Articles by Laura King

859 articles since 2002

Report cites Afghans’ collusion in attack that killed 9 U.S. soldiers

World | By Laura King and M. Karim Faiez | 12:00AM, November 7
Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan, and Istanbul, Turkey – A U.S. military report released today said at least two local Afghan officials were believed to have colluded in a July attack by insurgents on a remote outpost in eastern Afghanistan that killed nine U.S. soldiers. Read more

U.S. military probes claims that airstrike hit Afghan wedding party

World | By Laura King and M. Karim Faiez | 12:00AM, November 6
Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan, and Istanbul, Turkey – The U.S. military said today it was investigating a report that an American airstrike hit a wedding party, killing dozens of civilians and prompting new pleas from President Hamid Karzai that foreign forces try harder to avoid hurting and killing noncombatants. Read more

Afghan war to loom large for new U.S. leader

World | By Laura King | November 5, 2008
The next U.S. leader will inherit a war in Afghanistan that is certain to play a central role in his presidency, a conflict whose cost in blood and money is escalating even as many Afghans speak of a growing sense of peril in their daily lives. Read more

Airstrikes kill 27 in Pakistan

World | By Laura King and Zulfiqar Ali | November 1, 2008
Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan, and Peshawar, Pakistan – A pair of missile strikes hours apart killed at least 27 people Friday near the border with Afghanistan, only days after Pakistan demanded that the United States halt an intensifying campaign of using Predator drones to hit at Taliban and Al Qaeda militants. Read more

U.S. airstrike killed key Al Qaeda figure in Pakistan, official says

World | By Laura King and Sebastian Rotella | October 31, 2008
A U.S airstrike in northwest Pakistan is believed to have killed a front-line leader of Al Qaeda, anti-terrorism officials said this week, continuing an aerial barrage that has angered a key American ally but is thought to have hurt the network’s operations. Read more

Suicide bombing in fortified Afghanistan government building kills 3

World | By Laura King | October 31, 2008
A suicide bomber managed to penetrate a heavily guarded Afghanistan government ministry in the heart of the capital today and blow himself up, killing at least three other people and wounding more than a dozen others. Read more

Pakistan earthquake kills at least 150

World | By Laura King and Mubashir Zaidi | October 30, 2008
A powerful earthquake today jolted a swath of rural southwest Pakistan near the Afghan border, killing at least 150 people and leaving thousands of others homeless after their mud-brick homes collapsed. Read more

Prospect of peace talks rises in Afghanistan

World | By Laura King | October 29, 2008
The Afghan war is at its highest pitch since it began seven years ago, growing daily in scope and savagery. Read more

Helicopter is shot down and bombing kills 2 coalition soldiers in Afghanistan

World | By Laura King | October 28, 2008
Insurgents today downed a U.S. helicopter in a province near the capital, the American military said – a highly unusual feat for the Taliban. Read more

Two foreign DHL officials slain in Afghanistan

World | By Laura King | October 26, 2008
Security for Westerners in Afghanistan took a sharp turn for the worse today when an Afghan security guard working for the international shipping firm DHL shot dead the company’s top two officials in the country before killing himself, Afghan officials said. Read more
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