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Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Girls Aloud

Posted by: jestafa on 28/10/2008 at 03:23 pm

You do! Plenty have!

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Daniel is dispicable

Posted by: jestafa on 28/10/2008 at 12:58 pm

I agree, there should be no sing offs - the public have voted and the one with the least votes should go whether their wife has died or not!

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Daniel is dispicable

Posted by: jestafa on 27/10/2008 at 03:18 pm

With respect, I think you may have missed the point here. No-one is saying that Scott is 'that good'. We are saying that he should not have been shoved out on account of Daniel's worn out sob story. Whether or not he went any further in the competition is immaterial and no-one has mentioned the 'phone votes.

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Sharon would have seen through Daniel

Posted by: jestafa on 27/10/2008 at 02:41 pm

I think Sharon would have seen through Daniel. She would not have sat back and let them ditch Scott without having her say about Daniel and his worn out sob story. I've heard she's coming back next year and Danni will be the one to go - whether there's any truth in it, who knows, but I think it would be a good idea and I think Cheryl should go and Nikki Chapman should be invited to join the panel - she is far better and would not keep telling the contestants "You know I love you" - that's so annoying - Cheryl is so over the top with it. Nikki was really good on Pop Idol.

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Who would you like to see in the bottom two this week?

Posted by: jestafa on 27/10/2008 at 02:33 pm

Diana and Daniel. Diana's voice goes through me - it sounds as though she has a bubble in her throat and the little girl act is excruciating. Can't stand Daniel and he can't sing.

Austin is the most likely to win, I think. He is a natural. Some of the girls and very good singers but I don't think they'll beat Austin.

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Daniel is dispicable

Posted by: jestafa on 26/10/2008 at 07:26 am

I always feel that the voting gets personal and tactical. Louis and Simon are arch rivals and, because he has already lost 2 of his acts, I suspect he got rid of Scott to spite Simon. I don't agree with the judges making the final decision at all. It costs the public money to vote and we should have the last say. I agree that it should have gone to the public vote and it should very time, no matter what the judges say. What is the point of the public voting at all if the outcome is decided by the judges?

Also, when it comes to the final, why should we be forced into the cost of voting twice? Why do they eliminate one and then make the two left sing again and put it to the public vote again? I know why, it's all about making money.

I'm still so angry this morning about Daniel. Louis has done Scott a great disservice.

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Hero charity song

Posted by: jestafa on 25/10/2008 at 11:42 pm

I sincerely applaud all those brave men but is this a ploy by Simon to counter Peter Kay's record sales? Sorry, but I think it probably is.

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Does anyone agree that Daniel should be booted off and Scott should be brought back?!

Posted by: jestafa on 25/10/2008 at 11:40 pm

I'm so disgusted with Daniel. It was grossly unfair what he did tonight and I think we should join forces and try to get him booted off and Scott brought back. Scott is clearly the better singer and could go further in the business but Daniel will go nowhere. Who is going to buy his CDs? He must be so thick to think that the public will vote for him next week after a stunt like this. How many more times is he going to turn on the crocodile tears? Lots of people's wives have died and it's very sad but it is highly inappropriate and very unfair to use something like that to try to influence the public and the judges. It's sickening and I can't believe that Simon Cowell has fallen for it. Cheryl and Danni and totally taken in, that's obvious and Louis appears to have fallen under his wicked spell, but surely not Simon?!

I don't know where to start but can anyone who agrees with me think how we can let the judges know how we feel? I'll certainly be giving it some thought. In fact, I'm going onto the X Factor website now to see if I can make contact in some way. I'm so angry!

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Daniel is dispicable

Posted by: jestafa on 25/10/2008 at 11:29 pm

Well said! I absolutely agree! I am so outraged that I couldn't wait until tomorrow to have my say. Scott should not have gone home tonight and he must be totally devastated, not only to have gone out of the competition, but to have gone out to a no hoper who only even got through in the first place because he kept harping on about his wife dying. Incidentally, I see tonight he has two other children - he never mentioned them did he?! Why can't the judges see through him?! It's infuriating. That song he sang tonight to keep himself in was dreadful. He's a fraud - it's all crocodile tears and I think the judges should boot him off and bring Scott back because he does have talent and has a chance of being successful in the business but Daniel will only ever be a glorified karaoke singer. There'll be a stink over this, there's no cod about it!

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Girls Aloud

Posted by: jestafa on 25/10/2008 at 12:13 pm

I had never heard of Cheryl Cole until she joined X Factor and I have to say I think she's a nice enough person. I had heard of Girls Aloud but had never seen them and never even heard them and had no idea until recently that Cheryl was part of that 'band'.

However, I watched Jonathan Ross last night and saw them and heard them 'sing' for the first time. I was completely and utterly dumbfounded. It was the worst song I think I've ever heard in my life - totally forgettable - and not one of them can sing. It makes a complete mockery of Cheryl Cole as a judge sitting there telling them, "there are a few tuning issues." Well, there were more than a few tuning issues with their performance last night. How they have ever been so successful, I just don't know. I didn't think Girl Band or Bad Lashes were up to much, but both bands we infinitely better than that shambles and lasst year's Hope made them look like a group of wannabe teenagers practicing in someone's bedroom.

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 This is Fabulous!

Posted by: jestafa on 21/10/2008 at 04:23 pm

I can't stand Leona Lewis' voice - she just warbles!

Showbiz  Soap Addicts Carla's Wedding Dress

Posted by: jestafa on 15/10/2008 at 12:37 pm

It looked like a crumpled up carrier bag

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Girl Bands Don't Get the Votes

Posted by: jestafa on 14/10/2008 at 11:55 am

I think the public has got so bored with them now - unless they are completely unique they,re going nowhere

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Girl Bands Don't Get the Votes

Posted by: jestafa on 13/10/2008 at 10:40 am

It amazes me that the judges haven't spotted the trends from previous years. Girl bands don't get the votes -they will go nowhere. I think Girl Band will be the next to go and then Daniel.

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Dannii has made a bit mistake!

Posted by: jestafa on 08/10/2008 at 11:35 am

Yes, Ruth is creepy, I'm glad someone else thinks so!

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Rachael & the Cannabis Story

Posted by: jestafa on 07/10/2008 at 02:39 pm

She has a really good voice but I think she'll be trouble in the live shows. She says she'll keep her mouth shut but I doubt she'll be able to - we shall see.

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Seriously what is wrong with

Posted by: jestafa on 07/10/2008 at 02:35 pm

Yes, there is definitely something different about her eyes. Has she had surgery to stretch the wrinkles out or something - I mean she's a lot older than Cheryl Cole and that may have prompted her to iron out a few of the lines? They do look really weird - I noticed it straight away.

Showbiz  Soap Addicts Corrie - same old same old :-(

Posted by: jestafa on 07/10/2008 at 02:27 pm

I agree and thought exactly the same, but I thought Becky's acting was very good. She is such a good actress. I don't think Sarah does come back because she's pregnant in real life and has supposedly gone for good. I think Jason would find her very dull after Becky's quick wit. Sarah is about as interesting as Maria - both very pretty but nowt going on upstairs.

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 omigod-somebody shoot him!!

Posted by: jestafa on 07/10/2008 at 12:09 pm

Can't say I took much notice of the piano player but I did notice the skinny chap who is constantly crying - it's Austin - one of the ones who's been put through to the live shows, so plenty more floods to come. No wonder Simon keeps telling them, "You've sailed through to the next round" - what else can they do with all that water!

Completely changing the subject - what's Simon paying Sunita for? What does she do? Apart from sitting there thinking she's gorgeous and contributing nothing. That bikini was ghastly! Simon fancies her and I think that's the only reason she's there. Someone suggested they should have a member of the public helping them to decide who goes through and I think that's an excellent idea.

Showbiz  X Factor 2008 Dannii has made a bit mistake!

Posted by: jestafa on 07/10/2008 at 11:26 am

You're right bltonrye, Daniel is very much in the pub singer mould - I cannot understand Dannii putting him through. I'm amazed he even got to Boot Camp. That's not to say the his story isn't incredibly sad, but there's no need to mention it on X factor unless you're trying to get the sympathy vote and it works, of course!


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