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IMDb > "24" Day 3: 2:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m. (2004)
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"24" Day 3: 2:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m. (2004)

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User Rating:
8.7/10   165 votes
Bryan Spicer
Joel Surnow (creator) &
Robert Cochran (creator) ...
TV Series:
"24" (2001)
Original Air Date:
17 February 2004 (Season 3, Episode 14)
Regional Director Chappelle forces Jack to undergo a medical evaluation for his heroin addiction. Tony interrogates Nina Meyers. Julia Milliken confronts Sherry after Alan dies while Wayne and President Palmer prepare for the fallout. Nina tries to escape custody after collapsing during the interrogation. | add synopsis
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The Interrogation Hour more


 (Episode Cast overview, first billed only)

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Portugal:M/12 (DVD rating)

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Greg Ellis stated in an interview that Amador was supposed to get his throat slit in this episode, but the writers liked him and decided to keep him around a while longer, opting to kill off another villain instead. more
Continuity: At the top of the hour, the air transport lands at what is described as the airbase at Pt. Mugu, which is near Oxnard in Ventura County - at least 45 miles from what would be the downtown LA headquarters of CTU. But Jack and Nina arrive at CTU as the clock ticks up to 2:09 AM. No way that truck made the transfer in 8 minutes or so. more
Jack Bauer: [holding a gun at Nina, who is lying on the floor] You don't have any more useful information, do you Nina?
Nina Myers: [reaching slowly for a gun and speaking in a raspy voice] I do.
Jack Bauer: No, you don't.
[shoots her three times, killing her]


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10 out of 10 people found the following comment useful:-
The Interrogation Hour, 21 May 2007
Author: ccthemovieman-1 from Lockport, NY, United States

This is the second week in a row that things were pretty quiet, action-wise, but I'm not complaining. These shows are never boring.

"Interrogation" seems to be the theme of this show: Nina, being interrogated by Tony, for what she knows about this Alvers character that seems to be friends with Amador. (Those two meet, with Amador bringing the virus.) Jack is given a medical exam and is interrogated for his heroin habit. He explains the hows and whys he got addicted (to gain the trust of the Salazaar family, drug lords that were in, I am assuming, from the previous year.

In the meantime, there is a baby issue and Chase explains why he is the father of that baby in the office that Chole has been helping out with, and we see a very small bit in which the President is lied to by his ex-wife, who seems to be an expert in that department.

You can see the ending to this episode coming as Jack warned everyone; keep an eye on Nina. I have to say Sarah Clarke as Nina Myers is one of the most interesting villains I've ever seen.

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