Index of properties within WebElements

This table has links to all the periodic properties included within WebElements.
Link to definition of property
Abundance of elements (Earth's crust)
Abundance of elements (oceans)
Abundance of elements (meteorites)
Abundance of elements (stream)
Abundance of elements (sun)
Abundance of elements (Universe)
Abundances in humans
Accurate mass of the isotopes
Atomic number
Biological role
Block in periodic table
Boiling point
Bond enthalpy (diatomics)
Bulk modulus
Covalent radius 2008 values
Covalent radius
Critical temperature
Crystal structure
Effective nuclear charge
Electrical resistivity
Electron affinity
Electron binding energies
Electronic configuration
Element bond length
Enthalpy of atomization
Enthalpy of fusion
Enthalpy of vaporization
Examples of compounds
Group numbers
Hardness _ Brinell
Hardness _ Vickers
Health hazards
History of the element
Ionic atom_sizes (Shannon)
Ionic radius (Pauling)
Ionic radius (Pauling) of monocation
ionisation energies
Isotope abundances
Isotope nuclear spins
Isotope nominal mass
Isotope nuclear magnetic moment
Lattice energies
Linear expansion coefficient
Meaning of name
Melting point
Mineralogical hardness
Molar volume
Names and symbols
NMR frequency
NMR isotopes
NMR magnetogyric ratio
NMR quadrupole moment
NMR receptivity
NMR relative sensitivity
Poisson's ratio
Properties of some compounds
Radius metallic (12)
Radioactive isotopes
Reactions of elements
Reduction potential M(aq)
Refractive index
Registry number
Rigidity modulus
Standard atomic weight
Standard state
Superconductivity temperature
Term symbol
Thermal conductivity
Thermodynamic properties
Valence orbital R(max)
Van der Waals radius
Velocity of sound
X_ray crystal structure
Young's modulus

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Isotope data Crystal structure Electronic data History Geology Atom sizes Compounds