
Review: Mobile Suit Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam

What came out of the Clover factory in 1979 was a long faced, ill proportioned Chogokin style Gundam that bore no resemblance to the sleek Mobile Suit armor that made up the Gundam of what we know today.

Review: Chogokin Bismarck

The main mecha from Saber Riders and the Star Sherrifs!

Review: Bootleg Invincible Robot Gobarian

Invincible Robot Gobarian (고바리안) is another crazy Korean mashup robot that transcends style and culture.

Review: Saint Cloth Myth Leo Aiolia

I've been quiet on the Saint Seiya front here at CDX for a bit but fear not, there is tons of cool stuff coming over the next few months so to get things going again I have a review of Gold Saint Leo Aiolia and his Appendix release. Spoilers exist for those who have not finished watching the series. This is the only warning you get...

Review: Orguss Orgroid (1/60)

Takatoku made some really great toys back in the day... Not sure if this is one of them or not.

Review: Shin Seiki Gokin Getter 1 with Full Mantle

From "Change! Getter Robo: Sekai Saigo no Hi" (a.k.a. "Getter Robo Armageddon")

Review: Spiral Zone Act 10: Monoseed Type III

If there is one item in both the Bandai and Tonka Spiral Zone lines that is remembered by even the most passive toy collector, it is the iconic Act 10: Monoseed. The sheer audacity of the one wheeled designed assault motorcycle along with Bandai’s beautiful multi-media engineering and high craftsmanship resulted in Monoseed being one of the few Spiral Zone acquisitions by non SZ collectors.

Review: Movie Realization Batman & Bat-Pod

Batman & Bat-Pod is a real winner and a toy I think may have slipped by a lot of collectors radar.

Review: Chogokin Space Sheriff Sharivan

Space Sheriff Sharivan is one of the legendary "Metal Heroes" of Japanese Television

Review: Legend of Gokin Karoria Tetsujin (Mass production type)

Soft Garage's Karoria Tetsujin 28 from the Legend Of Gokin line.

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