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- You do not need to provide any personal information to read, use or participate in
- does not share any information with third parties.

Our services and services provided by third parties
We provide certain services (email, forums, chat, cards and shop) in association with third parties. We have established affiliate programs with some websites in order to provide free services to you and to the Nordic community. The websites we rely on ensure the highest levels of security for privacy and anti-spamming. These third parties have their own security and privacy policies. does not share any information with third parties. If you feel concerned about those issues, please read their privacy policies and terms of agreement separately.

  1. Shopping at The Scandinavian Shop has established an affiliate relationship with several merchants and online shops to give you the chance of purchasing Nordic articles. If you click on a link for a title on the Scandinavian Shop you will be taken to the merchant's website where you can complete a secure-server purchase for these products. The merchant will carry out the credit card transaction on their own web site and ship the items you have purchased directly from their warehouses.
    The websites rely on ensure the highest levels of security for privacy and anti-spamming. Please refer to the merchant's privacy policy for further information.

  2. Email
    Our free email service is entirely provided and managed by Please refer to their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy pages.Please note that will never ask you to provide any personal information, password or credit card details by email. Neither will send you an email asking to open an attached document. This is a common practice used by email viruses which can fake email addresses. If you receive a suspicious email from any email address, please report it to us.

    No Spam! is against the sending of unsolicited bulk email communication. Visit EuroCAUCE, The European Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email to learn how to trace and report spam.

  3. Forums and Chat
    You don't need to register as a user to use the Forums and Chat. Be aware that publishing your phone number and other personal information may encourage other users to contact you. We would like to remind you that you are solely responsible for what you say or what you do online. Please be polite and respect other people's opinions.
    You agree to not transmit to the Forums any content that is abusive, hateful, or otherwise objectionable. The IP address of all posts in the Forums are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. is not responsible for any content uploaded to the Forums.You do not need to register as a user to use the Forums and Chat. You can access them free. If you want, however, you may register a personal username. For this, you will be required to enter your chosen username, password and email address, which will be stored in our Forums system.

  4. Newsletter
    You may subscribe/unsubscribe to the newsletter at any time. We hold the database of the subscribers to our newsletter and we don't share it with any third party.

  5. Send a Card
    The service is provided by

  6. Travel has established affiliate relationships with leading European Travel agent websites so you can purchase plane tickets, car and hotel reservations through the links in our website. You will be taken to the travel agent's website where you can complete a purchase for these products. The credit card transaction will be carried on their own web site.
    The websites rely on ensure the highest levels of security for privacy and anti-spamming. Please refer to their privacy policy for further information.

  7. Advertisers partners with advertising companies to serve Nordic-related advertisements when you visit our website. Our third-party advertising company will place a cookie on your browser when you click through the ad to register that you have visited their website through
    The websites rely on ensure the highest levels of security for privacy and anti-spamming.
"E-mail this story" service:
A user can electronically forward an article to someone else by clicking the link at the bottom of a story. The user provides a valid e-mail address for both the sender and the recipient in order to ensure that the service functions properly and to inform the recipient who sent the story. None of this information is used for any other purpose.

External Links contains links to other sites. We do not necessarly subscribe their philosophy and we are not responsible for the content or practices of such websites. If you feel concerned about those issues, please read their privacy policies and terms of service separately.

Additional Terms
The use of this site is exclusively in accordance with our Terms of Agreement. Should you have any questions about this privacy policy or about the practices of this site, please contact us.

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