derivative insights that never add up to a coherent moral vision.

  • What Women See When They See Hillary

    June 14, 2007

    Some of the same feminists who loved Hillary as First Lady are now fiercely opposing her bid for the White House.

  • The Supergirl Syndrome

    May 1, 2007

    The marketing-driven message of the perfect girl--smart, skinny, pretty, athletic and loved by all--is a model of perfection that's hard to live up to. Can't girls just be free to be?

  • Soft-Core Sexism

    March 15, 2007

    If movies reflect our shared consensus about right and wrong, Black Snake Moan speaks volumes about twenty-first-century America.

  • Mirror, Mirror On the Web

    January 11, 2007

    Web 2.0's greatest success capitalizes on our need to feel significant, admired and, above all, seen.


  • Rage Against the MSMachine

    July 14, 2006

    The Yearly Kos Convention revealed a blogosphere whose media critique is hampered by its political ambitions. Why can't progressives repair the press, not dismantle it?

  • Bush World

    June 15, 2006

    In the guise of giving us what we want, media giants have created a culture defined by untrammeled greed, the worship of power and a ruthless disregard for the public good.


  • Bush's Lies About Iraq

    March 11, 2004

    The Bush Administration continues to brazenly invent new rationales for its foreign policy, shamelessly twisting the facts to support its twisted agenda.


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