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Introduction: Executive Office

The UEFA Congress, the UEFA Executive Committee and the UEFA Executive Office within the European body’s administration form the hub of UEFA’s activities at the highest level. It is at these levels that key sporting and political decisions are taken for the well-being of both UEFA and European football.

The Congress is Europe’s football parliament, and the supreme controlling organ of UEFA. An ordinary Congress is held every year, and is attended by representatives of UEFA’s 53 member associations.

The UEFA Executive Committee has the power to make decisions on all matters which do not fall within the legal or statutory jurisdiction of the Congress or any other organ. The Executive Committee also manages UEFA, except to the extent that it has delegated responsibility.

The Executive Office provides the support to the UEFA President Michel Platini, the General Secretary David Taylor and the Deputy General Secretary Gianni Infantino in their missions. It is in charge of organising institutional events such as UEFA Executive Committee meetings and Congress, and to support the Executive Committee members in their missions.

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