Issues: Global Warming

All Documents in Global Warming Tagged public transportation

Costa Rica: Setting the Pace for Reducing Global Warming Pollution and Phasing Out Oil
Fact Sheet
Already a world leader in renewable energy use and tropical forest conservation, Costa Rica has declared the goal of becoming the world’s first carbon neutral country. To achieve this goal, Costa Rica must reduce its dependence on oil and increase investment in domestic renewable energy production and demand reduction strategies.

Documents Tagged public transportation in All Issue Sections

If You Build It, They Will Come
Americans Want Smart Growth Alternatives to Conventional Transportation

Fact Sheet
Smart growth land-use strategies, also known as location-efficient development or “new urbanism,” can save Americans saving thousands of dollars a year in transportation costs, improve quality of life, and provide significant benefits for the environment.
Diesel-Electric Hybrid Buses
Issue Papers
A paper addressing the technical and public health issues related to diesel-electric hybrid buses.

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Green Not Just the Color of Money in Vegas
posted by Rob Perks, 12/17/08
Coal Carolers R.I.P.
posted by Rob Perks, 12/17/08