'''Boston's sign''' is the spasmodic lowering of the upper Eyelid on downward rotation of the Eye, indicating exophthalmic Goiter.Cline D; Hofstetter HW; Griffin JR. ''Dictionary of Visual Science''. 4th ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston 1997. ISBN 0-7506-9895-0 Similar to Von_Graefe's_sign, it is observed in people with Graves-Basedow_disease, a type of Hyperthyroidism. In this Disease, the Immune_system attacks the Thyroid gland and the soft tissues surrounding the Eyes. As a result, the eyes are often pushed forward in the eye sockets, a condition known as Exophthalmos. ==References==
==See also== *Graves_orbitopathy Category:Eponymous_medical_signs Category:Ophthalmology {{eye-stub}}