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Andrea Sigust

New Orleans Religion & Spirituality Examiner
After years of working in diverse industries, Andrea started her own business as a writer and business developer. She has a Bachelor of Science in Journalism, and publishes a monthly edition that promotes intimacy with God, and wholeness in every area of life.


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Does God dislike wealth?

December 20, 6:28 PM

The message of financial prosperity is a hot topic in today’s religious teachings that has many divided opinions. Some verses in the Bible warn about the negative traps of wealth. Other verses say that God gives us the “power to get wealth”. (Deut 8:18) On the surface, these sound like opposing positions. But overall, I think they actually compliment each other. When it comes to wealth, or anything else; if we don’t understand the purpose of something, as human beings, we tend to abuse it. And in God’s economy, there's a difference between the benefit of wealth and the purpose of wealth.

First let me say that wealth is truly a relative and subjective term. If you start out with $10, and 15 years later, you’re moving toward being debt free, with $5,000 in the bank; you’re progressing in wealth, just as the person with $1000, and 15 years later, is a millionaire. Why? Because it’s not really about what someone else has: it’s about what you have, and what you do with it. We all have to start wherever we’re at. We all make decisions in how we move forward individually, as we try to enjoy the journey along the way. So, at whatever pace or amount you progress: it’s all good; and it’s all gain in the area of wealth.

From a Biblical prospective, the purpose of wealth isn’t financial stability, cars, houses, bling, etc: those things are the benefits of wealth. And YES --- God likes to see us enjoy the benefits of wealth. 

“Let the LORD be magnified, who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant “Psalms 35.27

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today” Deuteronomy 8:18

But in God’s economy, in the midst of enjoying the benefits of wealth, the purpose of wealth is to get things done for Him here on earth; according to how He directs us individually. He will direct some people to build “this”; other people to give into “that”; and someone else to do “the other”; all weaving a tapestry of fruitfulness.

I think conflicts arise when we either confuse the benefit of money with the purpose of money; or resolve to make the benefit of money a priority over the purpose of money. And a lot of times, this isn’t done purposefully or out of greed. Many of us; including myself, really didn’t know about money from Biblical prospective, beyond donations and avoiding ill use. You work; pay bills; buy stuff; save some; and give to church or charity: which is great. But having a real understanding about money as God sees it as it pertains to everyday life -- beyond church donations -- for many of us has been scarce at best. God is progressive. He likes to see us give it to others AND grow it for ourselves. However, if our only purpose of getting wealth is to buy jeans, a car, etc; then we’ll constantly feel pressured to stay fixed. Why? Because money used strictly for benefits with no real purpose, is materialism. It’s always consumed; and it will never grow into anything beyond the “fix”. It doesn’t matter if you sell dope or bibles; are rich or poor --- that’s the case with all of us.

The Bible says that God gives us our ability to get money. He cares about a 10% you give to His work; and He also cares about the other 90%, in how you honor yourself, your life and your responsibilities. There are times when you may go thru rough financial periods for number of reasons. But we have to try not to define our life, but what was meant to be a season -- even if the season is longer than expected or desired. He cares about your relationships; including your relationship with money in life – not just donations. Be balanced; be wise; and be well.


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