Ted Stevens

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Everyone knows Ted did it for the lulz.
Everyone knows Ted did it for the lulz.

Ted Stevens also known as "Uncle Ted" is the inventor of YouTube. He is was also a United States Senator who wants to make the internet better for you by getting rid of net neutrality. His most notable accomplishment is becoming an old meme the same day he became e-famous.

While it is occasionally acceptable for the senile to discuss things they actually experienced, such as World War I, it is both terrifying and lulz when the 79-year-old chief architect of the Bridge to Nowhere speaks forth on the internets.

As net neutrality is what you are used to, it is truly mind-blowing to imagine that a senile, adult-diaper wearing king of such hookers, blow and pork might actually be responsible for reducing every non-corporate website to what AOL users infested with spyware experience. Yet, this is modern life in America, like it or fucking not.

At some point in mid-2006, Ted Stevens appeared on whatever the fuck Senate panel he is on, subservient to corporate interests, and attempted to explain how the Internets work. The result was amazing, and millions of DailyKos diarists, users, and readers jerked off to it, believing that this was the tipping point in the war against the conservatives. Sadly, they will once again be wrong, as DailyKos nutjobs seldom have enough income to support their favorite candidates. Once again, the capitalists win.


[edit] Teh Internetz According to Ted

Internets =/= Truck
Internets =/= Truck
Just to be on the safe side.
Just to be on the safe side.