Of Mice and Men | Lesson Plan Materials

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Available Resources

eNotes offers a number of lesson plans from various hand-picked providers. Please select list below to preview our various offerings.

Of Mice and Men Lesson Plan (Teacher's Pet Publications)
A complete lesson plan featuring activites, quizzes, tests, and more.

Of Mice and Men Puzzle Pack (Teacher's Pet Publications)
Additional resource materials focused around student activities, such as word lists, puzzles, magic squares, flash cards, and more. Materials can also be used for objective testing material.

Of Mice and Men Teaching Unit (Prestwick House)
A complete teaching unit and reproducible individual learning packet including a chapter-by-chapter study guide, topics for discussion, vocabulary, and a multiple choice and essay test with answer key.

Of Mice and Men Activity Pack (Prestwick House)
Activity Packs feature a wide variety of activities which help students understand literary concepts. The packs are designed to help fulfill state-mandated objectives and national guidelines.

Of Mice and Men Response Journal (Prestwick House)
Reproducible journals help students reflect on what they've read, and develop new ideas. Each Journal offers prompts for every chapter in the book encouraging students to relate their life experiences with those of the characters within the book.

Of Mice and Men Vocabulary from Literature (Prestwick House)
Designed to be used either as a vocabulary program or as an introduction or enhancement to literature study, Vocabulary from Literature identifies words from each chapter and places them in context.

Lookup any word on eNotes with our dictionary. Highlight the word and press SHIFT + D for a definition, or SHIFT + T for a synonym.