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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) More at IMDb Pro »

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A young FBI agent disappears while investigating a murder miles from Twin Peaks that may be related to the future murder of Laura Palmer; the last week of the life of Laura Palmer is chronicled.


User Rating:
6.9/10   16,642 votes
David Lynch
Writers (WGA):
Mark Frost (television series Twin Peaks) &
David Lynch (television series Twin Peaks) ...
Release Date:
28 August 1992 (USA) more
Meet Laura Palmer... In a town where nothing is as it seems... And everyone has something to hide. more
A young FBI agent disappears while investigating a murder miles from Twin Peaks that may be related to the future murder of Laura Palmer; the last week of the life of Laura Palmer is chronicled. full summary | full synopsis
3 wins & 6 nominations more
(6 articles)
Lynch hopeful over 'Twin Peaks' scenes
 (From digitalspy. 30 November 2008, 9:22 AM, PST)

Eden Lake art, new Gamera and lots more DVD news
 (From Fangoria. 29 October 2008, 8:41 AM, PDT)

User Comments:
!kcoR s'teL more


 (Cast overview, first billed only)

Additional Details

Also Known As:
Twin Peaks - Fire Walk with Me (France) (DVD title)
Twin Peaks - Les 7 derniers jours de Laura Palmer (France)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, Teresa Banks and the Last Seven Days of Laura Palmer (USA) (working title)
Rated R for strong violence, sex, and drug content, and for language.
135 min
France | USA
Aspect Ratio:
1.37 : 1 more
Sound Mix:
Australia:R (re-rating 2005) | USA:R (certificate no. 31718) | Italy:VM14 | Spain:18 | Iceland:16 | Singapore:PG (cut) | Australia:MA (cable rating) | Australia:R (original rating) | Canada:16+ (Quebec) | Finland:K-16 (re-rating) | Finland:K-18 (original rating) | France:-12 | Germany:16 | Ireland:18 | Norway:18 | Portugal:M/18 | South Korea:(Banned) (original rating) | South Korea:18 (re-rating) | UK:18 | Canada:R (Manitoba/Nova Scotia/Ontario)
Filming Locations:
Everett, Washington, USA more
MOVIEmeter: ?
^ 1% since last week why?
CiBy 2000 more

Fun Stuff

The strange speech in the "dream sequence" was accomplished by the actor speaking the lines backwards. That audio then being played backwards creating an eerie dialect. more
[Cooper and Carl look at the space where Desmond vanished]
Cooper: What was here Mr. Rodd?
Carl: I trailer was here. What the hell d'ya think?
Cooper: Could you tell me whose trailer it was, and who stayed in it?
Carl: Yeah, it was an old woman and her grandson.
Cooper: Could you tell me what their names were?
Carl: Uh... Chalfont, that's it. As a matter of fact, 'Chalfont' was the name of a family that rented this space before, or at the same time. Two Chalfonts. Wierd, huh?
Movie Connections:
References Sunset Blvd. (1950) more
Questions in a World of Blue more


Is there any word on an extended version of the film which includes all the missing footage?
Why does Gordon need to commuicate with Desmond through Lil's code?
Why is Dale Cooper such a small part of the film?
13 out of 15 people found the following comment useful:-
!kcoR s'teL, 1 October 2005
Author: symbioticpsychotic from Melbourne, Australia

There's no doubt about it, Twin Peaks changed the living, breathing face and body of television, the soul and minds of those who watched it, and the attitudes of film and television makers everywhere, who watched what was intended to be a 2 hour Tele-movie become a phenomenon. A phenomenon that dissected the way television was made and shown to its very core, and reassembled it in a fashion that no one had ever witnessed, or dreamed of. A phenomenon that would sweep the world… Not since JR was shot in Dallas had the entire worldwide viewing public stopped to ask itself a question, for one brief, shining, crystallized moment, in 1990… Who Killed Laura Palmer? And so, with David Lynch's Fire Walk With Me, the question is not Who? But rather, Why? This film precedes the TV show, these are the last 7 days of Laura Palmer, and after watching this film, it is pretty apparent why Laura wanted to die, she lived in a world out of her grasp and control, she was desperately fighting what she was becoming, but realized that the forces that were pulling her down, were too strong for her to fight against… I knew someone like that once, and to be quite honest, it has changed the way I look at Laura Palmer. The first time I watched this film was in 1992 when it came out on VHS, I was 16 or 17 and I hated it. It wasn't Twin Peaks. It was horrible and violent and had none of the cuteness and quirkiness and lovable characters of the TV show, and I never watched it again. Watching it almost 15 years on, as an adult, I understand why I hated it so much when I was a kid. As a 16-17 year male, I had absolutely no concept or understanding of what it would be like to be Laura Palmer, completely unable to relate to her, and therefore completely unable to understand or sympathize. Completely unable to understand what it would mean to live in a world where everyone is in love with you, and how that would only make you hate yourself more, when you hate yourself so much already.

This is a really sad movie. It really puts you in to Laura Palmer's world, or what's left of it, briefly. Maybe too brief, but, you know, maybe I read too much in to films, or I get too close too them, but this film has changed Twin Peaks for me forever. And it's quite possible that it will do the same for you. Even though she was dead before the opening credits, I never realized until watching this film again that Laura was never freed, she was always in 'purgatory' if you will, always in the Red Room when we saw her, or seeing a flashback of her murder during the course of the TV show. Fire Walk With Me gives something to Laura Palmer that she had been denied on television.


For the most part, this film was not made for the fans, nor was it made for the money, Lynch made this film for Laura palmer. His love of her is what inspired him to breathe life into her character on the big screen, after taking it away on the small. This is his dance, first and final, with Laura Palmer. It is not ours to be involved with, it is ours only to watch the romance between character and director evolve and be burnt too soon. It is ours only to witness, not too understand or judge, not to ask or question.

From the opening shot, a television with no reception, which is quickly obliterated by an Axe, it is quite clear that this ain't no TV show, and if the symbolism of the TV being smashed isn't enough to tell you that, then the opening scene will. This is the part of Twin Peaks that simply never would have made it to TV. The real Twin Peaks, if you will, the dark, tortured, seedy underbelly of a town with too few people, and too many secrets, the sort of place that exists almost everywhere in the world (with the exception of Cicely, Alaska).

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