Issues: Global Warming

All Documents in Global Warming Tagged energy policy

Driving It Home: Choosing the Right Path for Fueling North America's Transportation Future
Choosing the Right Path for Fueling North America's Transportation Future

North America faces an energy crossroads. With the world fast approaching the end of cheap, plentiful conventional oil, we must choose between developing ever-dirtier sources of fossil fuels -- at great cost to our health and environment -- or setting a course for a more sustainable energy future of clean, renewable fuels. This June 2007 report explores the full scale of the damage done by attempts to extract oil from liquid coal, oil shale, and tar sands; examines the risks for investors of gambling on these dirty fuel sources; and lays out solutions for guiding us toward a cleaner fuel future.
Testimony on Boucher Discussion Draft
Statement of Daniel A. Lashof, NRDC's Climate Center Science Director, before the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives on May 24, 2007.
A Responsible Energy Plan for America
America's dependence on the polluting energy technologies of the past threatens our nation's economy, health, and security and contributes to the most urgent environmental and public health crisis of our time: global warming. But clean energy solutions exist today. This April 2005 NRDC paper details an energy policy that would enhance our national security, reduce air and water pollution, curb global warming, create jobs, and protect wildlands and wildlife.

Documents Tagged energy policy in All Issue Sections

Fact Sheets from NRDC's Legislative Staff
This new NRDC archive provides position statements on matters of environmental importance pending before Congress.
"All of the Above" Proposal Won't Solve Energy Woes
Special interests in Congress are pushing for dirty fuels, reckless drilling and billions in subsidies -- while neglecting clean energy solutions

Special interests in Congress are pushing for dirty fuels, reckless drilling and billions in subsidies -- while neglecting clean energy solutions
Finding the Balance
The Role of Natural Gas in America's Energy Future

Issue Papers
This October 2008 issue paper discusses how investments in natural gas efficiency cost less and can bring benefits to the market faster than trying to increase supplies through drilling. The paper also provides recommendations for policy solutions that can provide short-term benefits and long-term energy solutions by incentivizing energy efficiency and supporting development of renewable energy sources.
The Real Solution to High Gas Prices
Clean energy and greater efficiency can provide long-lasting relief from high gas prices.

As many Americans are feeling the real pain of high gas prices, oil companies and the Bush administration are peddling a "drill everywhere" remedy that would not have a significant impact on domestic energy production or prices for at least a decade. The only real solution is to develop alternative sources of energy and to use energy more wisely. Congressional support for clean energy technologies, expanded public transportation and greater efficiency for the vehicles of tomorrow -- and those on the road right now -- will take us down the closest and fastest road to relief.

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Green Not Just the Color of Money in Vegas
posted by Rob Perks, 12/17/08
Coal Carolers R.I.P.
posted by Rob Perks, 12/17/08