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How the Grinch Stole Christmas
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  • Author Theodore Seuss Geisel and (after his death) his widow had been approached previously to authorize a live-action version of the story. After the success of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" at the Old Globe Theater in San Diego, Mrs. Geisel saw the potential of a live-action interpretation.

  • Anthony Hopkins recorded all the narration for the movie in one day.

  • Everything in the film revolves around a swirl, the same as in the original drawings of the book. This includes the clouds. If you look closely at in several scenes, several times the initials "C.H.", "J.C.," and "R.H." briefly form as the clouds move. This stands for actor Clint Howard (Whobris), actor Jim Carrey (The Grinch), and director Ron Howard.

  • The scene where The Grinch is directing his dog, Max, before stealing Christmas, is Jim Carrey doing a parody of director Ron Howard.

  • Some statistics: - Make-up appliances used during production: approximately 8,000 - Props created for the film: over 300 - Number of ornaments: 8,200 - Number of candy canes: 1,938 - Crushed marble used for snow on Who suburbs exterior sets: 152,000 lbs - Outfits created by wardrobe: 443 - Number of sound stages used: 11 - Make-up artists used on busiest days: 45 - Styrofoam used to build sets: 2 million linear feet (or 6 miles, if it was cut into standard board length)

  • The sound stage for the Whoville set measured around 30,000 square feet.

  • The prosthetic make-up Jim Carrey wore took 3 hours to apply. Carrey felt so horribly confined and uncomfortable in the latex skin he needed counseling from a Navy SEAL who taught him torture-resistance techniques.

  • One morning, director Ron Howard came in at 3:30 to put on the Grinch suit with full make-up and directed the entire day with the suit on.

  • Suss Cousins, an L.A. based sweater designer (whose first name is pronounced just like Dr. "Seuss"), along with two other knitters, produced 250 pieces of original knitwear for this movie (including 8 identical red-striped sweaters for Jim Carrey) in four months. That works out to 83.3 sweaters a person in just 120 days which is quite amazing as all were hand-knit.

  • Jim Carrey's yellow contact lenses proved to be so uncomfortable that he was unable to wear them at times during filming. This required that some shots of his eyes be colored in post-production.

  • Jim Carrey also used the football play call "Blue 42! Blue 42! Hutt hutt!" in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994).

  • The photo of The Grinch in the Whoville newspaper has The Grinch in the same pose as an infamous alleged photo taken of the "Yeti" or "Sasquatch."

  • The inscription on the coins in the store is "E Pluribus Whonum."

  • The Navy cap the Grinch wears when pretending to be a director with Max reads "WSS Whoville WVN-70."

  • Director Cameo: [Ron Howard] One of the startled Whos while the Grinch rants in the city square.

  • When the Grinch is pretending to be a director, he is imitating Ron Howard.

  • Jim Carrey said that when he first saw Ron Howard in full Grinch outfit, he was angered, mistaking the director for a stunt double who looked nothing like him.

  • Top-selling movie ticket of 2000 - 50 million sold.

  • Eddie Murphy was at one time considered to play The Grinch.

  • Jack Nicholson was at one time considered to play The Grinch.

  • Ron Howard's family shows up in several spots in the movie: his father is the elder Who that shouts "Put him in the Chair of Cheer!"; his daughter shows up as the red-head Who in the quick shot after the Grinch turns the lights in Whoville back on; his wife can be seen holding hands with the Elder Who when all the Whos gather around the tree.

  • The song the Whos sing at the end is the same song used in the animated version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1966) (TV).

  • For a while, Tim Burton was considering to direct, but could not due to a conflict with another movie

  • CASTLE THUNDER: Heard when the rocket-sleigh turns on for the first time.

  • Audrey Geisel came to the set of "Man on the Moon" to see if Carrey was right to play the Grinch. He was so deep into the character of 'Andy Kaufman', however he had to essentially do an impression of himself doing an impression of The Grinch, and that was what got him the gig.

  • The line "6:30 p.m. "Dinner with me" I can't cancel that again." was improvised by Jim Carrey.

  • Jim Carrey accepted the role of The Grinch when he heard a tape of a kid's choir singing the song "You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch"

  • The Whoville set was built mostly on the backlot of Universal Studios behind the still-standing Bates Motel. During a break in filming Jim Carrey surprised and scared tourists on the Universal Backlot Tour by running out of the hotel wearing a dress and brandishing a knife. Nobody recognized him, and the tour guide at Universal Studios will tell you the story when you pass by the hotel on the Backlot Tour.

  • Many Cirque du Soleil performers were used for the more acrobatic tricks and stunts in the movie. They can be spotted in the beginning as some of the Whos in the parade.

  • Final Film of Josh Ryan Evans.

  • Jeremy Howard shaved off his eyebrows for the duration of production to help cut makeup time in half.

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