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Scandinavica en Français

Nous avons traduit plusieurs pages de notre site web en français afin de faciliter votre lecture.

Édition de Décembre - Article du Mois:
St Olav's Way: The Pilgrimage to Nidaros
In the Middle Ages pilgrims from all across Northern Europe came to Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim to visit St Olav's tomb. Today, modern pilgrims can follow the restored St Olav's Way, a 640km-long pilgrim path between Oslo and Trondheim. Read more here..>>
St Olav's Way: The Pilgrimage to Nidaros

Julbock, the Yule GoatJulbock, the Yule Goat
The Yule Goat is a typical Scandinavian Christmas ornament made of straw which is used as decoration throughout the home. Plus..>>

Finland celebrates 90 years of Independence Finland celebrates 90 years of Independence
On the eve of the Independence Day, on 5 December 2007 at noon, all of Finland will dedicate a moment to celebrate independence.

Snow and ice cover drastically reduced Snow and ice cover drastically reduced
Most of the global ice and snow cover is rapidly declining. This is the main message of the UNEP report “Global Outlook for Ice and Snow” which was presented in Tromsø, Norway, in June 2007. Download the full report here..»

Havhingsten, the Sea Stallion from GlendaloughHavhingsten, the Sea Stallion from Glendalough
In the 9th century AC the Vikings invaded Ireland and founded the city of Dublin. Now, 1200 years later, 65 modern Vikings will sail from Scandinavia to Ireland onboard the world’s biggest reconstruction of a Viking Age warship. Plus..>>

Denmark sets a national goal of 30% renewable energy by 2025 Denmark sets a national goal of 30% renewable energy by 2025
Prime Minister Anders Fogh Ramussen announced "'The government's overall vision is to make Denmark independent of fossil fuels. That's a long-term goal, but we need to take the first steps now". Denmark is already the world's leader in Wind Power.

Bryggen, Bergen, Norway UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Many places in the Nordic Countries have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites for their outstanding cultural or natural importance for the heritage of mankind. Plus..>>

Norwegians in Kiandra, Australia Norwegians in Kiandra, Australia
Researcher Norman W Carke discovers that the oldest ski club in the world was created by a group of Norwegian miners in the now abandoned township of Kiandra, Australia. Plus..»

Norwegian fjords and the world's best tourist destination Norwegian fjords are the world's best tourist destination
The prestigious magazine National Geographic has chosen the Norwegian Fjords as the world's best tourist destination. Watch the Norwegian Tourist Board's promotional video.

Sweden will be the first oil-free country in the world by 2020 Sweden: the first oil-free country in the world by 2020
The Swedish government has announced that Sweden is planning to become the world’s first oil-free country by 2020. The nation will cut-off completely the nation's dependency on fossil energy and will switch to clean, renewable energy. But will they really make it? Plus..>>

Book a Scandinavian Ferry, Flight, Holiday HomeTraveling to Scandinavia?
Now you can book a ferry, book a flight and find a holiday cottage, apartment or hotel in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland Travel..>>

Guides de Voyage et Cartes à La Boutique Scandinave Guides de Voyage
Voulez-vous découvrir la Scandinavie? Avant de partir, renseignez vous et organisez votre voyage. Guides de Voyage de Scandinavie et Pays Baltes à La Boutique Scandinave

Viking JewelryViking Jewelry: Viking pewter, silver and gold Jewelry. Pendants and necklaces from $8.99 to $54 at The Scandinavian Shop

Casual Nordic FashionCasual Nordic fashion: Keep in style and show your Nordic origins. T-shirts and ringers from $9 at The Scandinavian Shop..»

Nordic StickersNordic flag stickers and oval car stickers from $2.99 at The Scandinavian Shop
Pays du nord
Islande Norvège Danemark Suède Finlande Îles �land Îles Féroé Shetland et Orkney Les Sames et la Laponie Groenland Estonie, Lettonie et Lituanie Scandinavie dans le Monde
Votre Email
France - Scandinavie à prix réduits!
France - Scandinavie avec Sterling, la compagnie aérienne scandinave à prix réduits. Départs de Nice à Copenhague, Stockholm et Oslo.

Parlez une nouvelle langue!
Vous aimez la Scandinavie ou vous avez des amis nordiques. Apprendre une nouvelle langue, c'est facil et enrichissant, mais surtout très utile car ça vous permettra de mieux comprendre le pays et de vous intégrer dans sa société. Nous avons fait une sélection des meilleurs cours et dictionaries en français pour vous aider dans la tâche.

Cherchez vous un(e) ami(e) nordique?
Cherchez vous un(e) ami(e) scandinave? Veuillez trouver ici some conseil et directions pour vous aider...

Annuaire Nordique
Les webs nordiques les plus utiles

Offices de tourisme
Nordique Amérique
Etats-Unis, Canada..
Média Nordique
TV, radio, journaux
Nordique Europe
Allemagne, GB, France
Economie, Immigration
Nordique Monde
Australie, Asie, Afrique
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
Emploi en Scandinavie
Education Nordique
Universités, instituts
Vos amis
Pen pals, amitié, amour
Education Monde
Etudes nordiques chez vous
Caméras Web
Scandinavie, Groenland..
Musées, festivales..

Islande / Norvège / Danemark / Suède / Finlande / Îles Åland / Îles Féroé / Shetland et Orkney / Les Sames et la Laponie / Groenland / Estonie, Lettonie et Lituanie / Monde

À la Une...

Copenhage, Danemark - M�t�o
Oslo, Norv�ge - M�t�o
Nykoping Skavsta, Stockholm, Su�de - M�t�o
Helsinki, Finlande - M�t�o

Islande / Norvège / Danemark / Suède / Finlande / Îles Åland / Îles Féroé / Shetland et Orkney / Les Sames et la Laponie / Groenland / Estonie, Lettonie et Lituanie / Monde

� 2001-2007
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