Issues: Global Warming

All Documents in Global Warming Tagged fish & fishing

Trout in Trouble
The Impacts of Global Warming on Trout in the Interior West

Issue Papers
Global warming is the single greatest threat to the survival of trout in America's interior west. If nothing is done to reduce human-produced greenhouse gas emissions -- the primary culprit behind global warming -- trout habitat throughout the Rocky Mountain region could be reduced by 50 percent or more by the end of the century, bringing fewer opportunities for anglers to enjoy sportfishing and resulting in serious economic consequences for those who depend on the fishing, recreation and tourism industry for their livelihoods.
Global Warming Threatens Cold-Water Fish
A new study finds that as planetary temperatures rise, salmon and trout are likely to disappear from streams across the United States -- unless global warming pollution is reduced.

Documents Tagged fish & fishing in All Issue Sections

Latin American Wildlands in Danger
Latin America is home to some of the richest forest and marine ecosystems on earth but U.S. commercial interests are fueling the destruction of these vital wildlands.
Fish Out of Water
Issue Papers
In April 2008, state and federal agencies took the unprecedented step of completely closing the commercial fishery for Chinook salmon. And California now faces the possibility of becoming a state where salmon fishing is a thing of the past and where wild, locally caught California salmon permanently vanishes from restaurant menus and supermarkets. This July 2008 issue paper examines the operation of water management projects in the state as one of the most significant -- and reversible -- causes of the fishery collapse and provides comprehensive policy recommendations for restoring and sustaining this treasured resource.
America’s Underwater Parks
The Marine Life Protection Act Safeguards Our Special Undersea Places

Fact Sheet
NRDC is supporting the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) to ensure that California has a system of marine protected areas along its coast to help the rich web of ocean life thrive.
Restoring the San Joaquin River
In the 1940s, a giant dam nearly killed California's San Joaquin River and its legendary salmon run. A court ruling could bring the river back to life, restoring the salmon fishery, providing clean irrigation water for farms and improving drinking water quality for millions of Californians.

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Green Not Just the Color of Money in Vegas
posted by Rob Perks, 12/17/08
Coal Carolers R.I.P.
posted by Rob Perks, 12/17/08