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Community Pricing Program

What is Community Pricing?

The Community Pricing program is all about getting more books onto your computer at the cheapest price possible.

We calculate how much it will cost to produce a title; when Logos users together place bids to total that amount, we produce the title. What makes this program unique is that as more users bid, the price moves lower!

The bottom line is...

  • If a title makes it into production, all orders get placed at the exact same price
  • It doesn’t matter how high your bid is; if the final price is lower, you get the low price!
  • By bidding, you determine which books get published first!

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What Should I Bid?

Many people bid too low and miss out on the deals by just a dollar or two. Read the blog post A Bidding Strategy for Community Pricing for some tips.Click a price to bid!

The Commentary of Zacharias Ursinus on the Heidelberg Catechism [DOWNLOAD]

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The Commentary of Zacharias Ursinus on the Heidelberg Catechism [DOWNLOAD]
  Written by the principal author of the Heidelberg Catechism, Zacharias Ursinus provides insight as well as expanded instruction on the monumental confession that has been instrumental in the Reformed Church since its inception. Perfect for further personal study or as a companion text, the Commentary follows the same format of the Heidelberg Catechism, and includes a section of exposition after each of the 129 questions.
  • Zacharias Ursinus
  • 709 pages

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$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18
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Biblical and Theological Studies [DOWNLOAD]

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Biblical and Theological Studies [DOWNLOAD]
  Standing as a testament to Princeton Theological Seminary's spiritual heritage and service to the church over its first 100 years, Biblical and Theological Studies is a collection of selected works from fifteen of Princeton's former students-turned-professors. The reader of this work is given a portal into Princeton's campus from 1812–1912 as if a student enrolled in classes that have been hand-picked by the respected professors' peers. Featured essays by renown theologians and exegetes Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, Geerhardus Vos, Robert Dick Wilson, John Gresham Machen, and Oswald Thompson Allis!
  • Princeton Theological Seminary's faculty
  • 634 pages

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Systematic Theology by John Miley (2 Vols.) [DOWNLOAD]

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Systematic Theology by John Miley (2 Vols.) [DOWNLOAD]
  What is the relationship between theology and philosophy? Between theology and the sciences? And what is the proper task of theology? In his 2-volume Systematic Theology, John Miley presents a unified and concise sum of Christian doctrine which understands God in light of philosophical and scientific criticism, and affirms the veracity of God’s revelation. The depth of Miley’s theological reflection and the clarity of his thought have made his Systematic Theology one of the key texts in Methodist theology ever since.
  • John Miley
  • 2 volumes
  • 1,070 pages

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$4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $22 $24 $26 $28 $30 $32 $34 $36
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Theology of the Old Testament [DOWNLOAD]

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Theology of the Old Testament [DOWNLOAD]
  Gustav Oehler’s Theology of the Old Testament is helpful to ministers and biblical students due to its subject, its wide range of thought, the thoroughness with which the topics are examined and discussed, and the positive results to which the author arrives. Oehler focuses on the supernatural character and gradual progress of revelation in the Old Testament. He is able to embrace the whole field of Israel’s history in its connection with the founding of a kingdom of God among men and weaves the whole into a thorough unity of which the final expression is Christ.
  • Gustav Friedrich Oehler
  • 579 pages
  • Suggested bid: $14

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The Church of Christ (2 Vols.) [DOWNLOAD]

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The Church of Christ (2 Vols.) [DOWNLOAD]
  In this treatise, the author offers a coherent structure of doctrine as he discusses the fundamental principles and leading applications of the doctrine of the church, primarily those commonly received among Scottish Presbyterians. Bannerman brings to the foreground such important topics as the Church's authority—how it received it and how it wields it—the Church's function, essential nature and peculiar characteristics, and the Scriptural form of church government and its relationship to the State.
  • James Bannerman
  • 948 pages
  • Suggested bid: $15

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$4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $20
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A General View of the History of the English Bible by B. F. Westcott [DOWNLOAD]

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A General View of the History of the English Bible by B. F. Westcott [DOWNLOAD]
  In A General View of the History of the English Bible, renowned New Testament scholar B.F. Westcott calls attention to some points in the history of the English Bible which have been neglected. According to the author, the history of the English Bible is a type of the history of the Church, and both histories have suffered similar fates. Those who labor most successfully upon them generally confine themselves to outward facts, and don’t trace these facts back to their ultimate sources, or notice the variety of elements which go to form the final result. Hence, with A General View of the History of the English Bible, Westcott endeavors to rectify this oversight and fill an unfortunate gap in scholarship. As he states himself, “As far as I know no systematic inquiry into the internal history of our Authorized Version has yet been made, and still no problem can offer greater scope for fruitful research.”
  • Brooke Foss Westcott
  • 356 pages
  • Suggested bid: $14

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Sacred Rhetoric [DOWNLOAD]

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Sacred Rhetoric [DOWNLOAD]
  Following in the footsteps of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Horace, Quintilian, and countless other preeminent thinkers, Sacred Rhetoric: A Course of Lectures on Preaching marks the great Southern theologian Robert Lewis Dabney’s deft foray into the utmost concern of all preachers – the eloquent oration of God’s Word. This non-denominational textbook, based on Dabney’s years of teaching Pulpit Rhetoric in Union Theological Seminary, advances the practices of the classic rhetoricians while emphasizing the specific needs of the Christian preacher.
  • Robert Lewis Dabney
  • 361 pages
  • Suggested bid: $12

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$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18
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Commentary on the Psalms by E. W. Hengstenberg (3 Vols.)

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Commentary on the Psalms by E. W. Hengstenberg (3 Vols.)
  This commentary on the Psalms by Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg, a 19th century German Lutheran theologian and exegete, is still widely known and cited and is considered a solid addition to the personal library of any serious student of the Old Testament. Hengstenberg is cited hundreds of times in works such as Pulpit Commentary and Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the OT. The translator and editor of Calvin's Commentaries also makes frequent reference to the works of this 19th century German Protestant commentator.
  • E. W. Hengstenberg
  • 1,664 pages
  • Suggested bid: $20

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$4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $22 $24 $26 $28 $30 $32 $34 $36
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Commentary on Matthew and Mark by John J. Owen [DOWNLOAD]

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Commentary on Matthew and Mark by John J. Owen [DOWNLOAD]
  An ordained minister in the Presbyterian church, John J. Owen (1803-1869) taught as a professor of classical languages in the Free Academy, New York, until he was made vice-principal of that institution in 1853, in which capacity he served until his death. An eminent classicist, Owen's translations of Greek works were highly acclaimed and his biblical commentaries were well received. When this commentary was published, the North American Review had very favorable things to say about it: "...Completeness, precision, and conciseness characterize his commentary. On the few passages which can be supposed to refer to disputed dogmas, he accords, as we should expect, with the Trinitarian and Calvinistic interpretation; but, on these, he does not merge the critic in the controversialist, and still less does he obtrude his own peculiar opinions where the text does not demand their expression. His notes are learned, yet without the ostentation of learning, and devout, without the parade of personal feeling. They contain all that the common reader needs, and nearly all that the scholar can furnish, for the elucidation of the text. In thoroughness, in critical impartiality, and in their tokens of profound biblical scholarship, we deem them preferable to Barnes’s Commentaries, which we nevertheless hold in high esteem, while they are parallel with that series in their adaptation to popular use." Full title: A Commentary, Critical, Expository, and Practical, on the Gospel of Matthew & Mark, for the use of Ministers, Theological Students, Private Christians, Bible Classes, and Sabbath Schools.
  • John J. Owen
  • 501 pages
  • Suggested bid: $10

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$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18
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Commentary on Luke by John J. Owen [DOWNLOAD]

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Commentary on Luke by John J. Owen [DOWNLOAD]
  An ordained minister in the Presbyterian church, John J. Owen (1803-1869) taught as a professor of classical languages in the Free Academy, New York, until he was made vice-principal of that institution in 1853, in which capacity he served until his death. An eminent classicist, Owen's translations of Greek works were highly acclaimed and his biblical commentaries were well received. When this commentary was published, the North American Review had very favorable things to say about it: "On the appearance of Dr. Owen’s previous volume, we expressed our high appreciation of his learning, skill, and impartiality as a critic. That estimate is fully sustained by the Commentary on Luke. We are particularly pleased with the adaptation of the work equally to the use of the Biblical scholar and the needs of the merely English reader. No important critical question is ignored or slighted; and yet there is not a sentence beyond the comprehension of an intelligent and thoughtful child. Equally admirable is the union of the critical and practical purposes, which a popular commentary should subserve at the same time..." Full title: A Commentary, Critical, Expository, and Practical, on the Gospel of Luke, for the use of Ministers, Theological Students, Private Christians, Bible Classes, and Sabbath Schools.
  • John J. Owen
  • 400 pages
  • Suggested bid: $10

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Bible Studies by Adolf Deissmann [DOWNLOAD]

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Bible Studies by Adolf Deissmann [DOWNLOAD]
  In the preface to this work, Deissmann writes, "Bible Studies is the name I have chosen for the following investigations, since all of them are more or less concerned with the historical questions which the Bible, and especially the Greek version, raises for scientific treatment." In fact, this book revolutionized New Testament scholarship by demonstrating convincingly from Egyptian papyrus scraps that the Greek of the New Testament was not a specialized, spiritual language or "Holy Ghost Greek." One of the great biblical scholars of the 20th century, Adolf Deissmann strongly opposed the idea that New Testament writers used a sacred language and worked to show that it was, indeed, the ordinary language spoken by common people. In Bible Studies, Deissmann shares his observations from then-newly-discovered papyri and inscriptions, shedding light on the language, literature and religion of Hellenistic Judaism and the New Testament church. Full title: Bible studies: contributions chiefly from papyri and inscriptions to the history of the language, the literature, and the religion of Hellenistic Judaism and primitive Christianity.
  • Adolf Deissmann
  • 384 pages
  • Suggested bid: $16

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The New Testament for English Readers (4 Vols.)

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The New Testament for English Readers (4 Vols.)
  Henry Alford published the third edition of his New Testament For English Readers in 1872. The work's subtitle explains that it contains "the Authorized Version, with marginal corrections of readings and renderings, marginal references and a critical and explanatory commentary." It is Alford's verse-by-verse commentary and lengthy book introductions that give this work its lasting appeal. The KJV text and margin notes will not be reproduced in the Logos edition, but the commentary and introductions will be included in their entirety. In his commentary, Alford brought within reach of English readers many findings of the German text critics, and introduced a wider audience to this new exegetical approach. His approach was marked by a shift from primarily theological, homiletic concerns to those of philology, historical studies, and text criticism. This set is available used in hardcover from between $60 and $150.
  • Henry Alford
  • 1,941 pages
  • Suggested bid: $24

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Barnes' Notes on the Old and New Testaments (14 Vols.)

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Barnes' Notes on the Old and New Testaments (14 Vols.)
  Albert Barnes and James Murphy wrote this 14-volume commentary on the entire Bible (KJV), verse-by-verse from Genesis through Revelation. Published in the 1800s, it is still well-loved and well-read by evangelicals who appreciate Barnes' pastoral insights. The publisher's list price for this commentary set in hardcover is $170 and another Bible software package makes it available for $90. If enough customers place pre-orders, this title can be made available to Logos Bible Software users for a much lower price!
  • Albert Barnes and James Murphy
  • 10,000+ pages
  • Suggested bid: $90

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$10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 $110 $120 $130 $140 $150 $160 $170
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