By Series - Great Events from History II: Human Rights Series

  1. A. H. Robins Must Compensate Women Injured by the Dalkon Shield
  2. African Americans Riot in Watts
  3. African Convention Expands the Definition of Refugees, An
  4. Albania Opens Its Borders to Foreign Nationals
  5. Algeria and Egypt Crack Down on Islamic Militants
  6. Algeria Gains Independence
  7. Algeria Holds its First Free Multiparty Elections
  8. The American Civil Liberties Union is Founded
  9. Amin Regime Terrorizes Uganda
  10. Amnesty International Exposes Cruelty of Death Penalty
  11. Amnesty International Is Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
  12. Amnesty International Is Founded
  13. Amnesty International Starts Program to Prevent Torture
  14. An APA Report Discusses the Homeless Mentally Ill
  15. Arab Terrorists Murder Israelis at Munich Olympics
  16. Argentina Conducts “Dirty War” Against Leftists
  17. Argentine Leaders Are Convicted of Human Rights Violations
  18. Arias Sánchez Is Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
  19. Armenians Suffer Genocide During World War I
  20. The Atlantic Charter Declares a Postwar Right of Self-Determination
  21. Atrocities Against Congolese Laborers Are Exposed
  22. Autoworkers Negotiate a Contract with a Cost-of-Living Provision
  23. The Balfour Declaration Supports a Jewish Homeland in Palestine
  24. The Baltic States Fight for Independence
  25. Barbie Is Tried for Nazi War Crimes
  26. Basques Are Granted Home Rule but Continue to Fight for Independence
  27. The Belgian Government Annexes the Congo
  28. The Berlin Wall Falls
  29. Bern Conference Prohibits Night Work for Women
  30. Bhutto Becomes the First Woman Elected to Lead a Muslim Country
  31. Biafra’s Secession Triggers Nigerian Civil War
  32. Black Leaders Call for Equal Rights at the Niagara Falls Conference
  33. The Black Panther Party Is Organized
  34. The Blue Lake Region in New Mexico is Returned to the Taos Pueblo
  35. Bolsheviks Suppress the Russian Orthodox Church
  36. Botswana Natives Given Limited Representation by Advisory Councils
  37. Bourlag Receives the Nobel Prize for Work on World Hunger
  38. The Boxer Rebellion Fails to Remove Foreign Control in China
  39. Brandeis Becomes the First Jewish Member of the Supreme Court
  40. Brazil Begins Era of Intense Repression
  41. Brazilian Police Massacre Slum Dwellers
  42. Brezhnev Doctrine Bans Independent Behavior by Soviet Satellites
  43. The British Labour Party Is Formed
  44. British Soldiers Massacre Indians at Amritsar
  45. British Troops Restore Order in Northern Ireland
  46. British Workers Go on General Strike
  47. Brown v. Board of Education Ends Public School Segregation
  48. Burundi Commits Genocide of Hutu Majority
  49. Calley Is Court-Martialed for My Lai Massacre
  50. Canada Develops a National Health Plan

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