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Aimee Kligman

NY Foreign Policy Examiner
Born in Egypt and now a New Yorker, Aimee has lived the Middle East Conflict and brings an expert eye to the region's news, Check her bi-lingual blog at Women's Lens.


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How Foreign Policy affects Humanitarian Crises

December 25, 1:33 AM
by Aimee Kligman, NY Foreign Policy Examiner
The Richest countries in the world are not responding accordingly to humanitarian crises plaguing the neediest and the poorest. Unfortunately, intervention into a "crisis" seems to be a response only when the helping hand can take something back. We have seen this with not only places like Darfur, where massacres and disease are rampant, but also in Rwanda, the Congo, etc...

Doctors Without Borders (photo) has just released a report listing the top ten humanitarian crises which they deemed were "neglected medical emergencies". Let's examine where they are and why we are not involved. 

1. Congo - there's no oil there, right?

2. Somalia - nothing we can take over here either

3. Iraq - well, we caused the crisis, what do you expect?

4. Sudan - we asked  China to intervene, ask them.

5. Myanmar - they wont' let anyone into the country; why isn't Thailand or Cambodia handling this?

6. Zimbabwe - there's no talking with a madman like Mugabe; why isn't Johannesburg stepping in?

7. Pakistan - well, now that Musharraf is gone, the situation is a bit different. There's been too much violence and we fear that humanitarian aides might be endangering their lives.

8. Ethiopia - it's terribly hot there, isn't it? 

According to a Reuters' account "The other two crises on the list were not in particular countries, but rather cross-border problems."

In all fairness, we cannot rest the blame entirely on the G8. Corrupt and greedy local governments are doing very little to help their own people, and in some cases, the territory is far too dangerous for peacekeepers, let alone humanitarian care givers. It therefore becomes difficult to dole out assistance "impartially". 

Topics: humanitarian aid , Africa , violence , dictatorship
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